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My smiling face.Animated GIF of my name.

If you're lost trying to find the current work on the Market Street Pub homepage, you may just find it over here.
Hi, this is my homepage. Duh. I am designing this with the intention of creating an idiosyncratic, but hopefully interesting personal journal for public consumption. If you're interested in employing me, take a look at my resume and portfolio. If you're really not interested by all this, hit backup.

If that didn't work, your browser doesn't support JavaScript. So I guess you're stuck with the menu button. This page is primarily aimed at Netscape Navigator, currently the 2.0 flavor. If you want more technical details, you can read my mission statement/construction note later on.
Maurice Sarns, AFN29467@AFN.ORG

Here's a Bit of My Family

Lithograph of a beam engine, linking to a page on my grandfather's machine shop.

My Mechanical Ancestors
It's entirely possible that you live near a Sarns Machine Shop. It's not a chain, just a habit. On my father's side of the family, machine work is part of a long tradition. Here's a little background on of one of the earliest Sarns Machine Shops, started by my Grandfather Maurice Augustus Sarns.

Lithograph of a wolf, leading to a page on my sister Kathy.

Women Who Cross-Train with Wolves
My sister Kathy lives in Alaska, works as a graphics artist, skis 200 miles at a time for fun, and is running out of squeaky toys for her two wolves.

Lithograph of a boy with a spinning toy, linking to a page on my brother Tommy

He's a Nice Kid in the Long Run, But Who Likes Long, Runny Kids?
My brother Tommy is another computer gearhead, currently living it up in the bright lights of Tampa. He hasn't sent me much personal info on his life lately. So, here's what I have so far.

Blank silhoutte of a woman with animated question mark, linking to a page on my mother.

Yes Mom...
My mother watches the news, so she knows that the Internet is seething with weirdos, stalkers, and people with bad haircuts. I have therefor been prohibited from giving any information about her on my page. In lieu of that I decided to post a pic of her fiercesome, vicious, really nasty guard dogs.

Logo for Screaming Viking Mead, leading to a page on my experiences as a spokesviking

Spam, Mead, and Glory
Beware of short Scandinavians with a business plan. Through no fault of my own, I've become a corporate mascot. The following is the terrible (terribly violent) story of how I became Olaf, official spokesviking for Screaming Viking Mead and the strange and twisted story of Fred Buhl's twelve-step-plan for world domination.

A lithograph of a cook, leading to a page about my rantings on cooking.

To Serve Mo
I live in Gainesville, so I have of course spent a lot of time in the non-chain food industry. This area will gradually be filled with my personal ravings on practical and effective cooking.

Lithograph of a printing press, leading to my page on professional work in electronic communications.

Mo and His Resume
I thought I would actually use this space for commentary on the work I've done in electronic publishing. I have, however, been spending too much time on doing it to spend much time writing about it all. So, the best thing seems to be to just give you a link to my resume and my portfolio of stuff.

Yes, I live in Gainesville

A lithograph of people cavorting around a table, leading to a page that lists my favorite places in Gainesville.

Here are a few of my favorite spots in Gainesville

Lithograph of a pressboy, leading to my sarcastic little sendup on the latest attempt of net censorship, known as harm to minors.

Oh man, the CDA is on the ropes, so the next great idea is "harm to minors." Since I can't resist temptation, here is something guaranteed to cause harm to minors.

Are You Ready to Crash Your Browser?

Tired of all that mucking around with graphics? Over all that human interface stuff? Well, JavaScript now makes it possible to get there without enjoying the trip. Just select and press the button to go to your destination. Isn't science wonderful?

Yeah, Yeah...
It's another Personal HomePage

A lithograph of a man with a wheelbarrow, my alternative to the cheesy yellow under construction signs. This links to my page on technical notes about this page.

Tired of the same old personal homepage? Here's my apology and mission statement.

Back Up the Page

image of the local web counter.

Maurice Sarns, AFN29467@AFN.ORG