SVM Logo Screaming Viking Mead

My friend Fred has been a brewing fanatic for many years. A while back he won a state competition for his mead. He was going on after that about his idea to start brewing a commercial mead called "Screaming Viking." I sketched out a logo idea on a napkin and he liked it. So I drew it up on computer and gave him the postscript file.

the viking with na' trouse

That seemed to get the ball rolling for him. Pretty soon Fred started working on finding the suppliers and a winery to make his mead. Fred's Mead Company was born. One day, while I was at the Market Street Pub, he and his partner Ray came in and asked "How Are You At Screaming?" The result was that I became the mascot for the company.

So now we go to public events, fairs, and special promotions hawking Screaming Viking Mead. It's a lot of fun giving away free mead to hundreds of people. I've been told it builds up good karma. (The hair is real, the fur is fake)

board meeting

Here's Fred and myself having a board meeting at the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire . Pretty late in the afternoon actually. Neither one of us remembers this photo being taken.

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