A Tribute to Alan Lomax
September 2002

A full afternoon and evening of music, story telling, dancing, food, fun, and friendship fraternizing and a long good-bye. Thursday, October 5, noon to 11 p.m.

Steve Blackwell, Tammerlin: Lee Hunter and Arvid Smith, The Ashley Gang, Cathy DeWitt, Bill and Eli Peres, Clyde Crawford Trio, Don Oja Dunaway, Gabe Valla, Sam Pacetti, Lars Din, Dale Crider, Lis Williamson, Elizabeth Roth, Robbin Bach, David Dowling, Steve Fritz, Ste Claire, Brian Crescenzo, Dick Kraft, John Winters... Special Guest Appearance by Stetson Kennedy

Adults $8:00; Students $5:00; Children under 12 Free.

Location: In the vintage Pecan Grove at The Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice's Teaching Farm at the intersection of C.R. 18 & 227, off Hwy. 301, Graham, FL.

Info: 352 468-3295

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