Subscription Info

Individuals: $1-200
Low/No income: $0-5
Groups: $25
Rich Groups: $40

Write: Iguana, c/o CISPLA
P.O. Box 14712
Gainesville, FL 32604
Write checks to "Iguana."

Advertising Rates

$20 business-card size (3.5 X 2 inches)
$30 double business-card (3.5 X 4 inches)
$40 quarter page (3.5 X 4.75 inches)
$70 half page (4.75 X 6.5 inches)
$120 full page (7.5 X 9.5 inches)

note: Rates are for print issues only.

Questions? Call 352 378-5655.

Comments, Suggestions, contributions (written or financial) are welcome.
To list your event or group [in and around Gainesville], call (352) 378-5655.

The Iguana is published monthly by volunteers. Circulation is 5000.

Hard copies are printed on recycled paper.

Authors have sole credit and responsibility for their articles.

History of The Gainesville Iguana

home (this month's iguana)

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