Millions for Mumia: Philadelphia April 24
March 1999

April 24 is the internationally-recognized day of protest in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the political prisoner from Philadelphia who is on death row. April 24 is Mumia's birthday, but the main impetus is that the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court denied Mumia's appeal for a new trial and Pennsylvania governor Thomas Ridge said he will sign a death warrant for Mumia Abu-Jamal's execution.

Mumia is a journalist who was hated by the Philadelphia police department because he spoke out against brutal attacks on the Move organization, including the incident when Philadelphia bombed and burned their home. Mumia was convicted of killing a police officer who was beating up his brother. Mumia was shot in the incident and nearly died. He was convicted in a bizarre trial which included suppressed evidence, used his political beliefs to portray him as wanting to kill white people, and prevented him from defending himself.

Supporters are calling for a new trial for Mumia and for the freedom of all political prisoners held in U.S. prisons. School walkouts are scheduled for Friday, April 23. For more information nationally, call Millions for Mumia Mobilization, (212) 633-6646. For information and carpooling locally, call Jason at 380-0745.

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