
YOU are encouraged to join the Foundation and be a part of this community effort for the year. Membership shows your support of the Foundation's goals and activities. Membership Dues offset administrative expenses such as the Florida non-profit corporation fee; the Florida charities registration fee, postage, supplies, and miscellaneous. There is no expense for salaries or wages since everyone associated with the Foundation are volunteers in service to the community. Dues in excess of these administrative expenses are placed in the General (emergency) Fund. Members are provided a membership card, and are entitled to vote at Foundation meetings on activities, directors, officers, etc.

Membership dues are $10.00 per calendar year. Unless specified as back dues, dues payments October 1st or later are applied to dues for the following calendar year.

Membership dues are deductible for income tax purposes. The Lafayette Penny Foundation, Inc., is a "qualified organization," as described on page 3, IRS Publication 526, "Charitable Contributions" (3-98).

To become a member of the Foundaion, or to renew your membership, mail $10.00 to The Lafayette Penny Foundation, Inc., P. O. Box 884, Mayo, FL 32066-0884 or use the MEMBERSHIP FORM provided.

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