The FCoC Roll

Here is listed the officials and known membership of the First Church of Cyberspace. If you are a member and are not listed, or are interested in becoming a member feel free to contact us.


The First Church Of Cyberspace is overseen by an internal organization known as The Pentacular Curia, which consists of five members:
  1. The Right Reverend Benjamin D. Pollack
  2. The Right Reverend David Burdette
  3. The Right Reverend Jeff C. Mercer
  4. The Right Reverend Mitchell Silverman
  5. The Right Reverend Sean
    Email address Unknown
Other members of the First Church of Cyberspace who hold official positions outside of the Pentacular Curia include:


Other members of our congregation who have no specific title include: / July 29th, 1996