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Chum Kiu

  1. Chum Kiu trains the stance and the waist,
    The arm bridge is short and step is narrow.
  2. Eyes are trained to be alert,
    The chi flows in perpetual motion.
  3. Strive to remain calm in the midst of motion,
    Loosen up the muscles and relax the mind.
  4. Turning the stance with circular movement,
    Will allow superior generation of power.
  5. When opponent's arm bridge enters my arm bridge,
    Use escaping hand to turn around the situation.
  6. Pass by opponent's incoming arm bridge from above,
    Without stopping when the countering move has started.
  7. Lan Sau and Jip Sau,
    Put opponent in danger.
  8. Do not collide with a strong opponent,
    With a weak opponent use direct frontal assault.
  9. A quick fight should be ended quickly, No delay can be allowed.
    Use the three joints of the arm to prevent entry by opponent's bridge,
    Jam opponent's bridge to restrict his movement.
  10. Create a bridge if opponent's bridge is not present,
    Nullify the bridge according to how it is presented.
  11. The arm bridge tracks movement of opponent's body,
    When the hands cannot prevail, use body position to save the situation.
  12. Using short range power to jam opponent's bridge,
    The three joints are nicely controlled.
  13. Where is opponent's bridge to be found?
    Chum Kiu guides the way.