Kung Fu Rascals

The Story

In the distant past, an ancient evil known as the Bamboo Man hoardes the legendary Sunstone Map of Kowloon, a key to a power... a power... a power most... big.

The Bamboo Man's plans, however, are endangered when Chen Chow Mein, master thief, steals the map and joins up with his pals Reepo and Lao Ze, the rest of the Kung Fu Rascals.

When the Kung Fu Rascals seek the help of the Old Wise Guy and decipher the mystery of the map, the Bamboo man sends the evil (and mondo cool) Sheriff of Ching Wa County and his henchmen(?) Dar Ling and Ba Foon to stop them from getting to the Power Most Big.

Things start to look dark when Lao Ze is captured by the psychotic Imperial Torture Master. Will the Kung Fu Rascals prevail in their darkest hour? What do you think?!

Image gallery

Click on the thumbnails below to see the full images:

Character Shots
Click me HERE... for interrogation!
The Bamboo Man
Hmm... should have used sunblock...
There's a reason we never see Bamboo Man in broad daylight...
Soon *I* will have the power!
She Witch
The Devious Duo
The Sheriff of Ching Wa County and The Imperial Torture Master

Movie Scenes
Reepo getting scared
I see... that it is empty!
Lao gets his fortune sold, err, told to him by the Old Wise Guy
This technique's not obsolete!
Chen using the Sticky Flypaper Technique
Neo Titan gets ready to rumble
Meta Spartan models the latest seaweed

All images courtesy of Steve Wang. Thanks, Steve!

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