Mo's Portfolio

Well, here are a few examples
of the kind of work I've done
in the desktop publishing field.
My current work is kind of
mixed in everywhere on the
home page for the
University of Florida
Graduate School.

Stuff for Community Education

This is the cover from the first annual report I did for the Stewart Mott Davis Center for Community Education

This is the cover from the 1994 annual report summary that I did for the Stewart Mott Davis Center for Community Education

Here's the cover to a survey instrument I designed. It gathered the information for the annual reports our center produced. The county offices all found this a really tedious process, so I tried to create a little humour through the graphics to acknowledge the need to "go through hoops."

This is the cover for the big honking training manual we put together for helping Community Educators to implement the state's Blueprint 2000 educational development plan. I still get alkaloyd flashbacks from all the coffee I drank on this one.

This is a section divider from the Blueprint 2000 manual. The rooms on the plan correspond to each section--get it? This layout, without the maps, was used for the text pages. The large rectangular area had the main text in a single column--very important on a large document where big sections can change suddenly. The side bar provided a nice space for glossing, subsection headers, and user notes.

A cover for a report by Florida Phi Delta Kappa. I did the graphic in Freehand.

A nice example of layouts for an overhead projector--high impact but a simple design. We are here to read the words, aren't we?

Miscellaneous Work

Here is the three-fold brochure I did for the Alachua County Red Ribbon Campaign. (First side is going through the glitch stage right now.)

Here is the logo for Screaming Viking Mead, orginally done in Freehand. (Actually, originally done on a bar napkin.) This is a new local company, you can find out more about it elsewhere on my homepage.

This is a three-fold brochure I did for Davendra Welty, who is marketing compact dish systems.

This is a three-fold brochure for the East Coast Professional Development council.

This is an introductory pamphlet, I made this up for Osceola Middle School in Ocala, Florida.

This is the redesign of the offical logo for the Adult and Community Educators of Florida.

I did the Freehand work on this design for a local video store.

One of the various ads I did for The Orginal Book Gallery. It was the largest used book store in north Florida, with over 300,000 volumes. It was great doing work for them because they wanted quirky stuff that would catch the interest of serious readers. We got stomped into the ground by Barnes and Noble.

Quick, Dirty, but Effective

Sonofagun, that's how you align headers!

This is a quick and dirty cover I did for a Community Education Conference. I quite like the way it looks clean and has immediate impact, even though it is delivering a rather lenghthy message. You might also notice that it thoroughly breaks the publishing rule of limiting the number of typefaces on one page. Including the pencil (which is a Zapf Dingbat) this page presents five different faces.

Another quick and dirty design. I went real simple because this was just slapped on a WordPerfect printout of a proposal paper. Also, the paper would be revised in committee, and I didn't want to give the opportunity for some bright lads to waste an hour redesigning the cover.

I was told not to spend a lot of time on this layout. The teacher portfolio was, however, a concept with a lot of detractors. So I tried create a warm effect for the logo. It is repeated in a smaller format on subsequent pages. The same single column layout was also continued, which allowed for easy changes when the proposal changed and plenty of space for notes while the various committees addressed the proposal.

Here arer the draft stages of a home page for
The Stewart Mott Davis Center for Community Education.
Things changed and they decided later
not to do a home page. So this is as far as it got.

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