OK, Folks, you asked for it... Mike's Picture

You now have Mike Webb
on the World Wide Webb!

Welcome to Mike Webb's Portal to the World Wide Webb. (Hey, folks--I didn't make that cornball phrase up. Others did, and I'm just running with it. Serves some of y'all right for all the "Spider Webb" cracks you made when we Webbs were kids.) As I develop my site, this home page will serve as the portal to my varied interests and the different aspects of my life. There'll be places to go, people to see, things to support. Things that you may not have been aware of before, but have become an important part of my life (much of it not by choice, but by the various struggles I've had to face). My desire is not to create another "cutesy home page where you can see my collection of Beanie Babies" (in my case it'd be penguins anyway--GO LINUX!), but a place where you can leave feeling you've gained something by your visit to the World Wide Webb.

I support the "Best Viewed With Any Browser" campaign; if my pages don't come up quickly and make sense on my old copy of Netscape 3 running on a low-end 486, on Lynx or via ACCMAIL (Accessing the Internet by E-Mail) means, they get overhauled. No frames. No Javascript. No Shockwave Flash. Few or no sounds. A limited number of fast-loading graphics. The focus: good stuff to enrich your life as you view this site and to enrich mine knowing I've helped someone else.

Areas I intend to develop include;

Welcome to the World Wide Webb!

I Hope You Find It To Be a Blessing to Your Life.

My email address is "afn15029 AT afn DOT org". Friends are welcome. Trolls and spammers aren't (which is why I had to change my address to a munged form that people can figure out but spambots can't).

Trademarks referenced on this site belong to the respective holders and are being respected, with or without a [tm]. If you are the registered holder of trademark rights to "The World Wide Webb", send me the proof and I'll come up with something else to call this site. (P.S. If "The World Wide Webb" is a trademark infringement, you're going to be busy!)

Mike Webb's Portal to the World Wide WebbBest Viewed With A Browser

Version 1.05 - Prepared 2002-02-24, Last Updated 2005-09-24

Best Viewed Eyes