This page will just be full of random stuff that don't not fit nowhere else.
Video Clips

Sound Clips

Andy speaks! Below are 12 sounds Andy made for AOL. See, AOL is good for something. You can download them individually or all together. My recommended ones are below.
Gimme the whole shebang(467k)

An autographed picture of AR. Click on the pic for a normal size pic of it, but click HERE for a monster head I unwittingly made with the scanner. Man, Andy's got a BIG head.

To get your own real life Andy head picture with scribbles, send a 8x11 SASE to :
Late Night with Conan O'Brien
30 Rockefeller Plaza
Room 901W
New York, NY 10112

I have a sad anecdote about when Andy came to the University of Florida to speak.
Back before Andy was famous, he starred in an audio tape."Huh?", you ask? Well, he voiced a character named Max in an audio short story called Black Noise. He plays an assassin who is hired to kill a mad scientist guy, but he runs into trouble on the job. It's sort of neat to hear Andy do this kind of thing. There's no real comedy in it, and he lowers his voice a bit to make him sound more menacing and 'assassiny' I guess, but you can still tell that it's him. This story is on one side of the tape, there's another story (with no Andy) on the other side. The whole tape is called "Audiophobia" and you can actually order it from a place called Lodestone. Just do a search under the 'horror' genre. It costs about 13 bucks.
