II.251 ...In the Blue Room, a girl sits huddled, arms clasped about her knees, chin almost resting on her knuckles...she stares out the bay window in which she sits, eyes unfocused, off-violet hair falling limply down her back. Her dress hangs as wilted gossamer about her in waves, and her peep forth from the folds bare and delicate. Her features are chiselled porcelain, though her expression be pallid wax. She stares out toward the sea, and rocks back and forth, singing in a soft, tinkling voice... "Glow, little glow worm,.. glimmer,.. glimmer,.. I know a girl who could be slimmer,.. She has buck teeth, hair's peroxide,.. In the moonlight, she looks cross-eyed,.. I don't care what my friends all say,.. ...I like my self anyway.." ...and behind her eyes, ghosts flicker back and forth to mirror her rocking... User: Fireflyte... ...not all splinters remain whole... Date: 25-Apr 07:01 PM 767300506
II.252 Just make sure you don't throw a red t-shirt in the washing machine with your white towels, or you'll be the Pink Ranger.... ;) Meanwhile, in the VPD Prison.... Daricell Copperpot sat quietly on the edge of her cot. The prison was unnaturally silent, as she waited for the death that she knew would come to her soon... Was she ready? Are any of us ready to die? She had requested a priest for Extreme Unction. Once a Catholic, always a Catholic, she thought, and a tiny smile curved her mouth for just a moment. She was prepared for the anointing, and the rebirth of the spirit, if not for the death of the body that would soon follow. She would be nothing but a memory soon...would anyone remember her? It seemed as though everyone she'd ever known had forgotten her, except Ben, who had so ably defended her, and Maharet. But Maharet was missing now, too, and time was running out... Would Zoro live to miss her? Above all, she wished she could see him once more, before she entered the gas chambers. Footsteps echoed in the hall, and Daricell stood up, smoothing the blue prison fabric of her pants with trembling hands. The door to her cell swung open, and in walked Cardinal Ximinez. "You requested a priest?" he asked. "I didn't expect them to send you," she replied, relieved to see a familiar face. "Well, of course! No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! So, Last Rites, huh? Now, let me see if I remembered to bring that anointing oil... Do you think tanning oil would do? No, that's not right... ah, here it is..." User: Daricell -- "The anointed one?" Date: 26-Apr 03:08 PM 767372943
II.253 Next @ the VVC: Prepare to meet thy DOOM[tm]... =============================================================================== = "Great!" RECYCLER whines. "Now we're finished for sure! Thanks a lot, CADO, I really _wanted_ to die a premature death..." "We'll miss you..." DRAKEHART says, sarcastically. Cado just stares at the zombies... "Cado, I think there may be a way out from here," says ROMANTIC, "but it's ...Cado! What are you doing??!!" Cado, completely oblivious to the shoutings of his friends, continues to stare at the zombies, who have mysteriously stopped in their tracks. "Oh, great!" Recycler continues to gripe. "Now he's gone nutso! We're never going to get out of here, I tell you! This is a death trap! This is..." Suddenly Cado stretches out his arms toward the zombies...and a hurricane- force wind howls through the tunnel, sending them flying back till their bodies smash into a rock wall. Recycler shuts up... The wind dies down. Everyone stares at Cado in disbelief. "Come on," he says finally. "Let's get out of here. I can't keep that kind of thing up too long." No one moves. Cado sighs. "I told you there was a lot to this that you wouldn't understand. Now come on...we have to get out of here!" The party moves back through the tunnel, retracing their steps and recalculating the paths. Some time later, they draw near the temple they originally came into. "Ahannos is not far behind," says Cado. "He'll be here any minute. We've got to work fast." He removes the key from around his neck ...and hands it to Rom. Rom looks up at Cado quizzically. "What am I supposed to do with this?" Cado looks into her eyes and lays a hand on her shoulder. "You'll know," he says softly. "You've been here longer than I have--the magic flows in you as it does in me." Rom looks at the key, swallows, and nods slowly. Cado turns and begins walking toward the outside exit. "Hey, wait!" DELIRIUM exclaims. "Where are you going?" Cado turns around. "I have some unfinished business here..." he says. "When you get back to the Cafe, tell Traveler...tell him I'm sorry." With that, he walks back towards the stairs that lead down, to the outside of the temple, by the rocky shore... The party stands around uncertainly for a moment. Then Romantic steps forward and speaks. "Okay then...I guess we have to go on. The temple is just ahead, right?" She looks at the map in SANCTUARY's hand. But before another word can be spoken, another contingent of undead appears ahead of them, pale and silent. They whirl around--to find the opposite end of the corridor also blocked. "That's it...it's time to go for the high score," says Drakehart. "I brought a few things I didn't tell Cado about--I figured we probably wouldn't need 'em. But we need 'em now." He opens his backpack, and removes: A large handgun, which he tosses to Delirium; A shotgun, which he throws to Sanctuary; A chainsaw, which he keeps for himself. "I don't think I need that kind of weapon," Rom says with a small smile. "What about ME?" says Recycler. "Improvise," replies Drakehart, yanking the saw's ignition cord. As it roars to life, the zombies advance, and he shouts... "LET'S PLAY US SOME DOOM!!!" User: Cado + Traveler Date: 26-Apr 04:58 PM 767379564
II.254 Next @ the VVC: Who ya gonna call? Ghost... =============================================================================== Morning... The White Room has opened again. The scents of eggs, bacon, coffee and fresh pastries mingle in the air, as breakfast sizzles on the grills in the Kitchen. It is rave day at last, and TRAVELER walks around the Cafe with anticipation as well as dread. There is still no sign of the rescue party, or of GHOST; he's tried calling and e-mailing SYLVAR about the status of DARICELL's trial (almost everyone missed the coffee man's brief stop at the VVC to brew some java and pick up XIMINEZ), but the info-lines all seem to be backed up. He has been able to get through to the airport, and confirm that several internationally renowned DJs--the special guests at "Divine Rebirth"--are flying in on schedule. He's arranged for taxis to meet them, and accomodations for them during their stay; right now he's paging through a printout containing information on the various DJs which Orpheus was kind enough to extract from the Net. "Hmmm...`M.C. Basic Boy--famous Berlin techno artist, known for his melodic, minimalist keyboard compositions that show influences from Erik Satie to Kraftwerk. B.Y.O.M.--stage name of the American DJ known as much for his vegetarianism and Christianity as for his sample-heavy music. Tex Hapwin-- eccentric 23-year-old loner from Cornwall who dropped out of electronics school to make dream-inspired ambient soundscapes with his studio of completely home- built synthesizers.' These guys should put on quite a show between them tonight...but nothing's gonna happen unless Ghost shows up and gets the whole damn setup working!" Speak of the devil. There is a sqeal of tires out front, and then the front doors slam open to reveal VBI Agent (and erstwhile busboy) STEFAN, and prodigal lighting technician Ghost. "Time to get to work!" he says. "It's about time!" Trav says with relief. "First of all, I'm going to need some black curtains, a UV light, and a string of Christmas lights..." "Uh, we've got much more advanced stuff than that already--" "That's just for my temporary Fortress of Solitude in the Blue Room, where I'm going to program the routines which will control the whole rave lighting system," Ghost says, striding towards the Blue Room with manic speed. "Now, for the rave itself, I'll need some more exotic stuff. For starters, a big vat of chocolate pudding...say, about a hundred gallons. It's a good conductor, under ...certain unusual conditions." He smiles weirdly. "And these will be very unsual. Then I need someone to drive towards town and pick up a few cows. They'll be standing in a field at this address..." He hands Trav a scribbled piece of paper. "You'll know them 'cause of the orange X's spray-painted on their sides. Don't worry, they said it was ok." "Who said it was ok? The cows' owners?" "OWNERS? What do you mean? They're COWS! Do YOU have an owner? Just have them brought here by this afternoon. You can list them on the bill as... special project consultants..." Traveler shakes his head as Ghost, mumbling to himself, walks off. "At least he's here...in body if not in mind..." "Trust him, Trav," says Stefan. "He's only explained a little of his plan to me...but believe it or not, I think he knows what he's doing..." User: Traveler Date: 26-Apr 07:15 PM 767387717
II.255 Next @ the VVC: Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble... =============================================================================== "I hope GHOST cooks up something interesting with all this stuff," TRAVELER says to himself. "But speaking of strange recipes...that reminds me..." He returns to his office and shuffles through the dossier of historical documents related to the Cafe that still sits on his desk. He pulls out a sheaf of several yellowed sheets, and looks at it with a smile. Then he turns and goes back downstairs... To the kitchen, where he finds the ever-industrious DIQMAN rolling out some dough. "Here's something you might want to see," he tells the baker, who wipes his floury hands on his apron and takes the proffered papers from Trav. "You said you wished you had a magic potion to cook up--well, here are some recipes." "`Ye Do-It-Thyself Grimoire: Being A Collection Of Divers Potions, Remedyes, & Concoctions...'" Diqman reads the aged sheets with interest and amusement. "Well, some of these ingredients may be pretty hard to find...mandrake root? Athelas blossom?" "But look, this one is a mixture for dispelling `Evyll Humours & Atmospheres'...and this one is guaranteed to work `Against Ye Vyle Spells Of Sorcerers & Necromancers'...exactly what we need! If you can work on some of the more conventional ingredients, I think I know where I can get some of the more unconventional ones. We may have some kind of defense against Ahannos after all..." Leaving the magical recipes with Diq, Traveler heads to the now-quiet Black Room to make a phone call. He pulls from his shirt pocket a small business card made of thick, expensive card stock, and bearing only a name and phone number printed in old-fashioned script. He dials the number at the bar phone, and a moment later, a man's German-accented voice answers. "Schuller here--how can I help you?" "I'd like to speak to LYDIA, please." "I'm afraid that's impossible. This number is reserved for important clients--" "I know. She gave it to me. Tell her it's Traveler." There is a brief silence. Then, "Very well. One moment, please..." User: Traveler Date: 27-Apr 09:32 AM 767439159
II.256 *awhile beforehand* ...a thin, mousey-looking girl with plain brown hair cut page-boy style slowly climbs the stairs to the Ivory Tower. Clad in a plain white button-up shirt, and black slacks, she looks oddly out-of-place amidst the gothic atmosphere...she is stopped at the door by a bored-looking male attendant. "Halt. By whose invitation do you enter?" Deadpan, the girl lies, "Traveler, you fool. Stand aside." The doorman flips to a page in his roster, nonplussed, and asks, "Name?" Coldly, she replies, "It's not on there, I just asked him five minutes ago. If you want me to go drag him away from his rave preparations to prove it, you'll have to deal with the consequences." A trifle startled, albeit reassured by the abrupt tone, the guard blinks a moment, and then lets her pass. She thinks to herself, "Fool. Fascinating, how easy it seems to be to take whatever you wish, if you portray the proper attitude." Entering the virtually vacant sitting room, (ECSTASY having gone 'hunting' earlier) she crosses directly to the bookshelf, selects a particularly arcane tome about the Kabbalah, and sits in a dark corner to read. Her glasses seem enormous in the dim light, glinting like something out of Madeleine L'Engle's _Wrinkle In Time_, and the girl herself seems to almost fade to intangibility behind them as she becomes absorbed in reading... User: Fireflyte... ...gee, what would the Kabbalah help with?...:P ;) Date: 27-Apr 10:17 AM 767441896
II.257 *outside the VVC, by the edge of the rave clearing* ...a crackle of static mingles with giggling, as a glowing, winged figure ducks behind a tree. She peeks out, like a pre-schooler, at the builders and technicians... she sees the people wiring together lighting equipment, and giggles again, ducking behind the tree, to be sure she isn't seen. An idle dragonfly buzzes near, vaguely perplexed by this strange, translucent figure. She looks at him, cocks her head sideways, and questions it, "Hellobuggyfriend,...neverseena'flytebefore?theraveisreallycomin'longihopethey don'tforgetsometoysweallneedtoysneedtoysdon'tyouthink? Goodbuggyfriend, niceta meetcha--haveyouseenmyfriendstheylooklikemebutnotquiteyousee'nithinkibug'em causeineversleepandrarelybreatheandithinktheymustbedependantonthisoxygenthing causetheyjustseemtomakefaceswheniaskthemthingsandtheyalwaysusedtoteaseaboutitbu t nowthey'reallovertheplace,andidon'tknowwhereandwereallyshouldbegettingbackthoug h i'dreallyliketogototherave,thoughidon'tthinkMs.Spockwouldwannagoshe'ssuchastudy hound,andfury'salwaysbitter,buti'msurethey'dlikeitiftheytried,nowwouldn'tthey?? " ...the dragonfly ponders this, flits up a foot vertically, ponders it again, and then idly rests on a leaf, perplexed. The Flyte is nonplussed, and shortly becomes distracted by a random selection of leaves, which fascinates her for a few hours...until a vehicle arrives with a small group of cows, at which point she becomes immediately absorbed with watching them, occasionally stopping to babble at the dragonfly still perched on the leaf, pondering the first thing she said. Dragonflies are not known for their grasp of logic, which was probably helping, in this instance... User: Fireflyte... ...isonlysometimeshyperbutneedsmoretoysmoretoys,yesyesyes??? Date: 27-Apr 10:38 AM 767443124
II.258 ...On the newly-constructed stairwell at the corner joining the Red and Black Rooms, a figure stands with eyes narrowed, listening to the approach of the gendarme's car. She sniffs the air uneasily, as her fur blows back briskly in the sea breeze off the Bay. By her feet, a sturdily-built tan-and-white patched cat looks up at her questioningly. She replies with a soft purrling noise in her throat, and absently stoops to scratch the kit behind the left ear. He nuzzles her hand briefly, then trots off toward the gardens...she hears the front doors of the Cafe' faintly, and creeps up the stairs to the patio off of Traveler's offices. She flattens herself in the curve of the building where Trav's offices meet his private quarters, and peeks in the window, to observe the conversation between he and the gendarme. Her catlike ears flatten as she hears the gutteral tones of the policeman, and a barely-audible growl rumbles low in her throat. As he leaves, she pulls back from the window, and suddenly turns at a sound above her...there, perched on the edge of the roof above her, a wiry figure grins down at her,...short, blonde hair curling partly over one pale grey eye. She speaks quietly, with a vaguely amused tone... "My, my,...the people you meet on rooftops..." "Gypsy! What the Hell happened? Why are we *here*? I've been keeping out of sight, once I found out I was tangible,...individual..." The blond girl chuckles..."My dear, it seems that Time could use a joint..." she jumps nimbly down to the feline zoomorph's side, and winks. "Seems we cracked. Literally." "But how?" "Ahannos is screwing around with the astral plane. Lotsa magic, heavy vibes. The barriers between the spiritual and the physical plane have been "fuzzing out", so when someone is at low ebb, and "in tune" to that plane, they are vulnerable to crossing it. InleRah split. We split. Some who haven't split have 'crossed' in other ways." She licks her lips uncomfortably, and glances at the Ivory Tower... "So what do we do?" "Get back to Inle. She may need us. I've been 'listening' to the rest of us. Ms. Spock's looking into finding anything that might help from old arcana,...Fury's gone..hunting. Flyte's all static, and Dreamchilde's useless. Can't find Salome. Looks like it's you and me." She shrugs. Songdancer swishes her tail irritably, and then nods. She follows the blond girl up onto the roof, and inside through a repair duct. "Yay, building codes..." she mutters, chafing at the confines and the acrid smell of the metal. The two make their way to Trav's office shortly after he goes to check on things, running into Ghost downstairs...they replace the grid covering the duct carefully, and cautiously enter the room where Inle sits, in struggle. She looks up upon their entering, and blinks in alarm... "...the HELL?" she blurts out. Squinting, she recognizes faint commonalities in the features..."Uh,...Shauneen? ...what?..." Gypsy shrugs, and grins wryly..."It seems to be all the rage lately,...you trend-setter, you... ...no, seriously, we're here to help. We're just not all here. What can we do?" User: Fireflyte... ...hail, hail, the gang's all...where? who? Date: 27-Apr 11:29 AM 767446176
II.259 "Did I ever mention," Drakehart says off-handidly, "that I'm one of the few people who can play DOOM with my eyes closed?" He smiles and an image of a scorpion under a sun-heated rock flickers through your mind. User: I gotta show Electric Boogaloo "Brain Dead" Date: 27-Apr 01:39 PM 767454014
II.260 Next @ the VVC: And then there were five... =============================================================================== Having concluded his conversation with the mysterious LYDIA, TRAVELER walks into the Kitchen, and over to the cellar door. "I know it won't hasten things...but I'm going to go down again and see if they've showed up," he says to himself. The lights seem to have failed in the cellar, so he takes a flashlight from beside the door. His footsteps echo amidst the wine racks. Suddenly there is a flare of blinding light from the west wall. Trav reflexively crouches down, throwing up an arm against the glare. From nowhere a wind pours through the chamber...and now the light forms a brilliant doorway. The silhouette of a human figure forms in the radiance, and emerges. He watches as another one follows...and another...and two more. "Five?" he says under his breath, as the light begins to fade. "Only five? But that means..." One of the new arrivals steps forward, but Traveler's eyes are too dazzled to identify him, even in the beam of his flashlight. "Wh-what happened?" "We lost one," a low, male voice says quietly. "How? Who??" "It was like this..." User: Traveler Date: 27-Apr 04:24 PM 767463858
II.261 Cado walks out of the temple...out to the water's edge again. He climbs up onto a steep rock and stares out over the water. The clouds are still swirling rapidly in the sky, black and gray from the strange energy that circles the temple. The water is restless and choppy...mostly grey with many white peaks...rolling and turning... _I've got to concentrate_ he thinks. _I don't know how I'm going to stand up to him...I can barely keep myself up._ Cado tries to relax his mind, but it is a difficult feat for all the tension he feels knowing that Ahannos will be upon him any minute. He lets the sounds of the wind and the crashing waves fill his head. Softly, as if from very far away, he hears the song again...It builds slowly...quietly...until it becomes solid in his mind. Almost without his awareness, the wind wraps around him...and before he realizes it, he is out over the water once again, with a swirling pool of foam below him...The song continues to flow through him...he swoops and sways with each note, the wind moving with him... Suddenly the seas become turbulent with a fury like never before. Cado whirls around to see the old man hovering above the water about 100 yards away. <> Cado hears the words of the old man in his mind. <> The music becomes strained...distorted...Cado's mind begins to cloud... _Oh, no you don't, old man!_ Cado concentrates to rid himself of the spell Ahannos is casting. Slowly, painstakingly, calmness returns to him. <> With that, a large gusher of water spouts up directly under Cado... Cado dodges it just in time to avoid being completely engulfed...only to crash into the second spout that Ahannos raised directly behind him. Completely soaked and lost for all concentration, he begins to fall out of the sky, to the water below. As he falls, he hears the laughter of the old man in his mind... Completely enraged, he musters every bit of concentration he can and catches himself just above the water. He swoops up and jets straight for Ahannos, pulling with him a large wave intended to roll Ahannos into the rocky shore. Ahannos stays steadfast where he is, just chuckling to himself. <> The wave disperses into thin air, sending Cado tumbling head over heels above the temple. He tries to regain himself, but is so exhausted he can barely concentrate... <> Cado finds himself flying through the air on a straight collision course with the temple spire...faster and faster...he can see the tip of the spire homing straight in on his heart... Suddenly, he feels himself shoot straight up, away from the temple... _What? Did he spare me?_ He looks down at the old man. Ahannos is tumbling over the water, doubled up like he took a punch in the stomach... _the HELL?_ "Howdy stranger..." Cado whirls around to see Romantic hovering in the air behind him, the portal key dangling from her neck. He suddenly feels strong again, and regains control... "You didn't expect to survive fighting him alone, did you?" She says, scoldingly... Cado is at a loss for words. "I...I had to...I knew...You know--" "--I know," she interrupts. "I swear, you're the greatest attempted martyr I've ever seen. Let's get out of here." With that, Romantic takes hold of his hand, and together they dart down toward the balcony entrance to the altar, where the portal awaits them... The old man's voice comes through clear and strong in their minds... <> he bellows. <> With that, Ahannos sends a crushing wind with forces beyond any known hurricane toward the fleeing pair. Rom tenses up, frightened. "Relax!" says Cado quickly... "It will go through you." Cado and Rom turn to face Ahannos and his wind, blocking out everything in their minds except the sea and them. They join hands and link their forces... The wind crashes upon them...but barrels completely through them, as if they were not there! Finally, the nightmare gale passes, and they remain untouched. Ahannos looks quite worse for the wear, and quite infuriated. He goes after them instead. "How did you know it would go through us?" Rom queries. "I didn't," Cado replies guiltily. Rom glares at him for a second. "Well, let's get out of here...we made it, but I don't think the temple was so lucky..." And certainly, the temple has taken the brunt of the wind, and is now beginning to shake and crumble on it's foundation. Cado and Rom dart into the balcony window with Ahannos following close behind... User: Cado Date: 28-Apr 10:44 PM 767573064
II.262 Next @ the VVC: How RECYCLER saved the day... =============================================================================== "It was like this," says Drakehart, as he stands in the Cafe cellar, and begins the story... ...CADO has just run off to find Ahannos, and presumably engage him in a one-on-one battle. Seconds later, two parties of zombies have cornered the rest of them in a corridor, and an all-out fight for life has begun. Luckily, Drakehart had a few special items: a handgun, a shotgun, and a chainsaw. Those went to DELIRIUM, SANCTUARY, and himself, respectively. ROMANTIC has picked up some understanding of the magic forces that the place was awash in, and is able to use them to generate winds, fireballs, and other diversions. And RECYCLER? He appears to have nothing except his towel... "Fall back!" shouts Sanctuary, as he blasts a couple of the undead to smithereens, and crouches to reload. The party has mostly incapacitated the guards in the group behind them, but those ahead of them are still numerous, and advancing. Drakehart darts briefly from the front to the rear, in order to run his chainsaw through one of the enemy. Meanwhile, Delirium covers the front, plugging away at the zombies with her Walther PPK. "We should be able to backtrack and take another route!" shouts Romantic over the melee. Unable to stop the advance of the zombies blocking the way ahead, the party gradually retreats, cutting down the last of those behind them. When the path is clear, they take off running. Recycler trails behind, whipping his rolled-up towel at the pursuing undead. "Hey, look, guys, I'm holding 'em off! Ha ha ha!" "Will you SHUT UP!?!?" shouts Drakehart. Recycler complies quickly. At the next intersection, Romantic, in the lead, turns to Delirium, carrying the map. "Which way?" Delirium points right...and sure enough, at the end of the corridor in that direction, they see a staircase to the temple level. "Let's go!" As they reach the stairs, Sanctuary glances back and says, "That's strange ...they're not following us." Troubled, they make their way upstairs, and finally emerge into the large temple chamber... ...Only to find that the guards have gotten there before them, by some other route. Over a dozen hissing zombies now block their path. "This is worse than being a tree at a loggers' convention!" Recycler whines. "Do you realize how stupid a joke that was?" says Sanctuary. But something odd has happened...the zombies have reeled back a bit, and some are holding their heads. "Gee, they've headaches this big, and they've got Ex-Dead-rin written all over 'em! Get it? Ex-Dead-rin? They're zombies..." The rescue party groans...but the zombies groan louder, and stagger around in actual pain. "Your jokes are affecting them!" says Delirium. "I hate to say this... but...but...TELL MORE!" A smile lights up Recycler's face--he's found an audience. "Hey, guys, great to be here tonight. Did you hear the one about the guy who threw a watch out the window? He wanted to see time fly!" A couple of the undead actually fall down and writhe on the floor... User: Traveler Date: 28-Apr 11:33 PM 767576019
II.263 Next @ the VVC: The last laugh... =============================================================================== Suddenly Romantic senses Cado--in trouble. "I've got to go," she says quietly, and runs toward a side door leading to a balcony. The others look after her quizzically, but then return their attention to Recycler. "Thirty days hath Septober, April, June and no wonder. All the rest have peanut butter, except for my grandmother. She rides a little red tricycle! Ha! I love that, especially the part about the tricycle..." Now over half the guards have collapsed, twitching in pain. "I don't believe it," says Drakehart. "He has a use after all." "You all go ahead upstairs to the portal," says Recycler. "I'll talk to these guys till Rom and Cado get back." The other three nod mutely, and head for the stairs leading to the portal chamber. Delirium turns back briefly. "Hey, Recycler...knock 'em dead." He grins. "Live long and perspire!" She winces, and heads up the stairs. As Sanc, Drake and Delirium reach the stone dais, they find Cado and Rom are already there. "We just flew in...long story," says Cado. The floor beneath them suddenly trembles, and peering over the edge, they can see that parts of the fortress' facade are crumbling and collapsing. "This place isn't going to hold together much longer...we've got to open the portal and go. Where's Recycler?" "He's the reason we got through! He's holding off the zombies with bad jokes," says Sanctuary. "Someone better go downstairs and get him--I'll do it." "Cover your ears," Romantic says with a wink. "I'm going to begin opening the doorway, so make it fast...we have to run." Sanc nods, and darts down the stairs. Rom holds the key out in front of her, and begins concentrating... Downstairs in the temple, more zombies have come in, and now Recycler has to direct his jokes to his front and rear. The undead audience is still reacting fatally to his humor, but those who haven't yet been taken down by it are slowly advancing. Sanctuary raises his shotgun and lets a couple shells fly, almost clearing a path through to Recycler. "Come on!" he shouts. "We have to go!" But then the curtain over the doorway to the balcony is ripped in half by a blast of wind...and Ahannos, looking angrier than ever, strides in. "YOU! YOU SHALL SERVE! PREPARE TO BECOME THE SECOND SACRIFICE!" he screams at the bewildered would-be comic. Recycler opens his mouth to speak--but Ahannos has cast a shimmering bubble around him that renders him inaudible. The stricken zombies, protected from his jokes, begin to rise again. Quickly, Sanctuary sticks a couple more shells into his gun, raises it, and fires straight at Ahannos--but the sorcerer's right arm comes up with supernatural speed and deflects the blast. He turns towards Sanc. "Or would YOU like to be the second sacrifice?" Ahannos makes a weird gesture with his hands, as if about to cast a spell in Sanctuary's direction. Sanc leaps for the stairs to the roof, as the wall behind where he'd been standing disintegrates. He runs upstairs to see the shining doorway already open, and Rom and Cado the only two figures still on this side of it. "Come on! We've got to go now! Where's Recycler?" Rom says. "Ahannos has him! And he's coming after us! I tried to shoot him--" "That gun is useless against him. And so are we, now. We have to go," Cado says grimly. "Come on, Sanc, Rom, through the portal!" Sanctuary complies, but as Romantic is about to step in, she turns back. "Can't we do something??" Cado sighs. "I'll try." But as he turns toward the stairs, Ahannos emerges, roaring. The old man hits Cado with a blast of wind, throwing him into Romantic...and the two of them fall through the door of light... The harbor vanishes behind them as they float through a brief, brilliant tunnel... ...till they find their feet again in the cellar of the VVC... User: Traveler Date: 28-Apr 11:36 PM 767576240
II.264 AUTHOR'S NOTE: The choice of who would be Ahannos' second sacrifice--DRAKEHART, DELIRIUM, SANCTUARY or RECYCLER--was, believe it or not, totally random. I flipped two coins yesterday, and Dramagoatbopler's number came up. Perhaps audience research would have led me to the same conclusion...but there it is... :) User: Traveler Date: 28-Apr 11:39 PM 767576388
II.265 AUTHOR'S FURTHER NOTE: There's no way everything's gonna get wrapped up tomorrow...so the conclusion to the story will have to be done after next week's break. BUT I'll write enough tomorrow to leave y'all with some nice juicy cliffhangers! User: Trav sez "The Final Chapter of the Ahannos/Rave/Daricell Saga--in 2 wks" Date: 28-Apr 11:42 PM 767576596
II.266 Maharet slipped into the elevator, past hurrying surgeons and nurses. She wrinkled her nose at the many hospital smells. The doors shut behind her with a metallic shunk. Now the hard part. She sat down on the matt plastic floor, wondering again how it was that elevators worked. She had ridden in a couple, a tortuous, disorienting effect. She scanned the bare white walls for some device to control it. There. A series of round buttons. Maharet let out a worried meow at this predicament, then lept at the buttons. The elevator lurched into life, stopping a few seconds later. Was this the floor? She concentrated hard on her feelings from Zoroaster. The dark cloud was hanging still.. above her. She leapt at the buttons again, and it moved. There! The doors opened again, and zipped into the hallway. She darted from room to room.. there! master! She jumps to the bed, staring at Zoroaster's motionless face. "Wake up, human." she says... "You are needed." Zoroaster lay motionless, the hiss and moan of the iron lung the only sound. Maharet sat upon his chest, musing. The dark cloud was deep in his mind. She calmed herself, slipping into his mind. She felt memories they had experienced together, trails of emotions and thoughts littering the conscious. There! A great rip, rending from the top the cloud, a trail of darkness. She goes in. A coldness familier to her clamps her heart. This evil, this evil is the same evil seh had felt from the man in black. Wake wake up wherever you are, Zoro. Wake up wake up. Zoroaster still moved not. Maharet sniffs his face, mewling with concern. She licks at his face, then, sadly, curls up beside him. User: Maharet as rendered by Zoroaster Date: 29-Apr 10:56 AM 767616981
II.267 SANCTUARY, DELIRIUM, CADO, ROMANTIC, DRAKEHART and TRAVELER sit at the bar in the otherwise empty Black Room, away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the Cafe. They are sharing a quiet bottle from the wine cellar in honor of RECYCLER. "Do you suppose the afterlife has clubs for bad comics to perform in?" Rom speculates softly. "Which afterlife?" Trav asks. "No, don't answer that. Who knows what eternity holds?" He looks down into this glass reflectively. "I wanted to save him...I tried..." Cado mumbles gloomily. "So did I, man...but there was nothing we could do," Sanctuary says. "Ahannos wasn't even nicked by two barrels from my shotgun." "But I could have done more! I could have gotten to him--distracted him--" "Cado, you've done more than enough," Drakehart says. "Don't be so hard on yourself." "Maybe I did a lot...but he's still dead." "You didn't kill him!! Anyway, Rom said Ahannos practically blasted you two into the portal--you didn't have a chance to confront him." Cado shrugs, and pours himself another drink. After a moment, Traveler stands. "Guys...we can't sit around moping all day. There are some things that need to be done--" "How can you talk about the rave at a time like this!?" Cado bursts out. "I wasn't talking about the rave! I'm talking about preparing for Ahannos. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that he's going to come here? He still needs the Cafe for his ritual to raise Atlantis, right? And tonight's a full moon...a good time for magic. That's why I scheduled the rave for this date. Look, I'm going to talk to Diq and Inle, and see if I can find Fireflyte --she's missing or something. We'll have a meeting in this room later this afternoon to brainstorm about the situation." He swigs the rest of his wine, then walks over to Romantic. "Oh...if you didn't figure it out already...I'm awfully glad to have you back safe and sound." She smiles, and they embrace. Then he walks out towards the Red Room. User: Traveler Date: 29-Apr 11:21 AM 767618515
II.268 Next @ the VVC: Death sails a black ship... =============================================================================== Ahannos stands over his altar, on which lies the lifeless corpse of RECYCLER--after TREKKER, the second of the three deaths that he needs for the working out of his great ritual. The old man, clad now in a black robe, raises his hands, one of which holds a bloody dagger, and speaks clanging, ancient words, as shocks and shudders from the collapse of the fortress rattle the temple room. He turns and walks out to the balcony overlooking the harbor. The ever- grey sky above is churning now, as are the steel-colored waters below. The magic that has held this place together for milennia is reaching a climax, and the cycle is changing from preservation to destruction. It is time to leave. Ahannos goes back inside and summons a couple zombies. At his command, they walk around behind the altar to where a large, clouded-crystal hemisphere is set in the wall. Faint lights seem to swim and pulse within the orb, whose outer surface has the trident sigil of Atlantis etched in it. This is the repository of magical energy that the sorcerer has been accumulating for centuries in his voyages around the world. Now, finally, comes the time when it is ready to be used... The undead take hold of the sphere, and suddenly it comes free from its niche in the wall. They bear it carefully out into the center of the room. Ahannos points to the door and speaks, and they begin walking; he gathers a few implements from around the room, then runs out to catch up with them. Some moments later, the three figures emerge from a doorway at the bottom of the cliffside fortress. Already, the upper stories that they have just vacated are collapsing; with the removal of the magic orb, the decay is accelerating. They must navigate their way through small piles of rubble, and Ahannos looks up fearfully as dust and small bits of stone rain down on them. They manage to reach the pier without being hit by any major rubble. The few other zombies who remain accompany them out to the sleek form of Ahannos' ship, now rigged for sailing, and help load the orb and stow it in a special wooden stand set up on the raised foredeck. Ahannos strides on board, and orders the zombies off on to the dock. He quickly casts off, and the wind that ripples through the black sails pushes the ship toward the narrow slit in the cliffs opposite the now nearly ruined fortress. The group of undead standing on the dock watch blindly and mindlessly as the ship retreats and their master abandons them. The ancient sailor guides his vessel skilfully through the tight passage leading out to the ocean. The very cliffs are crumbling now, and he barely clears them before the entire passage is sealed by their collapse. The mysterious islet is wreathed in fog as always, but as Ahannos moves away from it, the mist clears for the first time in thirty centuries. The sun briefly shines down upon the small piece of land; emptied of magic, it begins to crumble into the sea, with only a cloud of dust to mark its passing. "Now I ride the wind of Armageddon," Ahannos shouts, looking forward across the sea. "Make peace with your gods, mortals...for I will give you no peace, not until Atalani rises again from the ocean. I am on my way..." Miles away in the Cafe, every patron and employee feels a brief chill, despite the bright noon sunlight... User: Traveler: Apocalypse Now Edit Date: 29-Apr 11:56 AM 767620582
II.269 Upon hearing at the loss of some of his beloved Towels at the death of Recycler, Perigrine can bear his passive role no longer. He calls upon the Ancient masters of Towel-Fu to guide him in the way of the Cotton Warrior. As the scene shifts back to a younger Perigrine at the feet of his master... Lil' Peri: Oh, Master. I have stayed at the Laundromat since I was a boy, am I now ready to enter the world as a Softener Priest? The Fluffy One: As I told you years ago, Clothesdrier, when you can snatch this quarter from my hand, then you will be ready to leave the Laundromat and pay for your own Spin-Cycle. Lil' Peri: I remember, Sensei... *SNATCH* I got it, I got it!!!! :) Fluffy: Excellent, Clotheshamper, but since you have been here, the price of the Laundromat has gone up, it now costs 50 cents to wash your Towels! Lil' Peri: :( Deep within Perigrine, the torments of his training will serve him well as he goes off to face the horrible Ahannos, the one who dirtied his towels with Recycler's Blood! Nothing can stop him until... User: Perigrine runs into Max Again and decides to go back to the Towel Room. Date: 29-Apr 01:53 PM 767627781
II.270 Between DARICELL and Cardinal XIMINEZ there falls a shadow. She looks up. A guard has walked up outside the jail cell, and says, "Hurry up, please, it's time." "Let us go then, you and I," she says, in a very small voice, and stands. The Cardinal, who has actually been gazing out the window, turns and notices the guard now. "Wha-?" "Oh, do not ask what is it," Daricell says. "Let us go and make our visit." _And human voices wake us...and we drown_, she thinks as the steel door is rolled back with a slam... User: The Love Song Of J. Alfred Traveler Date: 29-Apr 03:37 PM 767634035
II.271 Next @ the VVC: Albatross picks some strange herbs... =============================================================================== In the Ivory Tower, ECSTASY peers out from behind thick velvet curtains. The sunlight burns, and she quickly closes the drapes. Something is making her restless, disturbing her midday sleep. But what? She paces back and forth on the Persian carpet. Finally, she starts to grasp what it is...something small ...something missing, or misplaced...why can't she remember? She goes around behind the small bar, and rummages through the junk there. Ah! That's it! The weird coin that the old sailor used to pay for his drink way back when. She picks it up...and immediately drops it. It is hot to the touch, and seems to radiate an unbearable glow, at least to her sensitive eyes. Somehow it is this old thing that's making her mind itch. She just wants to get back to sleep, and in a fit of annoyance, picks the coin up, opens the north window of the Tower, and pitches it out... In the Blue Room, ALBATROSS and ROARK are sitting at a couple terminals, Birkenstock-clad feet resting on the carrels. Then Roark swings her legs to the floor and stands. "Well, TRAVELER wanted me to take a look at the decor for the rave site...I guess I'll go do that now. Wanna come?" "Mmm...no...I think I'll just do a little work in the gardens," Albatross replies. "See you later." He drifts out to the decorative garden north of the Red Room. Wandering around the Zen rock garden, he notices something disturbing the perfect simplicity of its raked gravel--something glinting and metallic. He steps out to pick it up, marring the swirly patterns with his footprints. It is the old coin...and the moment he touches it, the old power floods back. Everything seems to go dim, or rather, to appear in a different light; suddenly a sense of purpose returns. He looks back at the Cafe, then begins walking. He climbs the new outside staircase at the corner where the Red and White Rooms meet, and unlocks the side door to the Greenhouse with his personal key. Inside, he goes to the small ceramic pot where grows the tiny blossom that Ahannos gave him during his visit to the sorcerer's temple. It has put out a number of leaves now, and he begins picking them off carefully. Dimly, he can see what he must do: extract a drug from the leaves, which he will give to the Cafe patrons tonight at the rave. He is not sure exactly what it will do...only that this is his mission, and he must not fail... User: Traveler Date: 29-Apr 04:15 PM 767636131
II.272 And that is where we leave you, for the next week... * Will ALBATROSS send the whole raving Cafe on the biggest trip of them all? * Will DARICELL meet her fate in the gas chamber, as the Man in Black has arranged? * Will ZOROASTER ever recover from his coma? * Will INLERAH defeat her dark half Richard, or be defeated by him? * Will anyone ever put FIREFLYTE back together again? * Will PERIGRINE, Towel Boy Extraordinaire, find a mission for his talents? * Will ECSTASY venture forth again to feed on the blood of the living? * Will TRAVELER's long-awaited rave be a success? * Or will the entire Cafe--perhaps the entire world--be destroyed by Ahannos in his mad bid to restore Atlantis? Find out the answers to all these questions and more, when the Virtual Vax Cafe returns, in just over one week... :) User: Traveler: Super Ultra Cliffhanger Version Date: 29-Apr 04:41 PM 767637747
II.273 #6 A n n o u n c e m e n t #6 ----------------------- The most recent issue of WIRED Magazine features an ad calling for entries for a contest called "New Voices New Visions." They are interested in any kind of artwork created on and for computers; the only entry requirements are that the pieces be "digital works, ANY LENGTH ANY FORMAT ANY SUBJECT." The dealine is (postmark) June 30, 1994. Well, as you might have guessed after reading this far, I'm thinking about entering our own VVC. :) Due credit would go to everyone involved...in fact I think I'll be making an official list (after consulting the archives) of everyone in the "VVC Creative Group." Also, I'm going to write an essay on the significance of works like the VVC, their precedents, their implications, etc. Any input is welcome. I'll keep y'all posted on this... Oh, one of the things that convinced me to do this was seeing who's going to be judging the entries. Quite a panel!...including Laurie Anderson, William Gibson, Terry Gilliam, and a bunch of others... User: Traveler sez "p.s. they're giving 3 $5000 awards of merit!" Date: 5-May 01:18 AM 768100746
II.274 Uh-oh... :( I've been trying to get the most recent sections of the Cafe Archives (in my UNIX account) organized. While doing so, I discovered that some sections are MISSING. Namely, these are: Any posts made AFTER April 6, 3:22 pm, and BEFORE April 11, 5:34 pm (including the sections where Traveler and Cado are in the stone circle in the woods near the Cafe) Any posts made AFTER April 20, 11:22 pm, and BEFORE April 26, 4:58 pm (including the sections in which the rescuers find Romantic in Ahannos' dungeon). I know a couple people (Fireflyte, Bullwinkle?) were keeping their own extracted copies of the VVC story at some point. Has anyone got these posts? I hope they aren't lost forever. Somehow they apparently disappeared in mail, between my VAX and UNIX accounts. >:< I'm pissed...I will not trust mail any more, and from now own will FTP the stuff right from VAX to a diskette. User: Traveler Date: 6-May 11:53 PM 768268417
II.275 Da Da Da Da! **snap!** **snap!** Da Da Da Da! **snap!** **snap!** Da Da Da Da, Da Da Da Da, Da Da Da Da! **snap!** **snap!** Their villains are infernal, The writers, quite nocturnal, Their storylines eternal, V V V V V C! The Cafe's full of antics, And Traveler's rave is frantic, Ahannos has Romantic V V V V V C! The Man in Black is killing, And Zoro's blood he's spilling And no one's ever billing (at) V V V V V C! Da Da Da Da! **snap!** **snap!** Da Da Da Da! **snap!** **snap!** Da Da Da Da, Da Da Da Da, Da Da Da Da! **snap!** **snap!** User: Dark Lady/Daricell Copperpot, bored in jail... Date: 9-May 01:33 PM 768490429
II.276 DL: heheh... And now...we continue with the Virtual Vax Cafe...featuring the debut of a new writer... :) =============================================================================== Ahannos' ship cuts throught the water, with seeming disregard for any mortal winds or currents. The wizard stares across the ocean, yet even his enhanced vision cannot yet pick out the shoreline where the Cafe sits yet. The glowing globe has been placed in a temporary frame by the two zombies whose sole job is to watch over it. Ahannos abruptly turns away from his watching and makes a small notion to the undead pair, then heads inside. The zombies carefully pick up the globe and follow their master inside the ship. Down below, most of the inside of the ship is taken up by a single, elaborate room. Strange sigils stain the floor, unholy tapestries hang from the sides, and strange devices litter the room. The other zombies are here, awaiting a further command. Ahannos glances at them, and his brow furrows. Surely not that many were lost in the fight with those mortals? A quick count seems to spur him into decision, and he starts ordering the zombies to assemble something in the middle of the room.... Back at the Cafe, news of the death of RECYCLER has reached almost everyone now, and the mood has become even blacker than it has been lately. The survivors of the expedition are still gathered around a table, trying to come to terms with what happened. A knock is heard at the door to the Cafe. Some of the patrons glance towards the door...no-one ever knocks! The man in the blue moose cap, being closest to the door, answers it. LYDIA stands in the doorway, colorful as ever, the black trenchcoat muting any features. Her face seems more worried than last time she visited. "Hi. I came to see TRAVELER. My name's Lydia," she cheerfully declaims and extends her hand to the man. He seems to size her up for a moment, and she feels a momentary (imagined?) twinge of nervousness as his eyes bore into her. Then his face breaks into a semblance of a smile. "Some call me...ROLAND," the man states, "I'm rather new here myself, but I'll help you look for him. Haven't seen him recently, though. Come on in." Lydia sweeps past Roland into the Cafe, and Roland closes the door behind her. He throws a momentary sharp look at her back, as if trying to divine something about her. They head towards the other rooms, to see if they can find Traveler. They enter the red room. Few patrons are here now, despite the skill of the piano player. Roland walks up to the lady playing and introduces her to Lydia. "TATOOINE, may I present Lydia. I'm trying to help her find Traveler." "A pleasure to meet you," Tatooine says, "I'm afraid I haven't seen him lately either." "Nice to meet you too. Pardon for asking, but is it always this...slow here?" Lydia asks as her eyes take in the nearly deserted room. "That's the funny thing," Tattoine replies, "I'm new here myself, and it seems like there are some strange things going on here that are keeping people away from the finer things in life--like music!" She starts to play a happy little tune on the piano. "I'll tell you what, though," she says over the music, "why don't I help you find Traveler? Maybe he can tell me what's on everyone's mind here." "Alright," agrees Lydia, "I think he's upstairs." Tattoine lets the song fade, stands up, and the three of them head upstairs to find Traveler... Outside the cafe, all the equipment for the rave seems to be in place. GHOST is surveying the maze of scaffolding supporting the laser and sound equipment. PERIGRINE, the towel-boy, wanders up to him. Ghost notices a strange gleam in his eye, but knows better than to ask. "I thought you were..." Peregrine begins, then hesistantly finishes, "somewhere else..." Ghost gives him a strange look and says, "Never underestimate the power of a cow. Besides, the rave is very important to me. You see that laser up there?" Perigrine looks up and sees a laser mounted at the top of the highest scaffolding. It is at least forty feet long, and appears to have many scratches on it, where something that was written on it was rubbed out. Hundreds of cables emerge from the end of it, some snake down the scaffolding to nearby generators, some run back to the Cafe, and some appear to run into the ground itself. "Er....what is it?," Perigrine asks as he studies the giant object. "It's for a very special effect I'll be doing later on in the rave...I got it from some...sources of mine in the government. I don't think they realized what they had," Ghost mumbles as his eyes trace the outlines of the laser greedily. Perigrine shakes his head, and heads back to the relative normalacy of his beloved towel-room. Maybe I'll just stay there for a while, he thinks to himself. Ghost continues his final adjustments, mumbling to himself... Aboard Ahannos' dark vessel, the interior has changed to the point where the room in no way resembles the inside a great ship. A fire has been lit in the middle of the room, and the shadows seem to blend the edges of the room, making it appear much bigger than it is. At Ahannos' order, a large, rag-encovered, bundle is brought before him. Ahannos carefully arranges it, and starts sprinkling odd herbs and powders over the shape. The globe, set in a corner, begins to glow with an eerie light as the wizard's mumbled inconations grow in speed and strength. Strange lights begin to swirl from the orb into the bundle at Ahannos' feet. Even the zombies start to shrink back as the dark forces swell in intensity, casting the room in strange colors that start to drown out the light of the fire. The Atlantian's hands begin tomove in a blur as the spell reaches its climax... User: Some call him...Bullwinkle! Date: 9-May 01:50 PM 768491455
II.277 Suddenly, God's hard drive has a head crash. *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnndddddddddd* "Shit!" God exclaims, hitting the reset button as he pops in a rescue disk. The machine slowly, painfully reboots from floppy. A simple utility menu pops up. God, muttering to himself angerily, selects the "Diagnose HardDrive" option. There's a lot of whirring and clicking and humming as the computer checks out its hard drive. Red check marks begin to dominate the list of items being checked. "Aw hell," God sighs. "I just lost Earth! Damnit, my last backup is over a week old too..." He sighs again, exits the utility menu and goes straight to the DOS prompt. C:UNIVERSE\SOLSYS\EARTH> FDISK C: User: Psychosis Paradigm Date: 9-May 02:07 PM 768492475
II.278 That could explain a lot of things... :) Next @ the VVC: Countdown to rave time... =============================================================================== ROARK strides around the rave site, sketchbook in hand, critiquing the decor with the head of the set-up crew. "All right, I see the idea, a nice open ring surrounded by the lighting and sound scaffolds. But...but it's so minimalist, so Pompidou Center! Exposed pipes and cables are not tres chic any more, I'm afraid. Form follows function, sure, but I've got some nice fabrics we could dress the place up with. Oh, and this is Divine Rebirth, right? The return of the gods? So let's see some gods! I've got a handle on some reproductions of classical statuary left over from an old Broadway show...I can have it flown in by tonight..." She takes out a small cellular phone and punches a number. Meanwhile, a scruffy-looking young man with long blond hair wanders around wearing headphones and holding some odd-looking sound equipment. Periodically he sets one piece--a small speaker--down on the ground, and fiddles with some knobs built into the back of it, until it begins producing odd synthesized warbles, bleeps, arppeggios, and bursts of white noise. As the speaker shoots sound in a given direction, he holds up a microphone, and walks around to sample the sound from different points. "Who's that?" one of the technicians asks another. "Tex Hapwin...he's one of the rave DJs. Builds all his own electronics, and also likes to do an `acoustic survey' of every site beforehand. I hear the effects he can get are amazing...directional sound that you can only hear from certain places, subsonics that you can't even hear, just feel, ultrasonics that'll break glass..." "As long as he doesn't damage any of our equipment," the other tech says, shaking his head. Back in the Blue Room, GHOST has returned to his mini-Fortress-of- Solitude: a computer terminal walled off from the rest of the room by a black curtain. Inside the jury-rigged cubicle, colored and ultraviolet lights cast a weird glow over the pale face of Ghost, who types feverishly at the console, working on the master control program for the rave's lighting system. "Dammit!" he says. "The code the cows gave me is incomplete--it doesn't take into account the power flow through the big laser's emission chamber. How am I going to do the math for a reconfiguration by tonight? Even networking all the computers in this room together wouldn't be enough..." User: Traveler Date: 9-May 02:43 PM 768494631
II.279 VVC: Skippy Podar strikes again... =============================================================================== There is a crackling, sputtering sound, and a pale, shimmering figure appears behind Ghost. "Greetings and salivations!" the person says, adjusting the pair of goofy-looking springy antennae on his head. Ghost whirls around. "ENTERPRISE! I heard you showed up some days ago... but then you beamed out and left only a can of Spam[tm] potted meat product!" "Yeah, 'fraid so. Durn polar orbits don't give me a very big transporter window, so I could only stop by for a sec. I woulda taken the Spam up with me, but the stuff just won't go through a matter beam, for some reason. Probably the biofilter identifies it as a toxic substance." He giggles. "But...but what are you doing here now? Wait...you're NOT here!" Ghost says, and waves his hand _through_ Enterprise's midsection. "Hey, d'you mind? Yeah, I'm a hologram, but please respect my personal space! I'm projecting this image of myself because..." He concentrates for a moment, then his clothing suddenly changes to a white robe. "Help me, Obi-Wan Ghost, you're my only hope!" "Quit playing around, will ya? What's going on?" "Well, I'm having a little problem with my inertial stabilizers. The long and short of it is...I'm not sure I can make it tonight," Enterprise says reluctantly. "Not sure you can make it! But it's going to be the highlight of the rave! Plus I've got a VBI man breathing down my back...he expects to see some action!" "Wellllll...we MIGHT be able to arrange something. But you'll have to guide me in from the ground...can you send up a navigation beam of some kind?" "I've got just the thing," Ghost says. "Some surplus from the S.D.I. project. I was gonna try and draw my initials on the moon with it, but I guess it would make a decent navigation beam too. Oh, but I need a favor from you in return." "What's that? Hurry up, my signal's degrading," Enterprise says, and sure enough, he begins to flicker. "The equations for the lighting set-up are just too complex! I don't know if I can get the master control program to run them...that is, if I can even finish working them out." "Let me see," Enterprise says, leaning over Ghost's shoulder to look at his computer screen. "Oh, there's your problem...just carry the two! Whoa... I think I'm going out of range...Jane, stop this crazy thinnngggg..." And as Enterprise's signal fades, his image dissolves and vanishes. User: Traveler Date: 9-May 02:45 PM 768494763
II.280 Umm... Bullwinkle? > Back at the Cafe, news of the death of RECYCLER has reached almost >everyone now, and the mood has become even blacker than it has been lately. Why? User: SYLVAR Date: 9-May 07:17 PM 768511030
II.281 In an effort to stop the evil Martial Arts Army of Darkness forming at the Evil Dr. Static "Ahannos" Kling, the Virtual British Secret service seeks out a Master of Towel Fu to destroy the legions of Zombie Ninjas. This time... it's Bruce Towelee in.... ** E N T E R T H E T O W E L B O Y ** Agent Cottington: My government is prepared to offer you 50,000 pounds to join Kling's army as our agent. Bruce Towelee: I'm afwaid you undewestimate me... your people and mine have a differwent set of values. Cottington: True. You must understand the survival of the free world is at stake. Master Towelee: You must understwand, Cottington... geogwaphical boundwies are of no signifigance to me. I owe my awigiance to a higher source... Cottington: Ah, but you'll have a chance to kill 50.. maybe 60 people! User: Perigrine thinks he's been watching the Kentucky Fried Cafe too much. Date: 10-May 00:56 AM 768531453
II.282 LEEZA GIBBONS: "What a ROUSING performance, Mr. Podar! How did you do it?" SKIPPY: "Well, I have to thank my actors on that one. They really help to bring out the glamour of the role." LEEZE GIBBONS: "Is there anyone else you'd like to thank?" SKIPPY: "Yes, two people. One, TRAVELER for bringing my character back from the dead, and Two...Madame Crustacea Fong, without whom, I would have nothing." 8) LEEZA GIBBONS: "Thank you, Mr. Podar. This is Leeza Gibbons for Entertainment Tonight. Back to you John..." SKIPPY: "Oh wait! Can I thank the girls down at the lodge. They helped out too. Oh! And those wonderful people down at the Free Clinic. There saints I tell's ya! Oh...and of course, my pet scorpion Gilgamesh. He's been off his feed lately, but were hoping he'll snap out of it after his body stops trying to reject those silicone stinger implants." 8) LEEZE GIBBONS: "Uh...yeah." *whispers to the camera crew* "Call security." User: Skippy..."Ahannos: Fashion Plate, or just an icky guy? You decide!"...8) Date: 10-May 07:41 AM 768555771
II.283 Traveler suddenly notices a strange smell of brimstone in the air. "What the hell?" he exclaims. "Er, well," Dr. Drakehart says, looking a bit embarassed. "What is it man?!" Traveler nearly yells. "Well, like, you know there's all this stuff with the magic and thinning walls of reality and all... And I was listening to Slayer's "Decade Of Aggression" double album set and... well... er..." Traveler sighs and shakes his head. "Great, just great," he mutters. He looks around and notices several imps that weren't there before. He yells. "Don't worry though!" Dr. Drakehart says, hauling out his chainsaw. "I'll take care of it!" He grins and a nearby patron faints. User: Psychosis Paradigm (DOOMCad!) Date: 10-May 01:14 PM 768575709
II.284 ...shortly before the return of Ecstacy from her hunting, the thin, mannish girl looks up from the tome she has been reading in the dim light of the Ivory Tower's study...slowly, deliberately, she crosses to return the book to its place among the collected knowledge in the Tower's library. She descends the stairs without a glance to the doorman, and passes through the Red Room to the Black Room, seemingly mellow, in contrast to the slowly-rising energy and anticipation before the Rave... Glasses glowing faintly in the blacklights, the girl crosses deliberately to a far corner of the room, and takes a seat at a small table, until then occupied by one shadowed figure. She begins speaking without ceremony. "You've been dodging the rest of us. I won't go into why right now, I frankly don't care. But I will warn you that if you hinder our reintegration, you'll die, too. Songdancer tells me the storm is coming fast. I've looked among some of the old texts, and hopefully we will be able to help buffer the key players in this wonderful little battle, unravelled though we are. Do as you will, but remember there are larger songs being sung here. Fury's 'with' Richard right now, whether he wants it or not, but he's not the only ragged edge. If you want to help, help those who need healing." ...that said, the stiff young woman rises, and crosses to the Blue Room. In the shadows, a figure sighs... User: Fireflyte... ...if we shadows have offended... Date: 11-May 02:15 AM 768622625
II.285 VVC: Last council before the storm... =============================================================================== In TRAVELER's office, CADO, ROMANTIC, INLERAH, TRAVELER, DIQMAN, and a couple "fragments" of FIREFLYTE are gathered for a midday meeting. "Thanks for the doughnuts, Diqman," Trav says. "Now let's get down to business. Is everyone agreed that Ahannos is probably coming to the Cafe via ship?" "No question," says Cado. "The key that I took is the only way he had to open the gateway between his fortress and the Cafe. Anyway, when we left, his fortress was starting to fall apart--partly from our conflict, and partly from the incredible buildup of magic. I would think he would have evacuated shortly afterward." "Yep," agrees Romantic. "He's made the second sacrifice by now, I'm sure --you-know-who--but he told me that there have to be three for the spell to work. And from other things he said, I'm sure that he's going to use the Cafe as the location for the final part of the ritual." "Forces like he's trying to unleash, though, would probably destroy this place, and all of us. And if he's willing to destroy his own fortress, I don't think he'll mind wiping the Cafe out too," says Traveler. "I have endeavoured to analyze the dynamics of his magicks," contributes one of the avatars of Fireflyte, a thin, cold-looking young woman. "This affair will follow the universal law of karma." "How do you mean?" Trav asks with a frown. "Atlantis fell despite its great use of magic--except that I do not believe that it was despite, but because of. Their dependence on magic doomed them, and the vast energies which they worked with appear to have fed back on themselves. It may also be the case that the uses to which they put their magic, namely oppressive ones, affected its quality, and that somehow the cataclysm that overtook them was a kind of rebalancing of the scales." "Payback," says Traveler. Cado and Rom look at each other and nod, both intuitively grasping that this must be what happened. "But don't you see?" says Inlerah. "He's going for some kind of polarity shift. All the force he's accumulated through the centuries--a fraction of which was enough to turn our lives upside down--is going to be used to flip things around. Atlantis sunk under the weight of its own sins; if he's going to raise it up again, all that weight has got to go somewhere." "Out into the world," says Cado darkly. "He's going to spew all the ancient blackness and evil of Atlantis out into the world..." "That wouldn't just destroy the Cafe," adds Rom. "That would destroy... everything." Trav looks at his watch. "And we have...probably less than twelve hours to figure out how to stop him. I do have one or two ideas, though. Inle, Fireflyte, both of you--er, all of you--have a kind of sensitivity that goes beyond what most of the rest of us have. I realize that you have your own problems to work out...but, in the process of that, if you could keep a kind of psychic lookout for anything unusual, and report to me as soon as you sense something, we'd have an early warning system. Cado, Romantic, you two have experience with Ahannos, and you've developed some sensitivity too, so you need to stay alert as well. Plus you might know some of his weak spots." He turns to the baker. "Diq, I have something special in mind for you. Take a look at these." He passes over a sheaf of yellowed parchments. "Think you can whip up a couple of these recipes?" "Welllll, it's not anything like what I learned at Publix..." He smiles. "But if you can supply me with some of these exotic ingredients, I'll try..." User: Traveler Date: 11-May 04:20 PM 768673235
II.286 VVC: Meet me at the back of the Rave Bus [tm]... =============================================================================== In the parking lot across the street, NORM! is busy with some cans of paint. SANCTUARY strolls over to talk. "Hey, Taco Bus man, are you making any more runs into town today?" "Yeah, unfortunately." He gestures at the side of the bus, where the words TACO BUS are being transformed by his paintbrush into RAVE BUS. "Traveler wants me to pick up ravers and bring them back here. I just know I'm gonna hate it...these people are going to be weird. Those new folks--AQUA22 and ROLAND--were telling me about how these raves are. Sounds like exactly the kind of thing I'd hate." "Yeah, these kids have sucky taste in music. Techno took a wrong turn when it diverged from industrial. Anyway, let me know when you're leaving; I need a lift into the City. I don't think I wanna be here tonight either. I get the feeling some real strange stuff is going down..." User: Traveler Date: 11-May 04:32 PM 768673979
II.287 *perks her ears and diverts her attention from hunting* Did someone mention industrial?????? *conjures a walkman and starts listening to Front 242* User: ECSTASY Date: 12-May 00:05 AM 768701117
II.288 *way, wa-a-a-a-ay back a day or two, before the rescue party to Ahannos' Island* ...the gaunt, pale figure descended the stairs into the darkness of the cellar..."Hello Baby Bunting,...Fury's come a-hunting..." ...the darkness envelops her as she follows the scent she caught in the Black Room. The very air feels thick and dark, a faint smell of sour spilled wine rising muskily from the stone floor where Albatross had last struck Cado with a wine bottle... A near-inaudible scrape of her boots carries to Richard's ears, as his head swirls with dark conflicts and the voice of his other self. He half rises from sitting, a snarl escaping as he spies the movement of the silent huntress. "Who...? Oh, you." his words drop like vinegar from cold lips...a low, dark laugh echoes from her, as she speaks,... "Hello, dearie..." her eyes narrow as she strides nearer, all pretense and lurking gone. She licks her lips, looking the shadowy figure up and down appraisingly..."I must admit, I'm getting to appreciate the fringe benefits of incarnation...what say you and I go and..uh...breed a little contempt...?" Richard growls a thick curse and squares off with the woman, circling left...she gives a bored sigh, and replies laconically, "No, I suppose not,... pity, that." With a sudden movement she holds a slender knife in her left hand. Richard leaps to the rack nearest him, and with lightning quickness secures a Johnny Walker cudgel for himself, flinging a bottle of B&B at her. It wings her right shoulder as she dodges, and he takes advantage of this window to fly past her and up the steps. His mind surges clear with the copper taste of battle, and his lips curl into a cruel grin as he ducks through the side door, and under the counter of the Red Room bar, deserted after closing for the evening, ...finally!!! the freedom to strike, tear, claw, beat, maim... ...and some entertainment, too--too many bloody sheep around, too easy to kill, to weak or clueless to enjoy... Now, he can play. ...Fury bursts through the door a splitsecond later, barely ducking in time to avoid the bottle/club as he swings. She dives back over the bar, and leaps back up onto it seven or eight feet down. Richard flings the bottle, diving forward to grab her ankle as she ducks. Teeth meet bootleather as she tries to kick off with her other foot, and he sweeps her off the counter, landing her into one of the small round tables dotting the area. A sickly hollow thud pulls a grunt and another hissing curse as she scrambles back, eyes flaming coals of hatred and anger. It is Richard's turn to grin as he notes her favoring her right side slightly. "Mmmmm,...nice night for a barbeque,--what say we have ribs tonight?" He lunges forward, and she falls over two chairs with a frantic kick. Grabbing a third, she manages to smash it against him before he closes the distance. "BITCH!!" he spits out, along with half a bloody tooth. Scrambling over and past three tables, she turns with a sneer, "What'samatter, old man...? 'Fraid you'll have to gum me to death?" She ducks as a heavy ceramic centerpiece flies by her right ear. She laughs viciously, eyes wide and wild, "Little Richard Rabbit, Hopping thru the forest, scooping up the field mice, and bashing in their heads! Hop hop to it, babycakes,..." Growling, Richard flings another centerpiece as he half-circles to the left to flank her, "Words are cheap, Flytingale, ...you gonna squeak all day, or do I haveta go get the duct tape and grease?" The sarcasm washes through Richard like a balm of blood and aloe. The anger in his mind blocking the irritating presence of Inlerah, he revels in the refreshing wash of dark energies, swirling through his head like a heavy mead... ...he deflects another chair as Fury dashes to the outside door, kicking it solidly above the lock to burst it open. As she bolts outside, he follows, feeling freer than he has in days. The dark energies give him no barrier to this quarry, probably since she isn't an entire life anyway, and this means he can vent the pent up frustration that has been building and building and building... Weaving through the gardens, Fury takes off for the trees, slowed partly by the cracked ribs in her right side, but just fast enough that Richard cannot seem to close the gap easily. As the two disappear into the fringe of the forest, a tan-and-white patched tomcat silently follows the chase with solemn eyes, and then turns toward the stairs to the roof, footfalls silent in the nighttime darkness... User: Fireflyte... ...in case you wondered how we got out of the cellar... Date: 12-May 02:12 AM 768708792
II.289 ECSTASY slithers into the bar area after hearing the sounds of a life-and-death struggle. She looks around with hunter's eyes at the mess that ensued after the brawl. "Looks like my leather clad minions will be busy tonight cleaning. Mmmm...I'm feeling satiated after this evening's hunt." With that, she heads for the stairs that lead to her Ivory Tower. User: ECSTASY Date: 12-May 07:30 AM 768727812
II.290 When suddenly...out of the darkness jumps Vampira_The_Disco_Queen! VAMPIRA: "BACK! BACK YOU KNAVE! Lest I thrash you with my cat-o-nine tails!" X: "But this is MY Ivory Tower!" VAMPIRA: "Ivory Tower? Oh dear...I thought this was a Stuckee's My mistake." User: Enterprise..."Ahannos spelled backwards means 'Munch-Muffin'!"...8) Date: 12-May 09:15 AM 768734142
II.291 VVC: Violence in the Greenhouse... =============================================================================== Meanwhile(tm), Lydia, Tatoione, and Roland have found a haggard-looking Traveler in his office. The meeting has already ended. He admits it has been a very rough day, and tells them a little bit of what has been happening. They are quiet for a moment as Traveler ends his tale by telling them of the death of Recycler at the hands of Ahannos. "How can I help you?" Lydia asks. "I need some very...esoteric supplies. Here's a list ", Traveler replies as his digs a tattered sheet from his pocket. He hands the list to Lydia and she glances at it. "These shouldn't be a problem, " Lydia says, "but some of these things need to be fresh. Very fresh. I don't suppose you have a garden or something here?" "As a matter of fact, we do! Our resident gardener, ALBATROSS, has been acting a bit odd lately, but I'm sure we can find him. He grows some things on the balcony." Traveler says. "We could find him for you, couldn't we Roland?", Tatooine exclaims. Roland nods, and the two head towards the garden while Lydia and Traveler pour over the list. Albatross is hunched over his plant, mumbling to himself, when he hears footsteps behind him. He whirls around, and Roland and Tatooine stop dead in their tracks, the greetings dead in their mouths as they see the look in Albatross' eye. Before either can react, he springs at both of them, knocking them over. With inhuman strength, he knocks Tatooine back ten feet with a powerful swipe, then focuses his attention on Roland. The two struggle, but Roland is no match for Albatross' unnnatural fury. Roland ends up on his back, while Albatross sits atop him and begins to throttle him. Just as his vision goes dim, Tatooine brings a large potted plant down on Albatross' head violently. Clutching his head, Albatross swipes a hand at Tattoine, scratching her arm badly. He has forgoten about Roland, who groggily picks up a nearby rake and hits Albatross on the back. With a suprised roar, he staggers forward from the blow, and falls through the skylight to the room below! Traveler and Lydia arrive just in time to see Albatross crash through the window, and quickly rush over to the pair. "Tried to kill us.....no reason...just..", Roland tries to gasp out as he tries and catch his breath. "Don't try to talk now, " Traveler says, "just rest there a while." Roland complies and lays back down. "How is Tatooine? " he asks Lydia. "Not so good, I'm afraid. " Lydia answers, " She doesn't appear to be physically hurt, but ....hmmmm, " she breaks off as she sniffs Tatooine's wound and asks Traveler, "Do you see a strange looking plant around here, by chance?" Traveler looks around, and spots the plant that Albatross had been nurturing. He shows it to Lydia, who studies it intently, with a frown on her face. "What is it?" Traveler asks anxiously. "I thought these were extinct and long forgotten!" Lydia exclaims in a combination of fear and awe. "This plant is very, very deadly, if it gets into the bloodstream. I can't guess where he got this from. It appears that Tattoione got some in her from that scratch." Traveler looks at Tattoine--she is breathing very rapidly, eyes closed, her dark skin gone a very strange shade, almost grey. He looks towards Lydia and asks, "Is there anything you can do? If one little scratch can do that.." Lydia answers, "I can give her some temporary remedies right now, but I'll need to take her back to my castle for a real cure, if it's possible. I don't know, Traveler, this stuff is not supposed to even exist anymore!" "Well, do what you can. Are you all right, Roland? " Traveler asks as he sees Roland sit up and peer down through the smashed skylight. "Yeah, I think so. And so is Albatross, apparently...but he may be out for a while. You want some help with Tatooine? " Roland asks Lydia. "No, I'll manage " she replies, and hoists Tatooine on her shoulders with apparent ease. The three of them walk downstairs, and cross towards the door. Traveler begs off all the questions from the people, and stops just long enought to make sure Albatross is truly okay, then opens the door for Lydia, who is still carrying the unconscious form of Tatooine on her shoulders. "I'll take care of her, Traveler. And I'll be sending those supplies you need back, too " Lydia says as she exits the Cafe. Turning in the doorway, she frowns and tells Traveler, "I still wonder where he go that plant. I've read that it was used by an ancient race, and had very powerful but potentially deadly powers." "Good luck, Lydia, and thank you for everything. " Traveler says as Lydia turns and heads towards her castle. He turns around and sees everyone is gathered around Albatross' inert form, looking at him expectantly. This is going to be fun, he sighs to himself, and tries to explain.... User: alt.Stand.Bullwinkle :) Date: 12-May 03:42 PM 768757385
II.292 VVC: Fleur de mal... =============================================================================== "I hope she's all right," says ROLAND, standing next to TRAVELER in the White Room and watching as LYDIA takes TATOOINE away. "I just met her, but she seemed like a cool person." "Yeah...after I hired her, she was telling me that she loved this place because it seemed like such a mad house. Little did she know," says TRAVELER. Then he turns to the agitated crowd, which already includes a number of people in "rave"-type clothes: baggy pants, platform sneakers, strange oversized hats, and small backpacks. Trav raises his voice. "It's all right, folks, everything's going to be fine," says TRAVELER, calming the murmuring a little. "Just...uh...a routine gardening accident." ALBATROSS sits groggily in the middle of the floor, amidst pieces of chair, table, and skylight; LOUCH and PALLAS are tending to his injuries, which miraculously appear to be quite minor. Trav steps over, and says in a low, angry voice, "I want to talk to YOU outside, now!" Albatross is helped to the side door by the hostess and the waiter; he is able to walk under his own power out to the produce garden with Traveler. The lengthening late afternoon shadow of the Ivory Tower falls across them as they stand next to the rows of growing vegetables. "All right, I want an explanation. Why the hell did you attack Roland and Tatooine?" "Wh-? Hold on, man, I'm a little out of it still. I just fell through a skylight, you know." The gardener rubs his head. "All I know is, two strange people rushed into the Greenhouse while I was working. With everything that's been going on lately, I guess I thought they were going to attack me. I mean, that place is off-limits to everyone except staff--what am I supposed to think when I see strangers run in?" "They said you hit first." "I wasn't going to let one of them get in the first blow! Look, if they were there on official business, I'm sorry. But they didn't have to knock me through the skylight...geez." He takes off one of his Birkenstocks and pulls a few glass slivers out of it. "Also, a...friend of mine...said that plant you were working on was quite unusual. Apparently it's very old, and dangerous--our new piano player got exposed to some through a scratch you gave her, and she's in serious medical trouble." "Hey, it's just something I found, er, bought, actually, from this old Chinese guy. It was some little store I was at in the City a few weeks ago, I don't recall the address. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt by it...I'll even pull it up and burn it if it makes you happy." Trav looks somewhat happier. "Well, all right, that sounds good. Look, this doesn't have anything to do with that Ahannos business, does it?" Albatross shakes his head. "No, of course not. I'm staying clear of the cellar, just like you asked." "Okay. Well, I'll have someone replace that skylight. And if you don't mind, I'd like to go up with you right now and destroy that plant." The gardener shrugs. "It may be a valuable specimen. But if you say so." They go back inside. User: Traveler: Audrey2 Mix :) Date: 12-May 04:25 PM 768760004
II.293 VVC: The ultimate in recycling... =============================================================================== The spell that Ahannos has been working in the bowels of his ship has been completed. The glow from the orb no longer outshines the fire in the middle of the room. Ahannos studies the bundle by his feet carefully, then gives a snort of approval, and turns towards the globe. Now the true preparations can begin, he thinks to himself, and prepares for the confrontation with the Cafe. The orb glows bright once again, as the wizard places his hands upon it, an evil smile growing on his wrinkled visage. Behind him, the bundle begins to twich of its own accord, and writhes on the floor. The bundle rises, revealing a human form beneath. Ahannos senses the change, and without turning around, speaks to the figure. "Welcome back, mortal. Yer new life as a zombie may be different than the one ye are used to, but your friends will be surprised to see you again, won't they, RECYCLER?" Ahannos says as he bursts into a wicked laugh. User: Bullwinkle Date: 12-May 04:28 PM 768760140
II.294 VVC: The tribes gather... =============================================================================== As afternoon slides into early evening, NORM! makes his rounds in the newly rechristened Rave Bus[tm]. At record stores, dance clubs, and coffee shops around the City, small crowds of oddly-garbed young people have gathered, clutching colorful DIVINE REBIRTH flyers. They eagerly board the Bus, and soon the seats are almost filled. Someone turns on a boom box, and loud, agitated "breakbeat" techno spills out, stacattoing along at 180 beats per minute. "D'OH!" Norm! says under his breath. But he is not the only one who objects. "Hey, man, that stuff is fine for later," says one raver to the owner of the box. "But how about something more ambient right now?" Others agree, and various tapes are passed around. Soon, a mellow, electro-organic wave of sound, with just the faintest hint of a rhythm, filters through the Bus. In minutes, Norm! brings the first batch of passengers to the parking lot across from the VVC, and opens the doors so they can disembark. "Have fun," he says wryly. "If that's your idea of fun. *sigh* Maybe I can listen to one of my Mozart tapes before I pick up the next group." He pulls back on to the Bay Road, and heads back to the City, as the sun sinks towards the bay on his right... User: T. Raveler: Waiting For The Night Mix Date: 12-May 04:54 PM 768761699
II.295 ECSTASY climbs up the stairs to the Ivory Tower cautiously. "Things feel different around here." She looks out the window and sees a crow fly by. User: ECSTASY Date: 13-May 06:44 PM 768854691
II.296 VVC: Mmm...Jiffy Pop [tm]... =============================================================================== ROLAND wanders out to the site of the rave, studying the intricate layout of the sound and light equipment. He spots GHOST working on something near the base of the giant laser. Hmmm, he ponders to himself, could he be one of the Few?.... Roland wanders up and gives GHOST the sign, saying "_The_Princess_Bride_ has no unabridged version," and waits for the response. Ghost looks at Roland slightly surprised, then from his past he responds with the answer, "Prunes help us play. You grab the spread..." "You grab the plasma," Roland finishes. There is a momentary silence, broken by Roland asking, "Have you left the Order? " "There are cows everywhere." This answer seems to suit Roland, who grins and says, "The name is Roland. What are you building here? " He gestures upwards towards the laser. "It's for the end of the rave. People call me Ghost. Perhaps you can help me with a very special surprise." Ghost says as he leads Roland back towards the VVVC. As they approach the building, Ghost tells him of the rave and what he has planned. Inside the VVVC, TRAVELER has just come out of the kitchen, checking on the preparations. He looks inside the White Room, then moves to the Red Room: all is quiet. The Black Room is empty, but he hears to voices coming from the Blue Room. "So then, as the cows are aligned correctly, the laser will fire and..." Ghost breaks off as Traveler comes into the room. Ghost and Roland are standing around what appears to be a large, silvery hemispherical object nearly twelve feet in diameter. They nonchantly try to move in front of it as Ghost says to Traveler: "Oh! Hi, Traveler. We were just discussing the preparations for the finale of the rave and...." He breaks off as Traveler interrups. "_What_ is that?" "Oh, nothing. Just a little...treat for the patrons of the cafe. " Traveler looks at it closer, and notices the writing on the side that the two are trying to cover up. He leans in closer and makes out the letters J - I - F - F..... "JIFFY POP?!?!??" he exclaims. "No! Forget it!! I've seen that movie! Don't even _think_ about it!! Get that out of here!" Roland sighs and says, "Well, ok. I'll guess we'll have to find someplace else for it, Ghost. Let's go." The pair grapple with the sides of the container and somehow manage to move off with it between them. Traveler shakes his head. "Why me?" he asks. Ghost turns his head around to answer, but Traveler interrupts, "Don't answer that! Just go!!" User: Bullwinkle Date: 13-May 07:07 PM 768856034
II.297 VVC: Everything is in place... =============================================================================== The sky over the Bay is a vast fiery panorama as the sun sets. At the huge ring of scaffolds that is the rave site, sodium lights flicker on to replace the day's illumination. Parts of the scaffolding towers have been draped in white cloth; huge busts of ancient deities--Dionysus, Aphrodite, Athena, Hermes, and others--adorn the tops of other towers. At the western side of the ring, sillhouetted against the blazing sky, is the main stage where the DJs and musicians will work from; right now, it is still off-limits to the gathering crowds that mill around the site. Vendors selling jewelry, clothes, incense, food and drink set up their booths to the east of the ring, between it and the parking area along the Bay Road north of the Cafe. A steady stream of rave-goers walks along the wooded path, now strung with lights, between the site and the VVC itself. "Looking good," says TRAVELER, adjusting a small round hat he has just bought from one of the vendors. Despite his anxieties about the eventual arrival of Ahannos, his voice shows the excitement that the rave evokes in him. "But this is not the most important thing," says CADO, walking next to him. "We have to stay focused on being prepared for our ancient mariner friend. He will show up--it's just a question of when." "Of course. INLERAH, DIQMAN, everyone on our team is prepared; we've talked over the plans a hundred times. I just think that being prepared is not incompatible with being, you know, relaxed, happy, alive. Can't you feel the life throbbing around us? This gathering here, of light and music and people, this is a good thing. And though we have to fight the darkness to assure that life continues, it's times like these that make life worth living. I for one intend to get a little dancing in tonight--if I get the chance." Cado shrugs. "If you say so. Just remember to keep in touch. Your radio working?" Trav takes a small, palm-size two-way radio out of his pocket, presses a key on the side, and speaks into it. "Roger wilco," comes his voice from a similar unit in Cado's hand. The cafe owner smiles and puts the radio away. "I'm going to talk to the DJs. I'll meet you inside soon, I promise." The bouncer nods, and walks toward the path through the woods. Traveler doesn't have to flash a pass at the stage--the security guards let him by with a wave. Mounting the steps at the side, he walks around behind the vast, semicircular bank of equipment that dominates the stage. At front and center is the heart of any rave--a pair of linked Technics 1200 turntables. But left and right of them are two more pairs of turntables, allowing up to three DJs to mix up to six records at once. Crates of vinyl are stacked on the floor beneath. On either side of the outside turntables are an assortment of keyboards, drumpads, sequencers, and PCs, for the live music sets. Trav chuckles to see that a few very low-tech instruments are also present: tall, cylindrical, tribal-looking drums; various shakers, tambourines, rattles and gourds; and a couple racks of gongs and hanging chimes. At the outermost edges of the semicircle, close to the back of the stage, are a couple of huge mixing consoles controlling the sound. "So where are the lights running from?" he mutters to himself. Then he looks across at the opposite side of the rave ring and sees the answer: a small booth high up on the scaffolding just beneath GHOST's large laser. "This is gonna be some show..." User: Traveler Date: 13-May 07:38 PM 768857938
II.298 Roger Wilco?!?!? *sigh* User: Evilgreg....see ya in two weeks+ !! :) Date: 13-May 10:55 PM 768869749
II.299 Max, I should really shoot you...you just blasphemed my military specialty. User: CADO..."Roger...I read you Lumpy Chicken, over..." Date: 14-May 00:03 AM 768873852
II.300 Yeah, yeah... Over AND out. :p :) User: Traveler says "go ahead, goodbye" Date: 14-May 02:09 AM 768881383