I.51 The Man in Black cases the place... and makes his exit... "I'll be back..." he says as he walks out the door.... User: CENOBITE Date: 11-Oct 03:12 PM 750352334
I.52 So this is how VAXTREK started, eh? Gee, I guess what we need to do now is give the Cafe ITS OWN ACTUAL BOARD... ...of which I would naturally be the op... *100 MEGATON HINT* User: Trav doesn't want to be pushy, but, well, there's some deadwood on MbBs Date: 11-Oct 04:22 PM 750356583
I.53 Stefan knocks on the door to TRAVELER's office. "Waddya want," TRAVELER shouts. Stefan enters caustiously. He looks at the ground and mumbles,"Considering recent events here at the VVV Cafe, I would like to discuss the possibility of an increase in my employee insurance policy, oh.....and....uh.....a promotion would be nice. TRAVELER looks at Stefan and says... User: STEFAN Date: 11-Oct 04:25 PM 750356723
I.54 That last post, of course, with a great big :) Traveler has just come down from his office. Having heard the various commotions downstairs, he wanted to see what was going on. But now everything is being cleaned up by STEFAN, with the assistance of the new janitor COOTY. CADO and ECSTASY mysteriously head for the west terrace on the roof (which Trav is thinking of turning into another dining area, when weather permits). He makes the rounds of the Cafe. The White Room does a brisk Columbus Day business; people are trickling in from the marina, where a regatta was held. The Blue Room has its usual collection of introverts, including a few MUDders (Traveler doesn't have the heart to kick them out, since CIRCA already has, but he insists that they at least buy some food or drink while using the Cafe's terminals). "Poor wretches", he mutters. The Black Room is almost empty during the afternoon; a repair crew works on the lights, while the DJ spins something light for the two or three people dancing... User: Traveler Date: 11-Oct 04:29 PM 750356978
I.55 ...In the Red Room, a solo saxophonist holds court on the stage. He's doing some interesting things with an echo filter attached to his mike. Clove cigarette smoke drifts from a table where a couple of turtleneck- wearing types sit, looking blase. SYLVAR takes orders for java; Trav waylays him for a cup. He strolls out into the garden area. DARICELL is picking a few ripe tomatoes. The statue garden is empty. TRAVELER wanders round the back walkway, catching sight of a few sailboats far off in the Bay. Voices drift very faintly from above...ECSTASY and CADO. The breeze; the sun; almost silence. Not a perfect day, but close enough. :) User: Traveler Date: 11-Oct 04:35 PM 750357338
I.56 (Incidentally, STEFAN, all VVV Cafe employees are covered by generous policies from Virtual Life, Inc. [tm], the finest insurance company in cyberspace.) TRAVELER's reverie is interrupted by a voice. "Monsieur TRAVELER?" He turns to see a captain of the local gendarmerie. "We have been receiving calls about your establishment, monsieur." "Yes, we had some odd characters come in earlier. Come to think of it, everyone here is an odd character. But everything appears to be taken care of. Would you like to talk to my employees?" "We already have. Except...for your bartender and bouncer. Where would they be?" Trav sees X lean over the railing of the terrace above, and shake her head slightly. Wh-? Well, he'll play along. "Ah, they stepped out. We needed some new glasses to replace the large number that have been broken recently, and they went to get them." "Two of your most vital employees sent on this trivial mission?" the captain asks suspiciously. User: cont'd Date: 11-Oct 05:15 PM 750359718
I.57 "You don't believe me? Do you want to search the place?" replies Trav. The police captain glances around. "Not zees time. But we will be back to talk to those two." He starts to leave, then turns back. "One more thing, monsieur...the police are not fond of establishments which cannot maintain ze proper public order. Sometimes those establishments must be closed for ze public's safety." "What are you saying?? It's your job to keep those gun-toting goons out of my Cafe, not mine!" "I am saying vhat I am saying. Good day, monsieur". The captain walks away. Troubled, Trav returns to his office. From the upstairs window, he can see a couple black 40s-style police cars pulling away and heading south. He dials ZOROASTER's number. "We had some thugs come in here, and now the fuzz are acting like it was my fault. Plus X seems to be spooked about talking to cops. I think I need your expertise, mon amis..." User: Traveler Date: 11-Oct 05:21 PM 750360067
I.58 Suddenly, STEFAN enters TRAVELER's office. "It's time for me to be honest," he says. "I took the job as a bus boy just to check your place out. I'm actually an under cover Virtual FBI agent. It seems that the local police are actually VAXmafia(tm) pawns, and your cafe has been targetted as a possible tax shelter. They figure they can take over the world MUD market using your terminals." TRAVELER sits down and relies,"This is quite a shock." "Don't worry, I think CADO and ECSTASY are working on a plan upstairs." STEFAN sticks his head out the window and shouts,"You guys come up with anything?" "Possibly," CADO shouts. "CADO and I served together on the USS Virtual," STEFAN explains. "I'm considering leavind the VFBI if I could get a promotion to waiter by the way." CADO and X climb in through the window. "Here's the plan..." User: STEFAN Date: 11-Oct 05:45 PM 750361543
I.59 Meanwhile, on the roof... [insert VFBI quote from STEFAN here] Cado winces. "Not a moment's peace...Damn! Why'd he go and blow his cover now???" Ecstasy sighs. "I think your conversation is doomed to a slow, painful death. At any rate, I think we'd better get back downstairs and see if we can't whip things into shape." Cado and Ecstasy get up and descend the stairs to Traveler's office... User: Cado...*sigh*. Date: 11-Oct 06:17 PM 750363469
I.60 Meanwhile, LOUCH stands at the door with a smile frozen on her face, trying to figure out when would be an opportune time to approach the boss about changing her job...finding something else to do there instead...The atmosphere at the VvVC was wonderful. It was the best place she'd worked in a while. But the job of hostess just wasn't any fun. *sigh* At the sound of a *crash*, LOUCH walks over to help STEFAN pick up yet another tray of broken dishes... User: LOUCH Date: 11-Oct 06:22 PM 750363767
I.61 The man at the bar in red robes looks up from nursing his 37th strawberry daqueri and waves ROMANTIC over from where she's womanning the bar. "What do you think Trav would say to a Casino slash Confessional somewhere in this place?" "You can't do that! Shut up, you're drunk." "No, I'm a Cardinal. I can do that. Really." He sees the look of utter disgust in her eyes. "And I'm not drunk. Here smell my breath." <THUD> ROMANTIC gets up, brushes herself off and says, "Yep, you're sober. _HORRIBLE_ breath, but sober. Not a half bad idea. Just go talk to Trav." "I think I'll do that. And that ROARK person, too. I'll need her to put it into the plans somehow." The Cardinal gets up and begins to head for Traveler's office. "By the way," he says as he pulls a bullett out of the back of his robe and plunks it on the bar, "I think I'll mention some of the advantages of owning a church of the Spanish Inquisition....." User: Cardinal Ximinez of the not-so-witty handle Date: 11-Oct 06:29 PM 750364204
I.62 TREKKER:That comment is off-topic and will be deleted. Meanwhile, in TRAVELER's office, a serious consultation is going on. Cardinal XIMINEZ arrives at the door only to find it locked. "Oh well'" he murmurs as he passes out. User: STEFAN Date: 11-Oct 07:06 PM 750366382
I.63 trav: you're out of line. board 11 was opless until dave started the stories. board 7 isn't. and from what i understand, belgie doesn't remove an op unless they so desire. ...granted, i could just be ovulating and jumping down ur back, but... :) User: SIREN Date: 11-Oct 07:40 PM 750368433
I.64 post # 1 max did not mean board 7 ask him which boards he _does_ think are deadwood, see who he did mean to offend.. eh? chill gayle post # 2 stefan: topic? on mbbs? post # 3 Zoroaster sets down the phone and leans back, stroking Maharet. Maharet turns away from her watch out the window long enough to rub his hand. Zoroaster takes a drag on his clove cigarrette and ponders. "And you worried about me getting into trouble, eh, Trav? Funny world this is. No doubt someone has it in for you. Perhaps Farrah, your main rival for the beachside cafe business. Hmmm. Or maybe this is all a warning to my..customer. Well, that will be his problem. He knows I will not take risks for him." Zoroaster thumbs through his pad of phone numbers, (different from the really important numbers he lets stay stored in his head) looking for the number of a certain busboy who has cleverly made his past with Farrah a secret... The sheet says Pallas - #24i-4-24 "Lee, my boy, lets hope you are not the press-on spy... in the meantime I must prepare a safe-house should .. whoever is begind this raid come back for X and Cado. What say you Maharet?" Maharet yawns, showing her impressive fangs... "I suspect the usual root cause.. and of course the government is in _their_ pay.. there is someting else..." Maharet looks troubled. "Yes, my sweet?" says Zoroaster, rubbing her ears for a moment. "I sense that the Man in Black has been near." Zoroaster, given much to think about, goes to await Pallas at his home. User: ZOROASTER Date: 11-Oct 10:39 PM 750379182
I.65 After what seems like an eternity, there is an ominous *click* from Traveler's door. Traveler, Ecstasy, and Cado emerge from the doorway, nearly tripping over an inebriated and unconscious Cardinal of the Spanish Inquisition. Traveler looks down at the sleeping Cardinal. "Hmm...Ok...Ecstasy, go ahead and draw me up a plan for what you were suggesting...I think we can beat these guys at their own game...and have Stefan keep observing from the Dining Room...see what he can get ahold of. Cado, make sure that sign gets posted above the doorway where EVERYONE can see it... I'm leaving it up to you to make sure it is enforced. In the meantime, I'll take the good Cardinal here to my quarters and let him sleep it off. I have a feeling I'll need to talk to him in the morning." Cado and Ecstasy continue down the stairs to the white room, while Traveler proceeds to drag the Cardinal into his office. Ecstasy takes her place back at the bar, but takes out a piece of paper and begins scribbling out some figures. User: cont'd... Date: 11-Oct 10:39 PM 750379207
I.66 HEY!!!! I told you, I wasn't drunk!! ....Just a little tired. i only got a few minutes of sleep last night.... Meanwhile, Trav's couch is comfy and the cushions are soft (pun intended). I think I'll just rest a while and enjoy the nap. Besides, I tend to have a better sex life in my dreams........ User: Cardinal Ximinezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Date: 12-Oct 00:51 AM 750387108
I.67 WHOA... Gayle: I didn't mean YOUR board was dead wood! Sorry that you saw it that way. I guess I was a bit ambiguous. Actually, I'm not referring to any one board, I'm referring to the large quantity of repetitive, redundant posts (and the ones that say the same thing over and over again :). Yes, I've contributed to them... But it seems that somewhere amidst the 14 boards, one might be found just for the Cafe. IMO, of course--I'm not the sysop. (BTW, I think Philosophical Musings should continue! One reason to give VVVC a different home.) STEFAN: Dude! Slow down! The plot needs to be advanced SLOWLY, and speaking as the inventor of this whole ball o' wax, I have some ideas which you just about totally screwed up back there. I'm going to try and salvage stuff...but for the future, I have some guidelines to suggest for all: 1. When you post, try not to speak for any character other than your own. (I know it's tough, but you have to give others a chance to play.) 2. Not to take rigid control here, but I have some ideas as "GM" of this story. I like the interplay of different creative influences...but also, y'all will probably enjoy some of the stuff I've got planned if you let me deal with the main plot. User: Trav sez "p.s. U can mail me suggestions,tho I may notalways take them" Date: 12-Oct 00:57 AM 750387535
I.68 In his office, TRAVELER awakes with a start. Strange...he must have dozed off there. It's evening outside. Someone is knocking on the office door...He opens it to see STEFAN, CADO, and a couple other staff members. "I just had the strangest dream, you guys!" Trav says. "And you were there, and you, and you too!" :) He stops and thinks for a moment. "But why was I sleeping? Just before the cops showed up, I had some of SYLVAR's coffee. That should have kept me awake. Unless..." Trav picks up his coffee cup and looks at the small amount of cold coffee therein. He frowns, and heads downstairs, CADO and STEFAN following and trying to tell him something. "But, boss..." However, Trav is preoccupied. On the stairs, he encounters Cardinal Ximinez, looking perhaps just a bit, well, buzzed. Or maybe it's all that repressed sex drive? :) "Ximi, where's SYLVAR? And what are you doing in a staff-only area?" XIMINEZ opines that SYLVAR is probably in the Red Room. Trav absentmindedly hands him his coffee cup, which Ximinez, in a drinking mood, takes a swig from, and promptly he falls down. But Trav doesn't notice. "But, boss, are you sure it was all a dream?" STEFAN and CADO plead. User: Traveler Date: 12-Oct 01:22 AM 750388926
I.69 "Perfect...perfect!" thought the Man In Black as he watched his creation test out its 'new' legs and body. "Now, my dear Zoro, we shall see just how fierce your little pet is. She's not the only one with preternatural senses...Ive been tracking your kind for years." His thoughts were interrupted by an unearthly screech and howl from outside the building. His cat was gone, but he knew exactly where he would find it. After all, what else could be the source of that wonderful noise?? The Man In Black glided out of the shadows surrounding the base of his new home and marveled at what he saw. Tom was crouching on the ground between three huge local tomcats who were unhappy with his presence on their turf. (This story ended prematurly by system shutdown on maple.) User: TIPMO Date: 12-Oct 10:13 AM 750420799
I.70 x, could you please come back now? i have to go to the virtual bathroom. or is it safe? User: midterm romantic Date: 12-Oct 10:31 AM 750421892
I.71 Roark returns from her charrette-ing to hand the Cardinal the Most Holy Shovel of the Books of Pelopnnesians and begins to choose fabric patterns for the upholstery for her recreation of Dante's Hell..... User: Listening to Simple Minds, Roark is reminded of the Cardinal... Date: 12-Oct 11:07 AM 750424130
I.72 TRAVELER continues to look for SYLVAR. LOUCH, the discontented hostess, says he's probably up in his greenhouse. But before Trav can make it upstairs, STEFAN blockades him. "You weren't dreaming, at least not all of it," he whispers. "I'm with the Virtual Bureau of Investigation, and we _are_ investigating those thugs who claim to be VAX mobsters. Sorry I had to get a job here under false pretenses; but we may be able to help you against these local cops, who are obviously under someone else's influence." TRAVELER frowns. "Well, you better continue to do a damn good job as busboy. Now, where's that Jon Vallee, or whatever he calls himself?" "Can't talk further now. Must stay undercover. Speak later. Use cheesy comic book dialog. Out of time. Got to return to normal routine," says STEFAN conspiratorially. "Uh...OKAY, won't blow your cover. Must find SYLVAR. Got to--" "No, no, YOU don't have to do it, just me! I'm the secret agent!" "Whatever." Trav shakes his head and continues up the stairs. But then he hears the faint noise of a motorcycle engine. Through a window, he sees a familiar figure approaching the Cafe. He whirls and bolts downstairs. "It's the SysOp!" he says to his staff. "Give him a nice table. Yeah, that one over there...I don't care, tell those people they have to leave! And X, he gets an unlimited bar tab, on the house! Lee, you're to give BELGARATH's order priority!" By the time BELGARATH actually parks and walks in, the Cafi's entire staff has been converted to a smooth, well-oiled machine working to give him the best service possible. :) *BLATANT PLOY* :) User: Traveler Date: 12-Oct 12:36 PM 750429437
I.73 P.S. Let's give the esteemed op of board 7 a rest, and a chance to return to her old topic. (You ARE going to change that name, right, Gayle?) At the gracious invitation of DIQMAN, I hereby move the VVV Cafe thread to board 6 for the time being. User: It only makes sense that Traveler's Cafi travels from time to time :) Date: 12-Oct 12:43 PM 750430051
I.74 *Sound of something enormous falling from the sky and landing with a crash on this board* Hey, look, it's the Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi, featuring stuff that doesn't suck! Huh-huh, huh-huh... *in cheesy NBC announcer voice* Start the virtual bus, because there's loads o' laughs ahead! *return to normal voice* As our story continues, the Cafi staff, under strict orders from TRAVELER, is waiting on BELGARATH hand and foot... :) User: Traveler's Traveling Virtual Virtual VaX VaX Cafi Cafi, sashay, shantay.. Date: 12-Oct 12:55 PM 750430542
I.75 LOUCH decides that perhaps BELGARATH is a VIP, since TRAV has given strict orders to be nice. So LOUCH decides to be veeeeeery nice... Unbuttoning her hostess blouse another button, she leads him to the very best table. "Can I get you something while you're waiting for Lee, press on waiter? Coffee? Tea? Drink? Anything...else?" As she gives him her most seductive smile, her fine-tuned ears pick up the sound of the cafe's door opening. "Bloody hell" she mutters to herself. She turns back toward him.."Um...I have to go...but if you need anything...anything at all...don't hesitate to ask..." With a smile, she walks back to the door to greet people. "Hmmm...maybe this job isn't so bad after all..." she thinks, smiling to herself... User: LOUCH Date: 12-Oct 01:09 PM 750431391
I.76 Gee, all I got was a smile and a "would you prefer smoking or non-smoking?" :) User: PYEWACKET Date: 12-Oct 01:34 PM 750432902
I.77 LOUCH, as if remembering something she forgot, quickly walks over to PYEWACKET's table. "You look unpleased with the service here. Can I get you something? Coffee? Drink? a man? User: ok, Pye? *grin* Date: 12-Oct 01:38 PM 750433101
I.78 Good Lord, what kind of establishment am I running here!? TRAVELER corners LOUCH. "Look, I don't mind if you fraternize with the customers all you want. But get it clear that I'm NOT paying you to go... ahem...above and beyond the call of duty! The polizei would NEVER leave me alone if they heard allegations of that sort of business going on here. Besides, we already have a `Brothel' on board 5." Then he adds, "But if BELGARATH appreciates your attention enough to give me a board, you're getting a bonus the likes of which you've never dreamed about..." ;) User: TRAVELER Date: 12-Oct 03:28 PM 750439738
I.79 "You called, Boss?" It's Jon Vallee, descending from the skylight. "Sorry -- I had to do emergency surgery to save one of my coffee plants, and I get kinda involved when I do surgery." He shrugs. "Those first few days in the salt air were pretty rough on them. That's all over now, though." / [See VVVC Comics issue #37 for details -- Ed.] / "So how can I help?" User: Jon Vallee, suddenly realizing he has to go to class. Date: 12-Oct 03:42 PM 750440564
I.80 "Oh no, boss...I don't expect any sort of bonus for being extra friendly to BELGARATH. Really. All I hope to get out of it is...er...um...the satisfaction of a job well done...Yeah, that's the ticket! I'm just trying to help the cafe...that's enough of a bonus for me!" LOUCH says quickly. "You won't have any problems with the Police, either. Really. I'm not that kind of hostess..." User: LOUCH Date: 12-Oct 03:47 PM 750440825
I.81 X -- umm, bowhead? Is there something we should know? And another chapter in the continuing saga of the Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi: "Belgarath is here!" Traveler announced. "Cook him your finest meal! As the SysOp, he may hold our future in his hands!" Daricell, Master/Mistress Chef, flew into action. First, a delectable salad, prepared with fresh vegetables from the garden. Then, a bowl of the seafood bisque that had been simmering on the stove all day. Finall, the main course, steamed lobster tails from the bay, surrounded artistically by butterfly shrimp and broccoli spears. As she gave the plate to Pallas, Press-on Headwaiter, to serve to Belgarath, she whispered, "I did my best, Dad. Wht do you think?" "It looks delicious. Are there any leftovers?" "I'll save some for you, I promise." Pallas left the kitchen to serve Belgarath, and Daricell straightened her chef's hat. It was always apropos for the chef to inquire whether a special guest was enjoying his meal... User: Dark Lady Date: 12-Oct 04:48 PM 750444519
I.82 X: Naturally...I meant no derogation of your establishment. :) (Besides, if I insulted your board, I'd have to brave the crack of your whip...) As LOUCH is, uh, attending to BELGARATH, TRAVELER confers with SYLVAR. "I was drinking a cup of your VVV Choice Blend [tm] earlier, and only a few minutes later, I dozed off in my office! Now I wasn't totally under--I have a blurry recollection of STEFAN coming in to talk to me-- but how on earth could I have even shut my eyes while drinking your java? Its caffeine content is supposed to be unrivaled in this hemisphere! Did you add something unusual to this blend? Or...did _somebody else_!?" User: TRAVELER Date: 12-Oct 04:51 PM 750444722
I.83 The Cardinal hears a noise. He sits up from his slumber and looks around at his unfamiliar surroundings... He slowly realizes that he is somehow in Traveler's office, but he doesn't remember quite how he got there. He catches a glimpse out the window. "Hmm, it appears that we've moved." Then he burps and a look of gloom crosses his face. "Uh oh. Looks like I've been drugged. I hope Trav gets back soon so we can talk about this...." With that, he rolls over and falls back into a deep slumber. User: Cardinal Ximinez. Don't worry, it's only temporary. Date: 12-Oct 05:24 PM 750446669
I.84 "Can I come out now? Have we landed?" Roark, being the general wimp about things that she is, went and hid under a chair during the whole tornado thing. (Childhood fear of storms. I come from the midwest. You understand.) She crawls out, dusts herself off and opens the drapes. "AAAAAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! We've moved! How could they do this?! Do I have to draw everything over again? Do they make large salads here?....." User: Having moved 21 or so times, Roark should be used to this moving thing Date: 12-Oct 05:50 PM 750448250
I.85 Cado stands outside the door, whistling to himself. He thinks to himself how much this cafe reminds him of the flying party in _Life, The Universe, And Everything_ by Douglas Adams (The second sequel to _The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy_, a wholly remarkable book... *BLAM* *BLAM* *BLAM) ...ahem...sorry... After traveling through the Cyclone and landing in the new location, Cado looks around at his new surroundings. He realized that it was going to be a little more difficult to turn people away , explaining that the cafe's existence depended upon the service received by the VIP presently inside. Since they had never *been* in the cafe before to know its absolute divine and entertaining atmosphere, they could scarely appreciate the fact that it was soon to be vital to their every waking hour. (The coffee, while not drugged or anything, can be VERY addicting...) A noise stirrs Cado from his daydream...someone approaching...no...not someone, but some_thing_. A shadow appears, very small, like an animal. As it advances, Cado can make out the silhouette of a cat... User: cont'd... Date: 12-Oct 08:38 PM 750458321
I.86 Cado squints in the dim light to try to get a better look...most likely it was Zoro's cat coming to wreak some more havoc on Traveler...Not exactly what he needed at this point...besides, she'd get fur all over Belgarath, and that would be a definite problem. "Mahi? Is that you?" ...But as the silhouette stepped into the light, Cado could see... ...this was definitely not Mahi... Cado's eyes widened with horror as he backed himself up against the door...the thing continued to advance... User: Cado...uh...boss?...uh... Date: 12-Oct 08:43 PM 750458696
I.87 The feline form stretched, and lengthened, and langorously yawned...then stood up on hind legs, stretched again, and shook its head....it made an abrupt, feline murring sound, and then blinked hazel human eyes... "Hallo, luv....is th' boss-man inside? I fear I've been a wee bit late, and I'd not 'ave 'im mad at me...this my first day an' all...oh, pleased to meet you...Fireflyte, gypsy songdancer, and connoisseur of tea, backrubs, and bad puns... Pleased to meetcha--where's th' lad again? Oh, no matter, I'll find him, I am only just getting geared up you see, need another Mountain Dew before I am really together and in form ...been a long time since I'd worked the club scene..." You soon see, as she finally steps into the light, the figure of Fireflyte, feline hyperpixie, dressed in blousey white trous and shirt, burgundy boots and belt, and a deep violet vest. Her hair is long, and a little rumpled, and her entire body is covered in a light, soft fur. Her hind feet are digitigrade, and her smirk is something hard to describe, though obviously a standard expression....she seems to be very nimble, if a trifle clumsy at times... User: Fireflyte... ...as always, a little late to the VVV Cafe', eh? eh? Date: 12-Oct 09:03 PM 750459866
I.88 Cado's eyes return to their normal size, as he slumps in relief. *WHEW* "Sorry about that...I'd heard really horrifying rumors about a cat- frankenstein creation roaming around and destroying everything in it's path... I guess I've been rather paranoid about the whole thing...or maybe it's the coffee...anyway, it's great to see you! The boss is inside, but I warn you, so is the _Grand SysOp_ (*divine music is momentarily heard from the heavens*), and it's got Trav in a bit of an upstir. Our virtual existance at the cafe could be quenched by cold, hard reality if _The Most Honorable Lord Belgarath_ (*more divine music*) is displeased..." Cado opens the door for the beautiful feline before him. He tries to bury in his mind the vision he had moments ago perceived...it was just too scary... "...and that would be a terrible shame, seeing how well the story is going. Besides, I've really come to love this job. Good luck!" Wow...if she only knew the nightmares he'd been having lately... User: Cado...*Hint!!!* (Ok, Trav, I made my contribution...) Date: 12-Oct 09:34 PM 750461818
I.89 Traveler and Sylvar enter the office and see Ximinez still sprawled out on the couch. "That Holy bum," mumbles Traveler. Sylvar chuckles and makes a facial gesture indicating that he's about to begin a conversation, when the Cardinal jumps, literally, out of the couch. He then jumps again and smashes into the ceiling. As he floats down the the floor, he begins screaming... "Trav, shit. problem. drugs. coffee. fnord! Maybe me maybe you maybe baby. Ack! Eeek! plonk! WhoooOOOoOOoOO! Oh, frinking hell. shitdamnfuckbitchcunt eatmebeatmeletmebeyourslave. Jonbensylvar. problem. erroraccesscode violationsector 0000. destruction imminent. beginselfdestructsequence" "Um...is this bad?" asks Traveler as the Cardinal's body begins writhing and growing. (Ever seen _Akira_?) Sylvar, however, doesn't answer. He appears deep in thought as if he knows exactly what to do, but can't quite remember. Traveler can tell from the look in his eyes that if he doesn't remember soon Roark's new designs for the cafe will be the least of his concerns. Join us in a few hours when Jon says: "Shit!" User: Cardinal Ximinez -- Advantage #293 to growing coffee: Access codes ;) Date: 13-Oct 01:03 AM 750474449
I.90 Luckily for the CARDINAL, HORST rushes in at that exact second and shoves two chocolate chip brownies down CARDINAL'S throat. "He's having convulsions," HORST says, trying to hold his tongue down with a pen. "Get me more chocolate!!" "Mmmmm...chocolate," the CARDINAL blabbers in a writhing tone, spitting up chunks of chocolate chips as he does so. SYLVAR runs out the door to get some chocolate from the kitchen. User: Horst figured "What the hell" Date: 13-Oct 08:20 AM 750500432
I.91 "This is a medical condition I don't think I've heard of. But I'll take your word for it," TRAVELER says to HORST. "Find DIQMAN! I think he baked some chocolate chocolate chip cookies earlier today!" Trav turns to SYLVAR. "Could your coffee have been tampered with in some way? Try to recall anything unusual up in the greenhouse lately." TRAVELER goes to see what's keeping the people getting the chocolate. On the ground floor he encounters FIREFLYTE, tea lady and masseuse. "Shauna! Does your massage do anything for convulsions? Ximinez seems to be feeling a bit...twitchy." Trav muses to himself. "I wonder why I wasn't affected as much?" Upstairs, the Cardinal is treated with chocolate and massage-- unconventional therapy, but it seems to be working. Trav dials up ZOROASTER. "Well? I need some answers. Someone appears to have drugged my coffee, and XIMINEZ got part of the dose meant for me. If it hadn't been spread out between two people, it might have been fatal. So what are you gonna do about this?" User: TRAVELER Date: 13-Oct 08:58 AM 750502685
I.92 And back in the kitchen... <<I swear I had left some brownies here just a second ago. *sigh* Am I really llosing it that badly? No matter... the boss wants some special pastries for the big brass.>> (The previous lines, having been delivered by the Head Baker DIQMAN, appeared briefly on the VVVC's virtual closed-captioning, then faded away. Meanwhile, the baker headed over to the donut flour bin as best he could, given the shape his body was in. Of course, that was the least of his problems...) The flour bin, strangely enough, was full. Which, in itself, was a mystery, since he knew for a fact that this morning, it had been half empty. Of course, were there to be some plot twist, this might have significance, but... <<*Probably only Little Dark Lady Hood*>> he half-mumbled, just in case she be around. <<*She did bring candy, though... maybe we'll have to rethink this whole nickname thing. It never did much for the story anyway...*>> Mixing the water and the flour, according to the _Guide for Virtually Perfect Donuts_, the baker still wondered about the flour. Of course, had he realized that the Master Mistress Chef had been visiting the important (and distinguished-looking) fellow for whom all the hubbub had been created in the first place, then he might have surmised that someone else.... But he didn't. The fact that someone had been in the kitchen during his coffee break never registered. We'll ignore his dislike of coffee... after all, tea *is* Virtually Coffee... User: ...Head Baker Diqman... mmm... tea. Date: 13-Oct 08:58 AM 750502754
I.93 p.s. The Cafe still has the same surroundings as ever...it was more of a dimensional shift, that included the entire environment. So nothing looks different outside...it just "feels" different. You know how these continuum-shifts are... :) User: TRAVELER Date: 13-Oct 08:59 AM 750502779
I.94 Meanwhile STEFAN looks at the sign posted on the door of the greenhouse. It says: !!!!!!WARNING!!!!!! Due to the excessive amounts of glass in this room, if you have any experience as a clutz, forget about it STEFAN shakes his head and walks away. User: STEFAN Date: 13-Oct 02:24 PM 750522247
I.95 Below in the gardens, the new gardener ALBATROSS has just looked over his domain, with his apprentice WOLFIE. They are converting part of the Decorative Garden into a Zen rock garden, with TRAVELER's enthusiastic approval. :) They are also maintaining a section with some classical touches at Trav's insistence--the "Vizcaya" look, with neat hedges, a fountain, and some statues of goddesses and such. The Produce Garden will continue to supply fresh stuff for the Cafi. And it just may happen that ALBATROSS and WOLFIE are cultivating a few other things back there among the trees, just on the other side of the property line... ;) User: TRAVELER Date: 13-Oct 03:08 PM 750524915
I.96 And finally, after a few weeks of careful planning and arrangements, ALBATROSS, the gardener makes his appearance. Calmly making his way into the VVVC(tm), he announces, "The Decorative Garden is ready for those inclined for its usage." He pulls of his gloves as he walks over to the bar and asks ECSTASY, "Would you be so kind as to get me a screwdiver, sans vodka?" She procedes to pour him his glass of orange juice, and gives it to him with her, now, obligatory smirk. "I was reading some Coleridge earlier today, and I thought of you," she says. "Gee, thanks. I always love being thought of as a dead bird..." And continues, "Might you now where our employer might be? I have ideas about what we should be growing up in the greenhouse, out in the produce garden, and downstairs near the wine cellar." "I think he's up on the roof 'surveying his domain'." "Perfect, I can point out some of my ideas from up there." He smiles and heads into the kitchen where the stairs lie. User: Albatross wonders what the bossman really does, anyways... :) Date: 13-Oct 03:10 PM 750525058
I.97 ECSTASY looks around to make sure the wormhole has been closed to save further posts from landing on her board. She realizes that all is safe and turns her attention back to the bar. Smiling her gratitude at ROMANTIC, she pours wine for both herself and ROMANTIC. They sip their wine and start their daily bitch session about men. User: ecstasy Date: 13-Oct 03:17 PM 750525467
I.98 TRAVELER's investigation into the drugged coffee has revealed no definite answers yet. But SYLVAR admits that ALBATROSS has some unusual fungi growing in the greenhouse, and there may have been some kind of mix-up. (Has someone secretly replaced SYLVAR's crystals with something else? :) Cardinal XIMINEZ appears to be okay; ROARK is, uh, taking care of him in a private booth down in the Blue Room. (Good thing those booths come with curtains...) Trav is considering putting in more stairways...this constant traffic up and down the kitchen staircase is getting cumbersome. Then SIREN beckons him over to her table. "You know, this place is a bit empty. You could use some publicity. Want to hire me as director of PR?" "What the heck...I can always hire another person, since all Cafi salaries are payed in Virtual Bucks [tm] anyway," says TRAVELER. :) Then SIREN, overjoyed at being hired, spontaneously gets up and french-braids Trav's hair, as well as BELGARATH's. Shortly thereafter, FIREFLYTE, Gypsy Songdancer and masseuse extraordinaire, happens by and gives him a revitalizing backrub. As the tension melts away, TRAVELER thinks to himself, "This place can be really great. I can't believe I was so stressed out earlier!" Just then, STEFAN drops a plate with a crash... User: TRAVELER Date: 13-Oct 04:13 PM 750528795
I.99 CADO enters the White Room. "By the way, it's looking pretty stormy out there. A big one, coming in from the sea." Just then, the front door blows open with a slam. The hustle and bustle of the room stills for a moment, and the whistle of the wind is the only sound. A very old, grizzled man, wearing a navy pea-jacket and a black cap, and leaning on a rough-hewn wooden cane, stands in the doorway. There is something menacing about him...or is it just the draft of chill air that has come into the room with him? The sky outside seems to have gone grey suddenly. Finally LOUCH says "Come in, sir. May I show you to a table?" in a small voice. He fixes her with a glittering eye. "I come to drink," he growls, and walks past her, his cane thumping on the floor. He makes his way to the Bar; ECSTASY leaves her convo with ROMANTIC to attend to him. "Bring me wine. The oldest vintage you've got." "Are you sure?" she says. "I'll have to go down to the cellar for it..." "The cellar? Hehehehe!" he cackles. "Yes, go down, down to the cellar. Only don't go too far. Ye wouldn't want to go too far down. And ye'd have to go very far indeed to find a vintage older than me." He laughs to himself, a dry, rattling sound. X gives him an "okaaayyyy" look, then exchanges some significant glances with Trav and Rom, effectively conveying the sentiment "We have a weird one here..." Then she goes off for the wine. Everyone else turns back to their previous business, but talking a bit more quietly than before. The patter of rain begins on the windows... User: TRAVELER Date: 13-Oct 04:28 PM 750529733
I.100 *grumble grumble grumble* Sitting in the little booth, Roark pats the again-but-normally asleep Cardinal's head. He wakes from his doze and rolls over, losing his grip on his nice red hat. As he reaches down for it.... *GRUMBLE GRUMBLE GRUMBLE* They both look at the Cardinal's stomach. "Uh-oh," Roark says, "I think we need to feed you some lunch. Help? Someone? A king size bowl of Ramen for the Cardinal, please..." User: Roark : Be warned...we have major power tools... Date: 13-Oct 05:00 PM 750531652