I.201 Meanwhile, at the roadside pit known as the Virtual Vax Cafe: Zo Roaster: "Boy, this place sure is fun. Well, for people who don't have a life, that is. Of course, I notice that VENKMAN seems to be always making fun of us." Traveler: "Yeah, well, VENKMAN can just go start the bus." Just then, outside the VVC: RAMMING SPEED!!! _____ / /-----\ AAAIIIEEE! _______________________________________________ // VVC \\ / | | | | | | | | | | | | O /_________\ | o | |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| O // \\ O\| | O | | O__/ VenkBus, Inc. O | __ | O ooo ooo O | | .| | \_______o o------------------------o o_____~ |___|__|____| ooo ooo 3 seconds later....*CRASH* Venkman: Well, that takes care of that. 8) Everyone else: Yay! User: VENKMAN Date: 2-Nov 10:18 AM 752235538
I.202 Unfortunately, VENKMAN forgot about the VSDI system. VSDI:*zap* VENKMAN:Curses, foiled again. ;) User: Stefan...virtual avenger... Date: 2-Nov 11:19 AM 752239198
I.203 Meanwhile, in our original timeline... CADO and TRAVELER stand dripping on the dock behind a certain riverfront restaurant. The flashing purple neon bird on top of the building makes it very clear that this is... The Indigo Toucan! Yes, the cafi owned by Traveler's arch-rival Farrah. It is this cafi from which the former VVVC headwaiter PALLAS came; there is ample evidence that Farrah has been trying to drive Trav out of business. But nothing definite...Now it seems that Trav and Cado have swam right into the lion's den. The three large men in white tuxes reach our heroes. The men are holding guns, though not actually pointing them at the two new arrivals. Trav glances at Cado grimly. "Think we can take 'em?" he mutters out of the corner of his mouth. "Good evening, sir. Would you care to dine now, or spend some time at the bar?" says the lead tux man. "Wh-? Uh..." Trav and Cado look at each other, baffled. "We'll stop by the bar for a while, I think," says Cado. "I know I could use a small drink." Traveler nods. And the men flank them, escorting them inside the Indigo Toucan. "This is weird," Trav says. "Do you think they know who we are?" "Mr. Farrah has been hoping for the pleasure of your company," says Lead Tux. "We weren't expecting you to come via the river, but Mr. Farrah says you're welcome just the same. In fact, I've been instructed to provide you with dry clothes. Would you care to step this way?" What the hell, Trav thinks. If they want to kill us, they can do it any time. "Yes, dry clothes would be nice..." User: Traveler continues the Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi saga... Date: 2-Nov 12:19 PM 752242798
I.204 ROBOBUSBOY:<<All those opposed to MY world will be assimilated.>> *machine noises* *pulls out VirtualNeuroNet* <<HA HA HA HA HA HA>> User: Stefan...proud sponser of the virtual olymipics... Date: 2-Nov 02:14 PM 752249722
I.205 amazing how both cado and traveler can be in two different places at the same time.... User: ecstasy Date: 2-Nov 04:14 PM 752256902
I.206 Sorry, I was storylinewise responding to Cado's earlier post... I now return you to your virtually scheduled program. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting on a pile of napkins in the pantry of the VVVC, waiting with Diq for the storyline to come back to us. User: The CopperPot Date: 2-Nov 04:31 PM 752258010
I.207 Sorry about the time-line mixup, guys... :) I wrote that first episode in response to one of my more emotional moods (just one of those things I had to get out). It was meant to be an aside, sort of a flashback (or flash forward). I didn't expect people to start building on it. :) Max still has the original storyline...so until we return, just continue at the Cafe without us. Consider my episode to have happened on the night I return. Have fun! User: Cado...will take a raincheck on that hangover. :) Date: 2-Nov 05:38 PM 752261954
I.208 The Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi Update ----------------------------------- * This will be a weekly feature (at the beginning of the week) to remind everyone where the story/stories stand(s). I myself don't contribute enough to the thread(s), so this will give me an excuse to. Ok, here's where things stand now: * TRAVELER and CADO, having left the Cafi to look for ROMANTIC's car, drove south into a bad section of the City, where instead of a towing lot they found an ambush. Big black cars chased them and shot at them; their convertible went off a drawbridge into the River. They have emerged from the river...to find themselves at rival Farrah's Indigo Toucan cafi. * DIQMAN and DARICELL have angrily confronted the driver/sole operator of the Taco Bus, NORM!, who has parked his vehicle across from the Cafi and is blasting mariachi music. They wonder who is really behind the Taco Bus-- the napkins may hold a clue. Daricell is planning a Mexican Cook-Off to challenge the newcomer. * STEFAN has just unveiled his Robobusboy [tm], which will cut his work in half and probably also take care of annoying customers. * ECSTASY, having recovered from being thrown through a window by a mysterious "portal" in the garden, then being bonked on the head with a vase by Sean Connery (in a special guest appearance), has been left in charge of the VVVC while Traveler is gone. * ALBATROSS has been in the kitchen with WOLFIE, making some strange cookies. And now, on with our story... User: TRAVELER Date: 3-Nov 04:58 PM 752345930
I.209 At the Indigo Toucan, TRAVELER and CADO have been provided with clean, dry clothes--suits of a rather expensive cut, in fact, and in their sizes. The dinner crowd is arriving; the sky is deepening into twilight as the two make their way to the bar, still feeling rather out of place. "I thought Farrah, whoever he is, hated your guts. Why are his guys treating us so nicely?" says Cado. "Good question. I haven't told anyone this--" Trav leans in close to Cado-- "but private eye ZOROASTER has suspicions that the attacks on the Cafi may have to do with Farrah trying to put me out of business." "You don't have to tell me. That rumor has been floating around. We're all worried about it." "Well, let's have a drink to show our appreciation for the hospitality, then clear out of here," Trav recommends. "We'll call a taxi. In fact, we should call the VVVC to let everyone know we're all right. They must be wondering where we are." They arrive at the bar. The interior of the Indigo Toucan is elegant, but somewhat drab, and does not at all rival the variety of the VVVC. But the bar looks reasonably well-stocked. Trav and Cado slide on to leather-topped stools, and a tall young brown-eyed woman approaches them behind the bar. "What can I--oh, you're the special guests?" she says. "Uh, perhaps. I'm TRAVELER...actually, I'm the owner and proprietor of the Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi, just north of the Marina on Bay Road?" "You're Traveler?? I can't believe you're coming here!! My boss hates you passionately," she says quietly. "I'm DEMENTIA, by the way. Mostly a waitress, but also a bartender in training. I wonder why the assistant manager said we were supposed to treat you so well?" "Nice to meet you. This is Cado, my bouncer." Cado and Dementia exchange greetings. Then Trav leans in. "You say your boss hates me?" Dementia looks around cautiously, then answers. "Yes! He wants to drive you out of business! All the employees here know about it. Anyway, he's got strange people trooping through here all the time...a whole staff, mostly of big thugs, who aren't officially on the payroll. And the casino--oops..." She covers her mouth. "I didn't tell you about that." Trav smiles. "I didn't hear it from you. But obviously you don't feel real loyal to your boss, to be so...talkative about such things." "I'd like to get out of this place...but I need the money. The employees really aren't treated well...not that we ever see Mr. Farrah, just his assistant managers. He hides out in his office. No one even knows what he looks like! But they say he's a very big man." Dementia shakes her head and smiles. "There I go again. You didn't hear any of that from me either, ok?" Trav grins widely. "I like the things you aren't telling me." Cado looks at them, slightly annoyed but also amused. "Well, while you two DON'T have a conversation, I think I'm going to look around this place. But first, could you get me a drink, Dementia?" Trav and Cado both order very mild drinks. Then Cado wanders off to reconnoiter... User: TRAVELER Date: 3-Nov 05:17 PM 752347048
I.210 *chuckle* ...deep in the back of the Blue Room, FIREFLYTE sits cross-legged on the floor, light from the window to her right lighting part of her face, her hair covering the rest of it as she stares down at the thick book in her lap. Beside her sits a glass half-full of Cognac, and from her hair peeks a small red rose, still mostly closed... "...all we see or seem..." ...She hmmms, looks off into space a moment, and glances over to where INLERAH sits at a terminal, eyes rapt to the flickering screen, half-empty bottles of orange juice and vodka resting on the floor beside the chair...she absently jingles the small pouch of stones hanging from her belt, looking off into space again... ...Reverently closing the book in her lap, she takes both it and the cognac with her out through the White Room, outside and along a path to a small bare User: Fireflyte... ...let's tell the future, let's see how it's been done... Date: 3-Nov 10:08 PM 752364539
I.211 *grumble* ---John, poster no work tonight, mon... :P (le's try again, no?) -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= -=-=-= ...to a bare patch that looks out over the glittering waves behind the cafe'... a stiff breeze blows her hair back, and makes her squint as she smiles out at the waters... ...She takes a swig of the cognac, chokes and coughs once or twice, and flings the drink, glass and all, out into the waves...She takes the rose from her hair, kisses it gently, presses it to her forehead a moment, and flings it, too, to the choppy waves... "Salve,..." She speaks the latin roughly..."May we ride the storm well, with the wind in our hair, you on your side, us on ours, my friends..."...she pauses a moment, as if listening, head cocked sideways as she gazes out at the waters with a crooked smile...then she nods softly, and turns toward to trees, toward where it is said that stone Circle might be... ...Her footfalls are light as she disappears among the trees... User: Fireflyte... ...*had* poster,...until tonight, I guess... Date: 4-Nov 03:07 AM 752382480
I.212 _Eternity_ (William Blake) He who bends to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in eternity's sunrise. User: ...diqman... i've come to know the cold... i think of it as home Date: 4-Nov 02:50 PM 752424659
I.213 On the horizon, a lone black sail...moving from south to north...silhouetted against the sunset. It has passed this way before, but no one has looked at it through the telescope fixed to the stone walkway. A strange breeze comes in off the sea...the kind that can make you shiver, even on a warm day. Inside the Cafe, ECSTASY is tending bar in the Black Room. The DJ is playing Nirvana at her request (command, actually--since she's in charge :), and a few of the dinner crowd from the White Room have come back here to dance. The place won't really start to fill up till much later in the evening. X wipes a counter, and drops a tip into the pocket of her leather bodysuit--when her fingers brush something cold. From the pocket she pulls a coin...the large, irregular, very old coin that the strange, evil-looking old sailor used to pay her for his wine, days ago. Somehow she had been carrying around since then. Strange that she should not notice it till now. Well, there was one other time...in the garden, when that strange portal opened up for a moment...she now remembers feeling the coin in her pocket, its coldness seeming to pulse through her clothing into her flesh... But then a young man who bears a certain resemblance to Kurt Cobain (sans the blond mop) comes to the bar. She looks up and smiles, slips the coin back into her pocket, and forgets about it. User: Traveler Date: 4-Nov 10:04 PM 752450655
I.214 Zoroaster, cooling his heels at the Cafe, finds himself approached by Diqman and Daricell. They are carrying napkins from the taco bus, going on about the taco bus angryly. Zoro makes some comment about having noticed it, the mariachi music.. heh. "So what seems to be improtant about these napkins?" He says.. <<Look, they are printed by the 'FarRight' company>> Zoro sits up startled. "Did you say FarRight?! Thats farrah's company, I swear. I checked into his holdings once.." Zoro frowns... "You don't think the T A C O B U S is owned by Farrah do you?" Says Daricell. "I'm afraid thats a very real possibility." replies Zoro. "Do you know where Traveler is?" They shake their heads. "In that case I'm off to the bus." User: ZOROASTER Date: 4-Nov 10:31 PM 752452306
I.215 Meanwhile at the warehouse of death ----------------------------------- The man in black smiles. This will be too easy. Maharet is cowering in a nearby box, thinking she is hidden. Tom's amplified senses make a mockery of this. It's deceased brain fills with thoughts of rending and killing, and it moves slowly around to face the open slats behind which Mahie is hiding. Tom pounces! Mahie leaps backward, startled and scared, hiting the back wall of the crate. Tom tries to fit through, but he is much too large. Frothing with fustration, he tears at the wood, shredding it in seconds. He prepares to leap at Maharet again, who has had long enough to prepare herself. She darts past Tom, who catches her on her wounded flank. No mere cat caws these, the wound burns her. Losing her footing, she tumbles down a stack of boxes, momentarily sprawled on the floor. In that moment Tom is on her! His teeth find her neck and though she claws with all her might, all her hope is gone. And then.. "Wait, om, do not kill it just yet. I have a plan to deal with our annoying pest, Zoroaster Private Eye. Render it unconscious and give it to me," Snaps the man in black. Tom can scarcely believe its ears! Not.. to kill? Confused it looks at its master. User: Maharet Date: 4-Nov 10:42 PM 752452942
I.216 In another one of those independent time-streams at the VVVC... It is a busy night at the Cafe. Some minutes ago, TRAVELER disappeared upstairs into his office, muttering tensely about an important phone call. Everyone has noticed how much he's been stressed out these last couple weeks, and how he keeps making these calls periodically. Now Trav comes down the stairs, beaming, and perhaps wiping his eyes just a bit. "Excuse me, I have an announcement to make..." :) A hush falls over the White Room. "I can't believe I was dialing the wrong number all week--must be that damn 'i' plan--but anyway, I finally got through to Rachell tonight..." "She has arrived," he says simply. Then, "Drinks and cigars for everyone, ON THE HOUSE!" At this point, Trav begins madly hugging anyone within reach... :) User: Traveler: F A T H E R of A U T U M N Date: 6-Nov 06:56 PM 752612219
I.217 ALBATROSS shouts, "Alright WOLFIE, you can bring in the special 'congradulatory cookies'!" TRAVELER smiles at this, "Mmmmm...cookies." ;) User: Albatross wishes the three of you well, regardless of circumstance Date: 7-Nov 04:34 AM 752646913
I.218 ...and in a corner of the White Room, where the shadows give the illusion of seclusion, a man in a white suit and hat sits and waits, drinking some rather potent espresso. (SYLVAR was a little hesitant about making a triple espresso, but the man assured him that he really, really, really needed the caffeine now, thank you very much, give it to me before I rip out your larynx NOW NOW NOW! oh for the love of God, give me my coffee!!!!!) He's not saying anything to anyone else, and is avoiding everyone else's glances. He's got the intensity of a praying mantis about to devour his mate. Not a single movement. The door opens. In comes someone...it's hard to say, he's got his raincoat pulled up and his hat pulled low. He strolls over to the White Man's table, pulls up a chair, and sits down. He takes off his hat, revealing blonde hair and blue eyes...making him look vaguely Swedish. The other customers glance up - they haven't seen this person in the Cafe since it opened - but something looks very familiar... The Swedish guy looks at the White Man, looks at the coffee, smiles, and says, "You should really cut down on the hot chocolate." TO BE CONTINUED... User: Sven Noir Date: 8-Nov 01:23 PM 752765042
I.219 TREKKER: You day that like it's a bad thing... ;) Having given the napkins to Zoroaster, who has gone out to investigate the TacoBus, Daricell found that she had nothing to do. That in itself was okay, since she hadn't been feeling very well, but then had gone out and partied all weekend anyway, but she wanted something to happen. The day's meal was prepared ... still in a vengeful mood, she had continued with recipes from "Like Water for Chocolate", including the fantastic Quail in Rose Petal Sauce that has the power to send anyone who eats it into a sexual frenzy ... but no one was around to eat it. **sigh** And she had been so looking forward to watching the frenzy, too. Then she noticed why no one was about to consume her dish o' combustible consummation possibilities. Glancing out the window, she could see a line forming in front of the Taco Bus. A line partially made up of her customers. Or former customers, it seemed. Sniffling a little at their lack of culture (and at the cold that tickled in the back of her throat), she went back to the kitchen. User: DARICELL Date: 8-Nov 05:12 PM 752778756
I.220 The Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi Update: ------------------------------------ * TRAVELER and CADO are at the bar of the Indigo Toucan, owned by Trav's rival, the mysterious Farrah. They have just met bartender DEMENTIA, who has mentioned an illegal casino, poor treatment of employees, and other shady goings-on at the I.T. * DIQMAN and DARICELL have shown ZOROASTER the napkins they grabbed from NORM's Taco Bus parked across the street from the VVVC. Zoro recognizes the "FarRight Co." mentioned on the napkins as Farrah's holding company, and is heading out to the Bus to investigate. * Daricell has noticed an unfortunate defection of some of the Cafi's customers to the Taco Bus' cheaper, but lower-quality fare. Her own gourmet delicacies are being neglected...she's starting to get annoyed... * A mysterious black ship sailed past the Cafi, just as ECSTASY, now temporarily in charge, briefly noted the strange coin given to her by the old sailor some days ago. * The Man in Black and his cybercat Tom have cornered, wounded and captured Zoroaster's feline sidekick Maharet...but he doesn't know about it...yet. And now, on with our story... User: TRAVELER Date: 8-Nov 05:25 PM 752779535
I.221 At the Indigo Toucan, CADO casually wanders through the various rooms of the restaurant, noting every detail. He knows the eyes of the security guards are upon him, and has also spotted some not-very-hidden cameras. On the riverfront terrace in back, he watches the last glints of sunset disappear and the lights of the City twinkle into existence... And hears distant laughter and shouting. He looks around...it doesn't seem to be coming from any of the diners inside or outside the restaurant. Maybe from that large, windowless section of the building? He remembers seeing a well-guarded set of double wooden doors that seemed to lead to that part of the restaurant. This could be the casino DEMENTIA spoke of... Back at the bar, TRAVELER is trying to get more information out of bartender/waitress DEMENTIA, but she has finished her only break for the evening, and now scurries to and fro with dishes and trays. As she passes his seat, he stands and touches her arm. "Can you tell me anything more about Farrah?" he asks quietly. She sighs. "I've really got to work. Besides, they know I've been talking to you...soon it's going to look suspicious, if not already. I can't afford to get fired." "Well, I had been thinking about that actually...Our headwaiter PALLAS over at the VVVC went on indefinite leave recently--" "Pallas? I think he used to work here, before my time," says Dementia. "Yes. In fact, we think he may have been planted at the VVV Cafi on purpose by Farrah. He tried to harm one of our employees--although he didn't know what he was doing--he was under post-hypnotic suggestion." "Wow. Okay, though, I've gotta get back to work..." "What I was saying was...well, we're a little understaffed at the moment, though my busboy STEFAN said he was working on something to remedy that. Anyway, we could use a new waitress, or waitperson, or server, or whatever the PC term is." :) "Hmmm...sounds interesting," she says thoughtfully. "Let me think it over." She turns towards the kitchen, but then turns back for a second. "Oh, one thing you might like to know--" At that moment, a stern-looking manager stalks by and glares at her. "I better go," she whispers, and returns to her duties. Traveler, puzzled, watches her walks away. User: TRAVELER Date: 8-Nov 05:48 PM 752780956
I.222 "A *triple* espresso?" asks Jon Vallee. "Have I been mentioned in 'Final Exit', or something? You're risking your stomach lining, man!" Sven, trembling, pleads, "You've gotta make me a fix, Jon. I haven't had an espresso for..." He looks at his watch. "...damn. My wrist is shaking. But it's been a few hours." "You're not a pretty sight," Jon agrees, and presses three cups of espresso. He pours them all into one coffee cup and offers it to Sven, who dashes away, posthaste. Jon turns his attention to the window. He sees a lovely figure outside, and as she throws something, a /kaze/ blows her hair back. "Now," he mutters, "by the *world*, it is a lusty wench. I love her ten times more than e'er I did: O, how I long to have some chat with her!" He breaks his gaze away, entirely unhappy to do so, and returns to his espresso machine, making a double espresso for himself. He downs it at one draw, and his face is transfixed, as if he were drawn by Caravaggio. ...Jon returns to his rounds, checking the rooms for caffeine-deprived patrons... User: Jon Vallee -- "Did ever Dian so become a grove?" Date: 8-Nov 06:32 PM 752783671
I.223 The doors of the VVVC swing open and Cardinal XIMINEZ strides in. With a nod to LOUCH he quickly seats himself at a table, and orders a: "whatever DARICELL is cooking today. I'm starved; it can be quite exhausting work slaughtering the innocents." >From his quick smile and gleam in his eye, nobody within earshot is quite able to tell if he's kidding or not. "And what the hell is this Taco Bus thing. I mean, I enjoy Tacos every once in a while, but that guy seems to be parked illegally." He shrugs it off while shouting across the room to Jon for a cup of Cafe cubano con leche. When he finally catches a sniff of what is being prepared in the kitchen, he slouches in his seat a little more and mumbles, "Mmmmm...rose petals" User: Cardinal Ximinez Date: 10-Nov 01:53 AM 752896440
I.224 ECSTASY reaches under the bar for her Ruger .22 and looks at it. "Hmmm....I think I need to get this competition away from here...." Aiming at the front windshield, she squeezes off a few bullets and shatters said windshield. "That should clear him out." User: ecstasy Date: 10-Nov 11:47 AM 752932024
I.225 NORM!(tm) sticks his head out of the space where the windshield was only moments before. "Hey, I'm busy helping Kim Hale on the road to recovery in here, keep it down." User: I just can't put my name on this one. Date: 10-Nov 11:58 AM 752932712
I.226 Meanwhile, SVEN, having just finished off a info-piracy deal, along with four triple espressos, watches the White Man leave. He's got a bit of juice in him, and the involuntary tremblings of his hands are a testament to this. He is about to go over to MOODINDIGO (hah hah) when two men in black suits block his path. "Monsieur Sven?" the taller one asks. "WHAT?!?!?!?" They seem a bit taken aback. Not realizing how much caffeine is in his system, they take his rage for psychosis. Then the shorter one clear his throat and says, "We understand you deal in information. We have some data we need to move out of the Zurich net and into a secret cache located in a subroutine of MindVox." No response from Sven. He just shakes and stares at them. Finally, he whimpers, "I really have to pee," and tears off for the bathroom. User: Sven - The Plot Sickens Date: 10-Nov 12:33 PM 752934803
I.227 At The Indigo Toucan: --------------------- Another of the ubiquitous Large Men in Tuxes comes up to TRAVELER, still sitting at the bar. "Excuse me, sir," he says, "but Mr. Farrah would like the honor of your presence." Patrons at the bar and at nearby tables who overhear this remark suddenly go quiet, and look up at Traveler. Apparently such an invitation is a remarkable thing...for better or worse. "My presence? I'm here at his restaurant..." Trav says. "He would like to speak to you in a more private setting...in his office." Now it seems like half the restaurant is watching Traveler intently, though the conversation between him and the Tux Man is quiet enough that few of them can hear it. Trav sighs. "Well...uh...would Mr. Farrah mind if I finished my drink first?" "I'm sure that would be all right," Tux Man says, without going anywhere. Traveler turns on his stool so that he's facing the bar, and picks up the pina colada he ordered a few minutes before. As he is drinking, he notices something odd...something scrawled on the bar napkin that was beneath his drink. What does it say? It's signed "DEMENTIA"...he quickly slips the napkin off the bar and into his pocket without Tux Man noticing. Then he finishes his drink and stands up. "All right, then. Mr. Farrah's office." The guard nods, and leads the way towards a door. Traveler glances back...<<where has CADO gone?>> he wonders... User: TRAVELER Date: 11-Nov 06:43 PM 753043409
I.228 In another part of the Indigo Toucan... CADO saunters towards the large double doors, flanked by guards, that he suspects leads to the restaurant's illegal casino. Of course the guards deny him access, saying the room is for "special guests of Mr. Farrah". "I am a special guest of Mr. Farrah!" says Cado. "I'm here with TRAVELER." The guards glance at each other questioningly. "We were told we had free access to the casino. You see, I know all about what's behind those doors." The guards hold a whispered conference, then one departs. "We'll check on that," says the remaining guard. He and Cado eye each other suspiciously. Finally, Cado asks "Got any cigarettes?" The guard reluctantly fishes a pack out of his jacket, and hands one to Cado. "Got a light?" Cado asks again. The guard produces a lighter, and Cado leans in, cigarette in mouth, to receive the flame. He takes a deep drag as the guard lights the cigarette...then expels the smoke right into the guard's face. "Hey--*cough* *gasp*--the HE--?" the guard starts to say, and holds up his hands to shield his face. Unfortunately for him, he's just left his solar plexus nicely exposed for Cado's punch. He doubles over, and Cado quickly slips into the casino. He knows he has only seconds to learn what he can...perhaps the Indigo Toucan can be reported to the City police, and corrupt as they are, they may have to shut this place down for such flagrant violations of the law... Cado gets far enough inside to see a large room, filled with people at tables playing roulette, blackjack, and other games. Then he literally runs into somebody very familiar looking. He stands back and takes a good look at the man. It's the chief of the City police force... User: TRAVELER Date: 11-Nov 06:43 PM 753043429
I.229 Uh...Max...did you realize what kind of neighborhood we were moving into ...? I think I just figured out why that damn Taco Bus hasn't been ticketed yet... <<Oh hell...this could be messy...>> thinks Cado as he stares into the Chief's eyes. "Come in, Mr. Cadomeyer," says the Chief calmly. "We've been expecting you." Cado whirls around to make a speedy exit, but the doors slam shut before he can move. Someone reaches around from behind and gags Cado with a cloth. He tries to fight, but he is suddenly weak and dizzy...moments later he passes out on the floor, lastly remembering the strong smell of chloroform... User: Cado...Take it away, Max! Date: 12-Nov 08:42 AM 753093766
I.230 ECSTASY slams a new clip in her gun and aims for the windshield of the TACO BUS again. A calm hand grabs her arm and whispers in her ear. "It's okay. Calm down. We can work through this." ECSTASY looks at MOODINDIGO and smiles tremulously. "Are you sure? He's taking away all of our business. DARICELL is so bored she doesn't even warm up the oven any more and DIQMAN's baking isn't that inspired! Yesterday, we had wheat bread! No more pumpernickel or rye! And I am so bored that I can barely use my whip! It's all NORM(tm)'s fault!" ECSTASY's chest is heaving in rage as she looks for an answer in MOODINDIGO's eyes. "It was just pms. Have some chocolate." User: ECSTASY Date: 12-Nov 12:59 PM 753109179
I.231 <<This whole TACO BUS thing has got me down, DARICELL... I'm going to knock off for the day...>> the head-baker-and-sometime-op muttered to his co-worker. Of course, the Master/Mistress Chef said something to him, but that's not really important, besides, that would be speaking for another person, so... -Warning: Five minutes have elapsed- DIQMAN finds himself in the blue room, with his trademark Walkman, books of poetry, meditations, and other things to read. In his left hand, which, incidentally, is probably the hand he *should* have learned to write with, he holds a home-made piqa colada from the lovely and dangerous ECSTASY... which doesn't taste quite right. <<*The TACO BUS has affected everyone's performance.... X is going off the handle, DARICELL is no longer her dark, sonnetical self, and TRAVELER and CADO are buried in plot far, far away... something has to be done...*>> The baker folds his legs, clears his mind, and meditates... he has to clear his mind, before he can find the solutions.... and, clinging furiously to a little-used portion of his memory is a vague secret about the identity of Farrah... User: ...diqman... will he ever learn? Date: 12-Nov 02:05 PM 753113123
I.232 At The VVVC: ------------ ZOROASTER strides out of the front doors of the Cafe', between the large planters overflowing with greenery, and crosses the street to the main parking area where the Taco Bus has encsonced itself. The incessant mariachi music has reached a maddening volume, totally disturbing the evening stillness. By the lights strung up above the bus' service window, Zoro sees a long line of customers waiting to buy some of NORM's inferior but cheap fare. He growls to himself, and clenches the handful of Taco Bus napkins he is carrying. "All right, buster, I know who you work for," says Zoro, pushing to the front of the line. "How does Farrah think he can pull this off!?" "What are you talking about?" Norm replies, spooning a meat-like substance into an imitation tortilla made of hydrolyzed vegetable fiber. "All right, man, shut it down or I'll have you towed away!" Zoro blusters. But Norm just smiles and says, "E-I-E-I don't think so! Have you tried calling a tow truck recently? They all work for the same person I do." Exasperated, Zoro reaches up and yanks the cord leading to the bus' outside speakers, and the mariachi abruptly dies. Several of the people in line applaud this move. "All right, then, I'll handle you myself!" Zoro says angrily. But Norm remains unruffled. "Look, if you have a complaint, take it to the guy you say is my boss." He thinks for a moment, then pulls out a brochure from behind the counter. "I'm just an employee, and Mr. Farrah told me to come here. It's one of the expansion sites. See?" He hands the brochure to Zoroaster. "Expansion sites!?" The detective grabs the pamphlet and looks at it. Over a dozen red circles are superimposed on a map of the City. "COMING SOON: These new restaurants, bringing you the same quality dining experience we've been providing for years here at THE INDIGO TOUCAN!" says a caption. "Wait...why is THIS site marked? The Taco Bus may hurt the VVVC's business, but it would be smarter for you to set up somewhere el--" "You don't understand," Norm interrupts. "The Taco Bus is just an advance promotional kind of thing. This Vax Cafi is scheduled to become a branch of the Indigo Toucan. Don't you know about it? I thought the deal was done." "WHAT!?" Zoro grabs Norm by the collar of his purple and teal shirt. "There ain't no such deal, not if this place is owned by the same TRAVELER I've known since before the last apocalypse! He would NEVER sell this place." "Hey, calm down!" protests Norm anxiously. "I'm just going by what Mr. Farrah's people told me. I really thought this place was already one of his subsidiaries." Zoro sighs. "Evidently the rumours of the VVVC's demise were greatly exaggerated." He looks back at the building, and the large triple-V neon sign over the entrance. "There's only one thing for it--I'm going to have to get to the heart of this darkness. I'm going to have to go talk to Farrah." Brochure and napkins in hand, he turns and walks slowly to his car... User: TRAVELER Date: 12-Nov 04:49 PM 753123023
I.233 In the Blue Room, DIQMAN drifts past SIREN, who is sitting at a booth playing with a multi-purpose remote control. She is flipping through the 500 channels pulled in by the Cafi's satellite dish, now displayed on one of the Blue Room's display screens. She is disturbed... "Hey, look at this!" she says. Diq watches as she pauses on an advertisement...which prominently features a grinning Norm and his Taco Bus! Further flipping reveals that this same commercial is playing on dozens of channels. "This is crazy! Someone is sinking big money into this ad campaign! That's the reason that so many people are eating at the Taco Bus!" Siren says indignantly. "As the Virtual Virtual VAX Cafi's P.R. director, I think we need a counter-attack." // Ed: See VVVC issue #45. :) // STEFAN, who has joined Diq and Siren at the screen, frowns. "Hmmm..." Then he glances out the window, and sees Zoro heading for his car. "I think my services may be needed." Stefan scrambles back to the kitchen to get his Robobusboy from its storage closet... User: TRAVELER Date: 12-Nov 05:04 PM 753123906
I.234 At the VVVC: ------------ STEFAN emerges from the front door into the night, pushing along a large, upright box on wheels. He heads over to where ZOROASTER is getting into his car, parked beneath the old towing sign (in the space that got ROMANTIC's car towed way back when). "Zoro! Wait!" Stefan approaches. "Are you going to look for TRAVELER and CADO? I and my RoboBusBoy might be able to be of some assistance." "Actually, I'm going to talk to Farrah about these expansion plans of his!" says Zoro, waving the brochure he got from the Taco Bus in Stefan's face. "This claims that he's going to assimilate the VVVC! What utter gall!" Stefan looks at the brochure with a penlight. "Locations all over the City. Hmmm. But what about Trav and Cado? They've been gone far too long... they should be back with Romantic's car by now. Where was that towing lot, anyway?" "Well...this sign right here has the address..." Zoro turns on his headlights to see the faded numbers on the sign in front of his car. "Hmmm... Venkmobile Towing, 211 Barneybus Avenue." "Where would that be on this map?" Stefan points to the simplified City map on the Taco Bus/Indigo Toucan brochure. Zoro takes it from him. "Hmmm...right about...hey! Right HERE! At this red dot!" he says in surprise. "I thought the red dots were future Indigo Toucan locations," says Stefan. "Precisely! That means Farrah owns the towing lot, or has some connections to it!" Zoroaster looks at Stefan grimly. "Trav and Cado may be in grave danger. I believe that Farrah is linked to the recent attacks on the Cafe. We know he hypnotized PALLAS to attack DARICELL, and probably to plant the fungus on SYLVAR's coffee beans that nearly killed Trav and XIMINEZ." "So then, should we go after Farrah, or to the towing lot?" asks Stefan. "I should tell you, I'm working undercover for the Virtual Bureau of Investigation. We have an operative at the Indigo Toucan also--I could check in with them, and possibly even make some arrests. Plus I've got the RoboBusBoy." "Well, then I'll drop you at the Toucan...and I'll go check out the towing lot myself," replies Zoro. "Let's load this thing in the trunk and get moving..." User: TRAVELER Date: 15-Nov 00:34 AM 753323646
I.235 SVEN is running towards the bathroom, he jumps over tables and chairs, his mind the whole time racing with the thought "There's not much time". he gets to the bathroom . . . . Only to find it locked. User: FABBABE Date: 15-Nov 08:45 AM 753353133
I.236 The Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi Update: ------------------------------------ * At the Indigo Toucan, TRAVELER has been escorted to a meeting with the mysterious Farrah. He has some sort of note apparently given to him by DEMENTIA, but hasn't had time to read it. * CADO has forced his way into the Indigo Toucan's casino...only to meet the City police captain. A moment later, he is chloroformed into unconsciousness. * ZOROASTER and STEFAN have realized that the towing lot has connections to Farrah. Zoro is planning to head there, and will drop Stefan and his RoboBusboy off at the Indigo Toucan, to investigate Farrah's plans to take over the Cafi. * DIQ and SIREN have noticed a massive ad campaign for the Taco Bus on various TV stations. Everyone realizes it is time for a counteroffensive... And now, on with the story... :) User: Traveler Date: 15-Nov 04:56 PM 753382572
I.237 Following one of Farrah's large tuxedo-clad thugs, TRAVELER passes through a door leading from the main dining room of the Indigo Toucan into...a narrow, dark corridor. A little ways ahead, they mount a staircase. Trav covertly reaches into his jacket to pull out the bar napkin he hid there moments before. In the murky light, he manages to make out these words... secret door no exit -DEMENTIA He slips the note back into his pocket. After turning several conrners and traversing more corridors (the place seems to be honeycombed with them), he and the man have reached a set of double doors with frosted glass windows. A dim bluish glow filters through from inside. The man touches a button on a wall-mounted intercom unit, and there is a faint chime. "Mr. Farrah? Sir, your guest is here to see you. Mr. Traveler." There is no answer, but a few seconds later there is a click and a buzz. The man reaches down and turns the door handle, gesturing for Trav to enter. Trav steps forward into a large, dark room; the man himself remains outside. Then the door closes behind him. The only light in what is presumably Farrah's office is from a bank of black and white video monitors on the far wall. They appear to be showing what is going on in various parts of the restaurant. There are also some exterior views, including one of the dock by which CADO and Traveler emerged from the river. But wait...there's a screen with a picture of... "The VVVC!" Trav says under his breath. At this, there is a stir from near the monitors. Now he realizes that there is a desk between him and the monitors, and a huge chair behind the desk. Whoever is in the chair has turned to look at the screens. A large hand appears over the top of the chair, waving briefly at Trav. "Sit down, Mr. Traveler," comes a guttural whisper from the chair. "We have much to discuss..." User: Traveler Date: 15-Nov 05:18 PM 753383933
I.238 On the floor of the Indigo Toucan's casino, CADO swims back to consciousness. He is aware of voices, and lights, but his senses are still blurry from the chloroform. Apparently, his ankles have been bound and his hands tied behind his back. Now he is aware of a conversation going on, between a man with a trace of a French accent and another man with a thick, flat voice. "Was that really necessary? Must you use such methods?" says the Frenchman. "Captain, Mr. Farrah is letting you enjoy the services of his casino, is he not? And everything else the Indigo Toucan can provide? In return, you are expected to...well..." "Look the other way? Oui, oui, I know this. But chloroform? And I hear other things, about what he is doing to his competitors..." "Those competitors like to start rumors about how evil Mr. Farrah is. Don't believe them," says the man with the flat voice. "All the same, you must be a little less...how do you say?...flagrant. Hmmph." Now Cado can see, through slitted eyes, that the conversation is taking place between the police captain and one of Farrah's thugs--the same thug who Cado had overpowered to get inside the casino. Other patrons of the casino, all rich and well-dressed, stand at a distance, murmuring and watching Cado. Farrah's man moves to address them. "Ladies and gentlemen, please, back to your games. Let our uninvited guest alone." Most of them return to their gaming tables, but one woman in a sequined dress, who carries a tray of some sort, keeps watching Cado. "You! Dabo girl! Get back to work!" the thug says. After one last glance at Cado, she does so. <<Was she flirting? Curious? Sympathetic?>> he wonders. Now the man comes over and bends down over Cado. "Don't bother faking, I know you're coming round. Here, this is for what you did outside." A huge fist hits him in the gut like a brick, and he writhes, painfully unable to breathe. "Be a good boy and just lie there, and maybe you won't get any more of that. Maybe. Mr. Farrah still hasn't decided what to do with you." The man stands up and moves away. <<Uh-oh>>, Cado thinks. <<At least they don't know about the cutting blade hidden in my special Navy SEAL wristwatch...>> :) User: TRAVELER Date: 16-Nov 03:27 AM 753420472
I.239 After finally taking care of what ails him (thank God for those huge planters), a much-relieved SVEN strolls up to the bar, sits down in front of ECSTASY. "What'll it be?" ECSTASY asks. "Atomic Cowboy. And give it wings", says SVEN, eager to rush from caffeine to alcohol. He sighs, looks around, and notices the Taco Bus. "What the..." But he stops his comment when seeing the driver of the bus...Oh NO...not HIM...anyone but HIM... "What the hell is that bus doing here?" ECSTASY shrugs. "Beats the hell outta me, but they're starting to eat into my business." SVEN, shocked out of his mind, bolts out of the White Room towards the Blue Room. Entering, he immediately heads for one of the terminals when he sees a figure hunched over one of the virtual reality machines. He runs over, pulling him up, and sees it is MOODINDIGO, nearly unconscious and looking bad. "What happened, man?" MOODINDIGO opens his eyes a little, pauses, and whispers "Soft...taco...supreme..." His eyes then close as he lapses into unconsciousness. SVEN stands over him, supporting him...thinking, "My God...why is NORM doing this?" User: SVEN Date: 16-Nov 12:01 PM 753451323
I.240 Ummmm...my posts are having slight probs when they get too long....I guess I'll give a summary. STEFAN thinks Farrah is after RoboBusBoy too and splits the manuel (which he has memorized) with ZOROASTER for safe keeping. User: Stefan...*sigh* and I liked the diaglog of the <A>borted post :(... Date: 16-Nov 02:02 PM 753458574
I.241 In Farrah's Office: ------------------- The mysterious Mr. Farrah still sits with his chair turned away from TRAVELER. "How nice of you to drop in on us," he says in a raspy voice. "I had been looking forward to this little chat for a long time." "What do you want, Farrah?" Trav says tersely. "I know you're connected with the attacks on my cafi. Do you want me out of business? Surely you don't think the City isn't big enough for the both of us? You've got the riverfront, and I'm up north of the Marina." "Now, now, don't get ahead of yourself, Traveler. First of all you don't understand what I'm after." "You're right, I don't! And I won't stand for attacks on me, my employees, and my customers!" "And who will you go to? The police? You already tried that...and they told you not to bother them. You know why? Look." A hand reaches out from the other side of the chair, pointing a remote control at the wall of black and white video screens. One of the screens changes to show an overhead view of two men talking. "Look who happens to be standing in my casino at this very moment...the captain of the police force." A dry chuckle floats up from the chair. "So you see, there is no one for you to turn to. Now, I have a little proposal to make." Traveler is looking closely at the video wall. "Wait. Explain something to me: why is there a picture of the VVVC up there?" "Ah, you don't know about the Taco Bus, do you? You see, I have moved in on your cafe--in fact, right across the street. NORM is just a pawn in my game, but he is doing his job well. He doesn't even know there's a camera installed on the bus, so that I can monitor all the comings and goings at your little establishment. As a matter of fact, your friend the detective--ZOROASTER?-- just left a few minutes ago. I hope he's not foolish enough to come here." "All right, Farrah, you seem to be holding most of the cards. Why don't you lay them on the table? Make your little proposal." The chair turns ever so slightly--not enough to reveal Farrah, though Trav can now see his arm sitting on the armrest. There is a long pause. Then Farrah speaks. "Very well. I want you...to sell me the Virtual Virtual Vax Cafi." User: TRAVELER Date: 16-Nov 02:11 PM 753459092
I.242 ECSTASY ducks down behind the bar and grabs her assortment of whips. "Who wants one? I'm keeping the ExtendoWhip(tm) for myself." User: ECSTASY Date: 16-Nov 05:20 PM 753470403
I.243 The sharp tines of the carving fork plunged through the map and into the table, over the exact location of the infamous TACO BUS. Daricell's eyes gleamed menacingly. "He's taking away business. He's poisoning his customers." Each point was echoed by another stab at the map, as Daricell spoke, fury in her voice. "We can't tow him... I say we storm the BUS! Who's with me?" The patrons and employees of the VVVC cheered wildly. "I am! I am!" "Raise your torch, mount your horse, screw your courage to the sticking place... no wait, that's _Beauty & the Beast_ --" Daricell did not let the literary distraction stop her. "Let's go!" Diqman grabbed carving knives from the kitchen, and Ecstasy passed out several of her lesser whips, arming herself with her special Extend-O-Whip... Thus supplied, the madding crowd poured forth from the Cafe, with Daricell leading the way, and advanced toward the TACO BUS. MOODINDIGO, slumped by the bar, whispered, "Have fun... storming the bus..." as they left. Daricell pulled the plug on the mariachi music first, as frightened TACO BUS customers scattered before the wrath of the Cafe patrons and employees. "D'Oh! D'Oh! What are you doing to my TACO BUS!" Norm cried, as the awnings came crashing down. "We're moving you to a more convenient location -- nore convenient for US!" Diqman replied, moving into the front of the oh-so-portable restaurant... User: DARICELL Date: 16-Nov 05:25 PM 753470738
I.244 Diqman slipped the gear shift into neutral and jumped clear. "We don't need to start it," he announced. "Everyone push!" Daricell yelled, and the rallying cry echoed through the street. Sylvar, Diqman, Ecstasy, and a cast of many others pushed the bus forward, to the crest of the hill overlooking the bay... "D'oh! Wait!" Norm said. "This bus is my livelihood!" "This bus belongs to FarRight Corp. Get a real job," Ecstasy snapped, taking off a sideview mirror with one well-placed crack of her whip. "Get off if you don't want to go down the hill with it," Sylvar threatened, and Norm moved away from the now-battered TACO BUS. In a bare second, the bus was over the top of the hill and careening wildly toward the bay. It arced over the water like a killer whale in flight before crashing, splashing, and slowly sinking to the bottom of the deep waters. "H U Z Z A H ! ! !" roared the crowd, as Norm stared dismally at the wake left by the TACO BUS. "And it'll make a nice coral reef someday," Daricell observed... User: DARICELL Date: 16-Nov 05:36 PM 753471381
I.245 Overwhelmed by patriotic spirit, Sylvar -- er, um, Jon Vallee -- stands atop a hill, waving a banner in the smoke and clamor. (Oops, that's from _Les_ _Misirables_...) User: SYLVAR Date: 16-Nov 05:45 PM 753471962
I.246 Hey, I'll take one of the razor tipped whips...What? We're already done? Oh, ok. User: Cardinal Ximinez Date: 16-Nov 06:24 PM 753474273
I.247 Cardinal Ximinez leans over to Jon Vallee and whispers, "so do you think I should use the secret weapon now?" "No way, it would ruin the surprise" "Oh, ok. I certainly hope TRAV doesn't do anything stupid. The oracles tell me that trouble may soon be afoot." "Maybe you should start getting that secret weapon ready. By the way, what is it?" "I can't tell you now. It's a secret." User: Cardinal Ximinez with apologies to Sylvar for putting words in his mouth Date: 17-Nov 00:29 AM 753496180
I.248 ok, i'm confused... are we writing a novel on the spot? User: jOrGeS Date: 17-Nov 02:07 AM 753502073
I.249 "Yes," replied Jon Vallee. "It's a new concept in VAXing and literature. And you've just contributed to the longest string of prosaic discussion in the book." Jon says, "Coffee drinks for everyone, on the house!" and is promptly trampled. He peels himself off the ground, cartoon-like, and inflates with a resounding POP! Jon makes his way back to his coffee bar and begins serving drinks. User: Jon Vallee Date: 17-Nov 02:44 AM 753504269
I.250 Right, we'll need a LOT more caffiene so that the bus-storming will be more effective... ;) Gimme a double-shot of cafe cubano, please. And a spoon to eat it with. User: DARICELL Date: 17-Nov 09:36 AM 753528978