School-To-Work forms for download

These files are saved as Microsoft Word 4.3 files, and you will be able to click on them to download them. If you can't utilize Word files, e-mail me at the below address, and I can e-mail you back with a Rich Text Formatted copy which should work on any word processor. If you are not using Netscape you may have trouble with the download, e-mail me if you do and I can direct e-mail you a copy.

Shadowing Packet:
This is the system we use to identify the students that want to participate in career shadowing, and what their career interest is. This is similar to the system that other schools are using, and is not totally of our origination. Some additions, deletions, and combinations have been made. Feel free to take this copy and modify and use it.

Business Survey:
This is the survey that we are in the process of giving to all our local businesses, as well as any others that we are interested in working with, local or not.

Teacher Survey:
We wanted to see which teachers would participate in School-To-Work, and to what extent. We also wanted to utilize any connections that they had within the community to find business partners. This form works for us.

Sign In Sheet:
Here is the form we use for all our school to work meetings. There is a place for 40 sign ins, purpose of the meeting, and date.

Acadamies What's New with STW? Gold Seal Scholarship
Zone Awards Participating Businesses What is STW?