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Pack 454 Newsletter: December 2006

Hello All-
Below you will find the December Newsletter highlighting the events coming up this month and next. 
As most of you already know, I will be parting with the Committee Chair position at the end of this month.  This is a position I have thoroughly enjoyed holding for the past (almost) five years.  Thank you to all of the leaders, parents and scouts that have made these scouting years so memorable for me. I will remain on the committee as a camping chairperson. 
Angela Bacsik, a parent from Den 12 will be taking the Committee Chair position, in January.  Please support the Pack as we make this leadership change and Angela as she settles in to this position. 
I also wanted to let you know that we collected 11 food baskets at our pack meeting last month.  I was able to give out 3 baskets to families in need.  The remaining baskets went to the Bread of the Mighty food bank, 8 baskets weighing in at 300 pounds. WOW! The workers there went out, 2 days before Thanksgiving, into neighborhoods where the need is the greatest and handed the families the basket and a $25 gift card to Publix (provided by the pack). I was contacted the week of Thanksgiving for 4 more baskets, from St. Michael's Episcopal Church.  The need is great and I am proud that our pack was able to provide 11 families a full Thanksgiving meal this year.
The Central Florida Zoo campout and Camp In went very well I am told.  I was able to go to the campout and spend the dinner and set up time there.  I needed to leave as the groups began their night safari through the zoo, as Ian was too young to meet the zoo's requirements.  Almost 100 scouts, leaders and parents participated in this campout.  I hope everyone had a great time!
Popcorn has come in and been delivered.  If you have any questions please contact Jen Davis at  Prizes will come in, in the next month or so.  I expect that Jen will be able to hand them out at the January Pack meeting. Thanks again Jen for all of your hard work!
District Award Nomination Forms-  You should have received a form at the November Pack meeting that you can fill out to nominate a pack or den leader, or committee member for this years service. The form this  year is a little different then previous years. When nominating a leader please include then nominee's name, position and our Pack Number (Pack 454). Also, most importantly include a brief statement of why your nominee deserves this recognition.  You can either fill out the form and turn it in at the December Pack meeting, or send nominations to . We have wonderful leaders and we would like for them to be recognized. Please send in your nominations!
December Events-
Caroling at Sterling House-  We will be caroling at Sterling House on Saturday, December 9, we will meet at Talbot between 9:15-9:30. This is one of our community events to help bring holiday joy to the Sterling House residents.  Boys are encouraged to make Holiday Greeting Cards to deliver that day. This is a Pack event and boys are expected to attend in their class A uniforms.  Song books will be handed out that morning.
Pack Meeting-  
Please remember that the new location for our  Pack meetings-
Trinity United Methodist Church, 4000 NW 53rd Ave. in the Worship Center.
Our pack meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12th at 7 PM in the Worship Center at Trinity.  Our December meeting is our Holiday Social, we are asking each family to bring a plate of finger foods to share.  We will be collecting the filled stockings for the Salvation Army, making luminaries for our Trinity, and expect a visit from 2 special guests. We will also be completing our BUCTUOCS registration, and signing up for our Fort Clinch Campout in March.
Future Events-
The January Committee Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 7th at 5:30 PM at Trinity in room 225.  All leaders and parents are welcome to attend.  This is the meeting where we make the Pack decisions.  We appreciate all input.  
Our January Pack Meeting will be held on January 16th at 7PM in the Trinity Worship CenterPlease note that the date has changed from the green calendar handed out at the October Pack meeting.
PINEWOOD DERBY-Our Pinewood Derby Chair, Chris Vought, will send out an email containing all of the information you will need in the near future. Here is a list of important PWD dates. 
PWD Workshop- Saturday, January 6, Time TBA, Innovative Machines Inc.
Pre Weigh-In- Friday, January 19, Time TBA, at Trinity
Pinewood Derby Race Day- Saturday, January 20 check in at 8 AM, race starts at 9AM at Trinity
BUC TUOCS Campout-  All Scout Families wanting to attend BUC TUOCS Campout February 2-4, 2007, need to pre-register. This must be complete by the December Pack Meeting (December 12). Sign up sheets have been given to all den leaders. The cost is $5 per person (for the weekend), with the exception of children age 5 and under, who camp at no cost.   The pack will pay for the fees for each scout as long as an adult is signed up to camp with them. Camp BUC TUOCS is held at Camp Shands in Melrose, and is a lot of fun for the scout and his family. There are planned activities all day Saturday that each group does on a rotating basis.  Check in begins on Friday at 5 PM and check out is by 11 AM on Sunday. This is a great opportunity to earn some belt loops. You can only earn your archery and BB shooting belt loop through District Events, like this and Day Camp.
Fort Clinch Campout-  Our Pack will be camping at Fort Clinch March 2-4 2007We will begin the signup for this campout at the December Pack Meeting.  This campout is limited to 100 people, please be sure to get your name on the list.  After the sign up sheet is full we will begin a waiting list.  Once your name is on the waiting list, there is a high probability you will be contacted to attend.  Many times we have familles sign up to attend only to find that they have other plans and end up having to cancel.  The camping cost for Fort Clinch will be $8.72 per person ages 6 and up, for the weekend. This will be due at the January Pack Meeting.  In addition to the Pack providing activities, and a pack dinner Fort Clinch will offer a reenactment as described below.
Living historians recreate life at Fort Clinch during the War Between the States. Activities may include black powder artillery demonstrations and marching drills, as well as soldiers and civilians taking up duty in the laundry, infirmary and kitchen.  The cost to enter the fort will be $2 per person age 6 and up
Cub Scout Day Camp- Mark your calendar now, Cub Day Camp will be held June 4-8, 2007
If you have any questions and/or comments regarding anything in this newsletter or scouting in general, please contact me and I will do my best to assist you.
Happy Holidays!
Chair, Pack 454 Committee


Home Page for Pack 454, Gainesville, Florida