NCFSA encourages all citizens to become involved in their own government, whether they happen to agree with our views or not. NCFSA is a single-issue organization. While our individual members may support diverse views on any number of subjects, the organization is concerned only with those subjects impacting on the safe and responsible ownership, possession, and carrying of arms.

We feel that one of the best ways to ensure your right to keep and bear arms is to belong to a local club that supports that right, as well as joining state and national organizations that do the same.

Simply paying membership dues is not enough to protect your rights, though. Be willing to support whatever group you join with additional donations, not just of money, but even more importantly, donations of your time. NCFSA asks its members to write letters to politicians who may be voting on our issue, and offers help in how such letters should be written. NCFSA expects its members to become registered voters and to vote, and provides ratings on how local politicians feel about the issue of the right to keep and bear arms. NCFSA also gives its members the chance to help their community by encouraging members to participate in the NCFSA's public service activities.