Booking Commissioner

Football and Basketball ................................Baseball and Softball

 Wade Clayton............................................................................Richard Sullivan

PO Box 952........... ...................... ............................................1151 N. Circle Dr.

Williston,.32696.........................................................................Crystal River, 34429

voice: 352-665-3142. fax: 978-336-8558.....................Voice: 352-795-5585 Fax 795-1825

Arbiter Sports       Bookings listed on here

Schools that do not pay cash at the game site..




Schools and Officials: Please check for errors and notify booking commissioner immediately.

Officials: Supporting officials must contact the referee 48 hours before game time. The Referee is always listed first. The Referee is responsible for having the crew intact 36 hours prior to game time. Some schools do not pay cash, they are listed here .

If you need to make a change contact the Commissioner immediately.

This page last updated July 17, 2007 by Jeff D'Amelio