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Truth For Today Archive

Here are selected articles from past issues of Truth For Today. Each article or series of articles is briefly abstracted by its leading sentence.
Accepted in the Beloved | Dividing Line | Divisions | Goal of God | God-inbreathed | Chosen and Intent | First Loved | First Purpose | Headship of Christ | Indwelling Christ | Resurrection and Salvation | Riches in Glory | Universal Sovereign

Accepted in the Beloved

It is in or by grace that we have our acceptance. God has made us accepted, we did not attain to it by any volition or works of ourselves.

Dividing Line

It is amazing, as we look through the New Testament, so-called, that there is a clear line of cleavage at Acts 28:28.


As we look about us today we see that Christendom is divided into hundreds of sects.

Goal of God

A plan of action, presupposes a goal toward which everything contributes either by way of direct purpose, incidental assistance, or the overruling and directing of evil antagonism.


"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God."

Chosen and Intent

These two expressions are so far apart that few have thought of connecting them.

First Loved

We can never fully express the love of God.

First Purpose

God's purpose for the heavenlies is revealed in the Word.

Headship of Christ

"Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black" (Matt. 5:36).

Indwelling Christ

By just leaving one letter out, Christian becomes Christ  in.

Resurrection and Salvation

Both these terms are generally misunderstood because of traditions of men.

Riches in Glory

Many are missing good things.

Universal Sovereign

With his eyes open, with full knowledge of what the penalty was to be, Adam ate of the forbidden fruit.
Edited on April 28, 1996 / Updated on April 28, 1996
The Alachau Freenet does not endorse or disendorse the content of this document. Everything is the author's private opinion.
Location: http://www.afn.org/~leo/tft_archive.html
Contact: Leo Wierzbowski / leo@afn.org

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