"Forever" by Charles Welch, reprinted from The Berean Expositor vol. 1 An examination of the words thus translated in A.V, and R.V. Following upon the study of the Scriptures as to the question of immortality, we instinctively turn to the following expressions which so often occur, viz., "everlasting," " for ever," etc. In the great majority of cases the word thus translated is the Greek word aion, or the Hebrew olam. The A.V. has rendered the word aion by the words " world," " course," " age," " eternal," and in conjunction with the prepositions apo (from), ek (out of), and eis (into), it gives " since the world began," " from the beginning of the world," " for ever," " for evermore," " for ever and ever," " while the earth standeth," " world without end"; while the adjective aionios is rendered " eternal " and " everlasting." If we have no theology to uphold, and if we count the judgment of man as a " very small thing," it is possible that we may venture to wonder how it comes about that one word can be translated " since the world began," and also " world without end "; or again, how the word can be rendered " world " (which certainly had a beginning), and at the same time mean "for ever" and "eternal." It has been forced upon us that in all these diverse renderings we have had a good percentage of man's ideas instead of accurate and unflinching translation. Our space is too limited to give many examples, but we draw attention to a few. In Matt. xxiv. 3 we read of " the end of the world." This clearly shows that the word aion, translated "world," may have an end. We turn to the very next chapter and find that the word aion, when it becomes an adjective, aionios, is translated by the words " eternal " and " everlasting," words which admittedly allow of no end (Matt. xxv. 46). One thing seems evident, that a true rendering is not found here. Again, there are three important passages where the word aionios is found with the word chronos (time), viz., Rom. xvi. 25; 2 Tim. i. 9, and Titus i. 2. The A.V. translates thus, "since the world began," and " before the world began," while the R.V., going to the other extreme, renders the words, " through times eternal," and " before times eternal." What can we make of a word which can mean a limited period and eternity? There is no doubt whatever but that the word aion means " an age," and therefore to interpret it as " for ever " is not a translation, but a human comment, which may be wrong. If the Translators had rendered the word " age-times " instead of " times eternal "; " this age " instead of " this world "; " unto the ages" instead of "for ever," it would have been consistent, and would have allowed each passage to speak for itself, instead of saying just what traditional prejudice would make it say. The mistranslation of the word aion is but another of the many evidences of man's foolish pride. Man looks forward into the future, or backward into the past. Age upon age stretch away on either side, and seeing no end, and being unable to conceive of one, he calls the space which exceeds his tiny perspectiveDeternity! whereas to Him who sitteth in the heavens it is but one link in the vast chain of the ages wherein He deals with men, angels, and the universe. We may learn the meaning of the Greek word aion by finding out the Hebrew equivalent. The Septuagint Version uses the word aion to translate the Hebrew word olam. Through the careful study of another labourer in the Word we are enabled to give the following list of passages where the Hebrew word olam occurs. First we consider the words me olam, as translated in the A.V.:D USED OF GOD. "Ever of old" (Psa. xxv. 6) "from everlasting" (Psa. xli. 13) "from everlasting" (Psa. xc. 2) "from everlasting" (Psa. xciii. 2) "from everlasting" (Psa. ciii. 17) "from everlasting" (Isa. lxiii. 16) USED OF MAN. "Of old" (Gen. vi. 4) "In old time" (Josh. xxiv. 2) "Of old" (1 Sam. xxvii. 8) "Of old" (Psa. cxix. 52) "long time" (Isa. xlii. 14) "Since the beginning of the world" (Isa. lxiv. 4) These are but a few of the passages, but they are enough to help us to see the fitness of the remark that " there is a startling inconsistency here." When applied to God it is always "for ever," or " everlasting," but when applied to man it is never so rendered. Why? Because in no case will the sense bear it. Man and his history do not stretch back to a dateless past eternity. No nation, no prophet has been " from everlasting." If a translator would be guilty of tampering with the prerogatives of God should he render me olam " from everlasting" when referring to the past of man, why should he be labeled a heretic because he questions, equally, the propriety of using the word olam to mean eternity when applied to the future of man ? The case of the past is by the nature of things impossible; the future lies before us, and man has ventured his own opinion, tacked it on to the Word of God, and usurping the solemn authority of that holy Word has swayed the minds, influenced the faith, and stifled the consciences of thousands. How many have been embittered by that dread whisper "non-eternity" ? How many of God's most faithful witnesses have been hounded down by these modern shibboleth-mongers ? Let us look at some of the uses of the word olam: "If the servant shall say .... I will not go out free .... he shall serve him for ever" (Exod. xxi. 5, 6). Of the same class of Hebrew servant we read in Lev. xxv. 40, " He shall serve thee unto the year of jubilee " (when his service ends and he is free to go out not merely alone, but with his wife and children). Hannah, speaking to Samuel, says, " I will bring him that he may appear before the Lord, and there abide for ever" (1 Sam. i. 22). In verse 11 she interprets these words thus, " I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life." There is no room for an " until " in our words " for ever," yet in Isa. xxxii. 14, 15 we read, " The forts and towers shall be for dens for ever .... until the Spirit be poured upon us." Here the for ever has an end, yet if we dare to suggest that it may be so elsewhere, what a shaking of heads and holy indignation we arouse! Scripture never contradicts itself. If our renderings make inconsistencies, let us alter our renderings a thousand times, but let us not tamper with the Scriptures of truth. Rev. xxi. 22 tells us of a future period when there shall be no temple, yet the A.V. teaches that both the temple, priesthood, and sacrifices were to be for ever (see Ezek. xxxvii. 26; Exod. xl. 15, and Numb. xviii. 8). We have not finished yet. The word olam is followed many times by the word va ed. The word ed is rendered " till," " to," " unto," " yet," &c., e.g.:D "Till thou return unto the ground" (Gen. iii. 19). "Since that time even until now" (Ezra v. 16, &c.). Va is the Hebrew equivalent for " and." Thus, if we retain the A.V. rendering, the words le olam va ed would mean " for ever and still," " for ever and yet further " ! That the Hebrew does contain some idea of a period beyond that covered by olam is clear, for the Hebrew Translators of the Septuagint render the words by ton aiona kai ep aiona kai eti (Exod. xv. 18), which literally translated is, "the age, and upon the age, and still"! Fifty-one times the A.V. translates eti by the word " yet," besides " further," " any longer," and " still." Surely these facts should make us stop and reconsider this tremendous subject. There is a further consideration which throws its weight against the idea that aion or olam mean eternity, and that is that aion is frequently found in the plural and the Genitive case. If the singular can mean " for ever," what can the plural mean ? (we cannot speak of " for evers " D- we never shall arrive at the end of eternity, let alone start another). If we keep to the rendering " age " all is clear. We can then have the expressions " unto the age," " unto the ages," and " unto the ages of the ages " without any interference with the divine words, but " eternities of eternities " is absurd. The root idea of the word olam is something secret or hidden (see Psalm xc. 8, " secret sins "; Eccles. xii. 14, " secret thing "). Because the period is hidden or secret, is undefined or unrevealed, man in his arrogance has jumped to the conclusion that because he cannot see the end, therefore there is none, forgetting that he has limited knowledge and exceedingly limited vision. Olam and aion signify a period of time whose end is undefined, or which is hidden from man but which is by no means " everlasting," for instances such as the Aaronic priesthood, &c., have been given of such periods coming to an end, which were " for ever " according to the A.V. Added to this we have the twenty passages which speak of " unto the age of undefined limits and yet further " translated " for ever and ever " by the English, in spite of both Hebrew and Greek. Let none imagine that the eternal security of the believer is by any means weakened by these facts. This glorious truth is unquestionably settled by such emphatic words as "incorruptible," "immortal," and by the words, "Because I live, ye shall live also," and " Your life is hid with Christ in God". Let us believe and love the truth, and the truth will make us free; free from the shackles of the traditions of the elders which make void the Word of God, free from the nightmare of Christendom; free from the clogs of error to proclaim "Life to the dead" in the gospel of the glory of Christ. It is possible that some may be tempted to write to us, and we would anticipate one thing. We have stated facts; we do not hold ourselves responsible for the " words which the Holy Ghost teacheth," neither do we proffer any apology for upsetting anyone's theological beliefs, whatever they may be. We would say in the words of one servant of God to another, " You have your Bible, you have your knees, use them."