The Arts of John P Korb

Software: Crystal TOPAS
Platform: IBM PC /Targa 16; Summagraphics tablet

This is a "still" from a 30- second, three-dimensional digital animation. Something 'floral' (inspired by the night-blooming cereus).

The model was created by "grabbing" individual (petal) vector-objects from various stages of a separately animated (petal) morph, of varying degrees of transparency. Those (petal) vector-objects were then loaded into a new model and attached to one another at their x,y,z coordinates—essentially (and sort of bassackwards) using one animation to create the model for another.

At the time, a souped-up 486 was "state of the art"; and at 30 frames per second, it often took an hour or more to render a single frame.
With great indebtedness to Burt Rumley for his time and technical assistance in putting it to videotape.

For further information contact the artist.