I'm in a small town in England (could it be Bath or Box? hmmmm) and I'm hungry. I walk into a little pub and order a pint of ale and ask to look at a menu. Not seeing what I want on the menu I order a lettuce and tomato sandwich. I hear a little snicker and I glance towards the end of the bar and sitting there is Peter Gabriel. The waitress snaps me back to attention when she proclaims that, "we don't make that, it's not on the menu." Not wanting to make a scene I glance back down at the menu and noticing that it comes with a side of lettuce and tomato I order a ham and cheese sandwich, "hold the ham." The waitress says, "I can't do that, then it wouldn't be a ham and cheese sandwich." I then say, "You can't bring me a ham and cheese sandwich without the ham?" To which the waitress responds, "well, what do you want me to do with the ham?" I reply, "Anything you want, just don't put it on my sandwich." At this point Peter snickers again and speaks up. "Just bring her what I'm having." The waitress nods and disappears muttering, "what is it with you people and my ham?" Trying to be polite I ask Peter what he is eating. "A ham and cheese sandwich" he replies. I am a bit surprised, and in fact, Peter is eating a ham and cheese sandwich, and it is... hamless!

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