Signature ad drive calls on candidates to be bold and “stand up to health insurance companies”
May/June 2008

At a 2008 Alachua County Labor Party planning meeting members developed the idea of having an election health care campaign. What started as a pledge grew into a signature ad in support of H.R. 676-as a way to pressure the candidates to do better, and to keep the solution that most people want (single payer, national health care for all) in the public eye.

The idea is to push for HR 676 instead of the plans that Clinton and Obama have articulated, pointing out why it’s better and cheaper. It would be exactly the wrong thing to do to suspend our criticisms right now, when there’s high consciousness about various plans, when the subject is getting discussed (and dismissed) in the debates. The enemy is not the candidates but the health insurance companies.

What follows is the text of the ad that the Alachua County Labor Party is now collecting signatures for. See ad and form to sign on at left. A $5-10 donation per person is requested to defray costs of the ad.

To sign on, download the form at: and send to: Alachua County Labor Party, P.O. Box 12051, Gainesville, FL 32604.

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