The Weather Underground & The American Radical Legacy: A book reading & discussion with Dan Berger
July/August 2006

Dan Berger is the author of Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity (AK Press, 2006), a detailed history of America's most famous political renegades which began as an undergraduate senior thesis at the University of Florida. With Chesa Boudin and Kenyon Farrow, he is also the co-editor of Letters From Young Activists: Today's Rebels Speak Out (Nation Books, 2005).

Of Letters From Young Activists, Alice Walker writes: "you will not regret the hours spent with this inspiring, compassionate and soulful book. It allows a glimpse into the hearts of young activists of today, one much needed by their elders. Here they are, our children: beautiful, committed, serious in their belief that it is possible to assist and care for the human and the natural world. Aché." Dan Berger is a writer, activist, and graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication. He graduated summa cum laude from UF in 2003. Berger and co-editor Rob Augman also started the short-lived but influential newspaper Onward. The grandson of Holocaust survivors, Berger has been involved with an array of social justice organizing projects. His writing has appeared in Z Magazine, The Nation, and the Philadelphia Inquirer.

This event is sponsored by Friends of the Library and co-sponsored by the Civic Media Center.

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