Anti-execution speaker Oct. 14
October 2005

Gainesville Citizens for Alternatives to the Death Penalty is hosting speaker Dale Recinella on Friday, Oct 14, 7pm in the Lounge of the Catholic Student Center at St Augustine's Catholic Church, 1738 W University Ave. The evening is part of Amnesty International's Faith In Action weekend.

Dale Recinella, author of "The Biblical Truth About America's Death Penalty" is a Florida lawyer & a Catholic Lay Chaplain to Florida's Death Row & Solitary Confinement. He & his wife also minister to the families of those on Death Row as well as the victims' families.

Many people, even those not Christian, who live in America, use the Bible to justify their support for the death penalty. Dale Recinella debunks this premise by looking at the context & the full story behind biblical references to the death penalty. Activists, scholars, lawyers & interested people will find this event compelling. It will forever change what you think about the death penalty. Participants will be better educated to organize for a moratorium on the death penalty in Florida & eventually abolition.

Miriam Welly Elliott, GCADP Coordinator & an organizer of the event says "I hope that once state sponsored murder is seen as wrong, that nation-sponsored murder in the form of war, poverty, inaccessible health care, etc. will be opposed & ended as well. In a nation where our foundations claim to be based on Judeo-Christian principles it is time we look at those principles & see if we have gone astray in our interpretation of them. It is hoped this event will move us more toward reconciliation, rather than retribution"

For more info call Miriam at 378-1690.

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