Protecting the Right to Dissent
October 2003

Talk and discussion by National Lawyers Guild (NLG) national President-elect, Michael Avery, about the efforts to protect and defend civil liberties and constitutional rights since 9/11 and the current and historic role of the NLG in the fight for social and economic justice. Michael Avery is an Associate Professor of Law at Suffolk Law School and has over three decades of experience in civil rights and criminal defense litigation. He has lectured around the country concerning police misconduct and constitutional law, serves on the Board of Directors for the NLG's National Police Accountability Project and is a cooperating attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York City.

"Protecting the Right to Dissent: The Fight to Defend Civil Liberties" - Nat'l Lawyers Guild public forum with NLG pres. Michael Avery, 6 p.m., NE 1st St. Music Hall.

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