And another reason we need a police review board
July/August 2002

"In Feburary 2001, Officer Frederick Munn was arrested for domestic battery. According to the prosecuter's summary, officer Munn had a record of battering his wife. A few months later officer Munn was disciplined for committing bigamy. This became his second sustained charge of illegal, immoral and improper conduct in a six month period. According to GPD's general order on Rules of Conduct, the recommended course of action for a second sustained charge of illegal, immoral and improper behavior is dismissal. Interestingly, in the internal affairs investigative report concerning the charge of bigamy, under the heading "Applicable Internal Affairs History" the report simply stated "NONE." To our knowledge officer Munn remains in a position on the force were he can carry a firearm and be a first responder to a domestic battery situation. It might serve our community well to have citizens explore the issue of whether or not this is acceptable."
--Ernesto Longa of Citizens for Police Review at the July 8, 2002 City Commission meeting.

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