Gainesville peace group CCAWT invites participation
March 2002

Gainesville's Community Coalition Against War and Terrorism (CCAWT) has continued to be active in promoting a peaceful solution to the current war and terrorism threats. Since forming in the days after September 11, 2001, they have arranged and sponsored several teach-ins, workshops, and public rallies promoting peace and non-violence. In January, they sponsored a teach-in on the threats to American civil liberties following September 11 and passage of the Patriot Act. "This teach-in was so popular," they note, "that we have arranged a workshop in March to continue the discussion about our civil liberties." (See article here).

CCAWT is "an evolving coalition not limited to the current war in Afghanistan, but open to concerns of war and terrorism around the globe. Through a list serve and e-mails, and efforts to coalition with other groups, it is hoped all people with concerns on war and terrorism can join others through CCAWT's broad umbrella."

CCAWT is planning several activities for the spring, including events focusing on attacks on academic freedom motivated in relation to the by the 9-11 crisis and perpetual war. You can visit the CCAWT website for information about the organization and updates about coming events ( Or, stop by for one of their general meetings, the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall of Emmanuel Mennonites in the University United Methodist Church, 1320 W. University Avenue, Gainesville, FL.

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