Rally to save Ichetucknee
Ryan Brouillard
Monday, January 15, 2001

On Monday, Jan. 15, 2001 (Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday) there will be a "Not a Done Deal!" rally and march in protest of the state permitted, toxic waste emitting cement kiln being built by notorious polluter, Suwannee American Co. on Highway 27 in Branford, Fla., 3.5 miles from the precious Ichetucknee River.

This event aims to bring more attention to this controversial issue (check out the November 2000 Iguana for details) which will be appealed in the Florida State Court the following week with a case represented by Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth (D). Butterworth opposes the kiln and will try to get S.A.'s permits revoked to halt construction on the grounds that the land the kiln will be on was originally zoned for agriculture, not industry.

The newly formed Ichetucknee River Coalition and related groups will be staging a demonstration in support of Butterworth's argument at the hearings in Tallahassee on Wednesday, Jan. 24.

The event on Jan. 15 will start at 10 a.m. and will feature activist musicians Lars Din and Lara Buckley, the bluegrass music of Quarter Moon and country rock 'n' roll by Stacked Deck. Speakers will include; mercury expert Dave Bruderly of the Sierra Club, Virginia Seacrist of Stop the Ichetucknee Cement Kiln and North Central Florida Green Party Co-coordinator Rob Luna. There will also be a vegan barbecue, lunch by Food Not Bombs, raffles and prizes, pony rides and games.

The march will take place around 2 p.m., and will leave from the rally site and head down Highway 27 to the Suwannee American Co. construction area. After the march, the rally will reconvene with more food and entertainment.

If we can't save this beautiful river, what can we save from the wrath of greedy deceitful companies? Please come give support and tell everyone you know. Directions from Gainesville: go north on 441, north on H.W. 27 at High Springs, past Ft. White, 3 miles past the Ichetucknee State Park, left on 43rd St. and and right on 276th Terr. (follow the signs) Contact Walter Ganster 352-284-1118.


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