Vegetarian Action Symposium Feb 18-20
February 2000

Vegetarian events and the Miami chapter of EarthSave have put together a three-day symposium on February 18-20, 2000. Topics covered in the conference include health, animal ethics and ecology and how these areas of life are impacted by the vegetarian diet. Activities will include informational panel discussions, vegetarian food, yoga and exercise sessions, even a canoe trip. The scheduled speakers will include: Don Barnes, Animal Protection Institute and San Antonio Vegetarian Society, Gene Bauston, Farm Sanctuary, Rynn Berry, Vegetarian Historian, George Cave, Trans Species Unlimited, Robert Cohen, author of MILK--The Deadly Poison, Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns, Antonia Demas, PhD, Food Studies Institute, George Eisman, RD, Vegetarian & Vegan Associations, Doug Graham, DC, Raw Food Coach, Joyce DiBenedetto-Colton, Environmental Ehtics M-DCC, Charles Stahler & Debra Wasserman, Vegetarian Resource Group and Dawn Carr of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

The location of the conference is the Sheraton hotel in Gainesville, on SW 13th St. Registration needs to be in promptly so call local coordinator Chas Chiodo at 904-454-4341 or email to obtain further information. Registration forms are also available from the bulletin board at The Civic Media Center. Registration for the full 3 days (4 meals included) is $90 (if you pay by Feb. 5) or you can pay $25 for one day.

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