Book details courtroom bias in custody disputes
Jenny Brown
November/December 1999

The stereotype is that in divorce court, the man ends up with the raw deal When investigated more closely, the opposite turns out to be a much more likely outcome, according to the California National Organization for Women. California NOW recently drew attention to the release of a book revealing rampant unfairness to women in divorce and custody cases around the country, especially in cases of child abuse.

"Expose: The Failure of Family Courts to Protect Children from Abuse in Custody Disputes," is a recently-released collection of articles on the bias against women and their children in the court system.

Billed as a "Resource Book for Lawmakers, Judges, Attorneys and Mental Health Professionals," it is a collection of articles by professionals around the nation on this issue.

Expose opens with an article from a 20-year veteran of family law court Richard Ducote "After twenty years in family law courtrooms throughout the country, I confidently say that no woman, despite very abundant evidence that her child has been sexually molested by her ex-husband or that she has been repeatedly pummeled by the violent father of her child, can safely walk into any family court in the country and not face a grave risk of losing custody to the abuser for the sole reason that she dared to present the evidence to the judge and ask that the child be protected.

Helen Grieco, President of California NOW said, "I have talked with dozens and dozens of women in California who have lost custody of their children in the family law courts in California. NOW is committed to ending the gender bias and denial of due constitutional process for women and children in these courts."

For more information on this book, contact California NOW's Helen Grieco 916 442-3414 or "Our Children, Our Future's" Elize St.Charles at 408 356-8987.

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