Class offered: "Women's Liberation: Where Do I Fit In?"
July/August 1999

Gainesville Women's Liberation is teaching a class, "Women's Liberation: Where Do I Fit In?" to being September 11, 1999 at the Institute for Black Culture, 1510 W. University Ave. Open to women only, the class will teach the radical ideas and methods that sparked the rebirth of the feminist movement in the 1960's.

This class is for women who want to understand the basic truths about the oppressive conditions of women; how a radical feminist movement was organized to change these conditions; how we can learn from it to now build the kind of movement that can put the male chauvinist establishment on the run again; and how each woman can contribute to that effort.

The class is not about personal liberation through improved self-esteem or an alternative women's culture, nor it is about how feminism can save the planet, or how to achieve status in the present corrupt system through individual self-improvement, lifestyle changes, or new age energy circles.

In nine 3-hour sessions, the following will be covered:

a) The origins of women's liberation, the burial of the truths of these origins, and the influence of the original ideas and movement.

b) The fight for abortion rights as an example of how feminist gains have been won and lost,

c) Consciousness-raising towards a public "zap" action.

d) Radical feminist theory--what does radical mean? What is a radical feminist analysis? What is male supremacy?

e) How men gain and maintain power over women by playing us off one another.

f) Feminism's relationship to other movements for social change.

g) Planning and doing an action based on what has been learned in the class.

h) Evaluation of the action and the class and where class participants can go from here.

To cover this material in such a brief time period, there will be reading and homework assignments. The reading material will be available in class. Free childcare will be provided.

The class will be taught by members and volunteers of Gainesville Women's Liberation, the first Southern Women's Liberation organization, founded in 1968 by Judith Brown and Carol Giardina.

Where: Institute for Black Culture, 1510 W. University Ave.

When: Sundays, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., September 11 through November 20, 1999.

Who: Amy Coenen of Gainesville Women's Liberation assisted by Lori Tinney.

Cost: $55 -$75 sliding scale fee based on ability to pay. Fee covers all reading material for the class, including book, and childcare, which is provided free to those who need it. Scholarships are available.

Registration: Please fill out registration blank below. Registration is on a first-come, first served basis. If mere is room, you can register at me first class, Sunday, September 11. For more information, call Lori at 377-2301.

Women's Liberation: Where Do I Fit In? Class Registration



Phone_________________ e-mail__________________________

I am enclosing fee of ___$75 ___$65 ____$55 other amount $______.

I want to make a donation to cover costs for a low income student. Enclosed is my check for ___$100 ___$75 ___$50 ___$35 ___$25 Other amount $ ___________.

I will need childcare (circle) yes no

Make check to Gainesville Women's Liberation and mail to: GWL, P.O. Box 2625, Gainesville, FL 32602-2625.

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