Solidarity Summer School in Chicago Aug. 3-6
April 1998

A week-long summer school is offered by Solidarity in Chicago from August 3 - August 6. The school will explore and examine problems and issues that summer school participants encounter in day to day activist work, and put that work in the context of a changing economy and changing world of work. Topics will include living wage campaigns, rank and file organizing, community-labor coalitions, student labor activism, Jobs with Justice, Union Summer, Labor Party and more. There are also workshops on democracy and the media, anti-racist organizing, public speaking for troublemakers, Marxist politics and many other topics.

Solidarity was founded in 1986 "by revolutionary socialists who stand for 'socialism from below', the self organization of the working class and all oppressed peoples." They describe themselves as "Feminist, anti-racist and democratic. Within our group we try to foster cultural diversity, flexible practices and straightforward socialist politics."

To contact Solidarity or learn more about the Summer School, write Solidarity, 7012 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48210. (313) 841-0610. Email:

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