Facts about Me

Born: April 13, 1972. I still get carded for lottery tickets.
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Moved to: Clearwater, Florida in 1983, and Gainesville, Florida in 1990 to go to college.
Favorite Thing That Recently Happened To Me: GOT MARRIED
Second Favorite Thing That Happened To Me in the Past Year: I GRADUATED COLLEGE!
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite color to wear: Dark blues, greens, purples, whatever. I don't like to wear red, strangely,and yellow makes my skin look green.
Favorite hobby: Choreographed swordfighting. Sounds weird, doesn't it?
Favorite TV Show: Friends, ER (NBC Must See Thursdays!), The Simpsons, Babylon 5 , X-Files (though I only recently discovered it...)
Favorite Movies: The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, The American President, Noises Off, Working Girl
Favorite Books: Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" Series, silly romance novels, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy
Favorite Authors: Robert Jordan, Douglas Adams, Mark Twain (my idol).
Favorite Soap Opera: General Hospital. But I can barely watch it because I am always at work.
Favorite Actors: Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Mel Gibson. These are people who I will see in movies regardless of whether the movie looks good or not.
Favorite Dave: Shlafer
Favorite Soundtracks: Les Miserables, Rent, Miss Saigon, Chess
Favorite Music: Styx, Billy Joel, *old* Duran Duran, music from the '80s, Enya, songs from Broadway
Places I've Worked: McDonalds, Sears, at a costume shop during Halloween (that was fun), a watch shop, Aladdin's Castle, computer labs (CIRCA!)
Places I'd Like to Go: Ireland, France, England, Australia, anywhere scenic and pretty.
The Most W-2 Forms I've Had in One Year: Five. That was a rough year.
How to Make Me Happy: Give me Backrubs!
How I Enjoy My Mornings:By sleeping in.
Ten Years From Now: I'll be traveling around with my hubby and spending our lottery winnings.
My Car: is a 94 Ford Aspire. What does it Aspire to be? A real car. I've heard them all, folks.
My Former Car: was an '82 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser. It has no rearview mirror. The turn signals are tempermental. The ceiling liner is gone. When people saw my car, the first thing they asked was, "Can you help me move?" My car is the ultimate land yacht. I miss my car. (but I do like my new one! it has air conditioning!
Favorite nephew: Austin
Where I will be January 11, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. : Base of the Washington Monument.
Favorite People Who Live in Germany: Jessica and Chris.
Favorite Game to Play at Denny's for Two Hours: Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.