FLIP is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining strong family relationships in Florida's prison families. The purpose of our organization is to help reestablish and repair broken family ties brought on by incarceration. Many prison families express their desire to re-establish and repair broken family ties. They are frustrated and disheartened because family connections seem to be discouraged rather than encouraged by Dept. Of Corrections policies and current legislation. 

    FLIP represents the forgotten victims:
         families and friends who face the difficult issues caused
         by the incarceration of a loved one in Florida: the people
         who are our "invisible prisoners".

    FLIP is strongly dedicated to encouraging family ties as
        a deterrent to the recidivism of offenders by addressing
        issues such as the destruction of the family unit,
        single-parenting and childcare, legal issues, and visitation

    FLIP  advocates for the humane treatment of families and
        friends visiting Florida Correctional Institution's and
        presents a voice for those who feel they must remain

FLIP Provides:

           Counseling on family issues.

            Action/support  groups.

            Representation and advocacy to the legislature,
              Corrections Commission, and other public officials
              regarding prison family issues.

           Continued lobbying for humane treatment and better
              policies for Florida's prison families.

           Contact  names and numbers to handle
              individual concerns.

            Public Education regarding prison family issues.

            A speakers bureau.

            A bi-yearly Newsletter.


Remember the prisoners as if chained with them-those who are suffering - as if you yourself were suffering also. ---
                                                                        Hebrews 13:3 NKJV