Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses

FCORN Policy Book Table of Contents

Vice Chair
Board of Directors
Nominating Committee
Standing Committees
Bylaws and Policy
Industry Advisory
Perioperative Nursing Research
Ways and Means
Perioperative Nursing Informatics
Special Committees
Meeting Planning Committee

The Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses




These policies are prepared by the Bylaws and Policy Committee to serve as a guideline for you, the member, of the Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses.



I. The Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses will hold meetings three times a year. The time and place to be determined by the Board of Directors and the Planning Committee.

1. Spring: to be held at Congress.

2. Summer and Fall Meeting sites should alternate around the state.

3. Summer meeting dates:

A. Third weekend of July

B. Alternate: fourth weekend of July

C. Installation of Officers to be held Friday evening.

D. Exhibits responsibility of Industry Advisory Committee (IAC).

4. Fall: to be designated as the Annual meeting

A. To include Legislative Update.

B. Third weekend of October

C. Alternate: second weekend of October

D. Exhibits responsibility of Industry Advisory Committee (IAC).

II. Meetings shall be business, educational, and may include scientific and technical exhibits. Board Meetings will be held at this time. All Committee Chairpersons are considered part of the Advisory Board and will meet at this time.



Chair: The Chair shall:

A. Be responsible to the Board of Directors for the conduct of Council activities.

B. Preside at all Council meetings and all meetings of the Board of Directors.

C. Represent the Council at meetings of other organizations or designate an alternate to serve in the Chair's place.

D. Appoint all committee chairpersons. The Chair or the committee chairperson may select the committee members.

E. Be a member of all committees with the exception of the Committee on Nominations.

F. Appoint all special committees.

G. Terminate committee appointments when appointees are non-functioning.

H. Have authority to sigh checks in the absence of the Treasurer.

I. Upon completion of the term of office, serve as an advisor to the Board of Directors.


Chair-Elect: The Chair-Elect shall:

A. Serve as Ad Hoc Chair of all committees in a non-voting and resource liaison capacity.

B. Become fully acquainted with the duties of the Chair, by active aid to that officer, in order to perform those duties efficiently.

C. Serve as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors.


Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall:

A. Be fully acquainted with the duties of the Chair, by active aid to that officer, in order to perform those duties more efficiently.

B. Succeed to the office of the Chair for the remainder of any unexpired term in the event of vacancy of that office.

C. Perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of that officer.

D. Have all the duties and powers of a member of the Board of Directors.

E. Serve as a member, without vote, on standing and special committees.

F. Serve as the Chair for the Installation and preside at this event.

1. Ceremony shall be held on Friday evening at the Summer Meeting.

2. Tenure of office to begin at this meeting with new Chair presiding at this Board and Council meeting.

3. Plaque with tenure of office identified to be presented to outgoing Chair.

4. Certificates of Appreciation to be presented to outgoing officers.

5. Treasury funds not to exceed three-hundred ($300) for related expenditures.


Secretary: The Secretary shall:

A. Record and maintain a report of the proceedings of all business meetings of the Council and Board of Directors.

1. Minutes shall be sent to the following:

a. The Officers

b. Members of the Board

c. Committee Chairs

B. Maintain all Council correspondence in a permanent file.

C. Keep copies of Bylaws, Policy, and a book of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

D. Maintain current membership record.

E. Forward a business meeting minutes to the Newsletter Editor in a timely fashion.


Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:

A. Assume responsibility for the financial affairs of the Council.

B. Present a report of the Council's financial standing at each meeting and a written report annually.

C. Dispense all checks for Council expenses upon receiving receipt or bill for said items according to Council bylaws.

D. Obtain an audit of FCORN Financial Records every two years or before new Treasurer takes office.


Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall:

A. Be the governing body for this Council.

B. Consist of the Officers and five (5) elected members.

C. Direct the business and financial affairs of this Association.

D. Establish administrative policies.

E. Foster growth and development of the Council.

F. Review committee reports and determine action to be taken.


Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall:

A. Consist of four elected members.

B. Consist of a Chairperson appointed by the Chair.

C. Responsibilities

1. Select appropriate candidates defined by the Bylaws.

2. Advise candidates of selection, demands of the office, and secure a signed "willingness to serve" form.

3. Present a slate of officers at the Annual meeting, providing for nomination from the floor.

4. Publish slate of officers in the Pre-Congress newsletter.

5. Present the ballot for Officers, Board of Directors, and Nominating Committee to the membership at the Spring meeting.

6. Have a teller list for counting of the ballots, elections by simple majority of members present.

7. Offer "Willingness to Volunteer" forms as requested for Committee membership and/or Chair.



Upon retiring from office all officers of this Council and Committee Chairs shall assemble all records or other property of the Council and prepare for the combined spring Board Meeting (late May/early Jun) at which time outgoing and incoming Officers and Committee Chairs will meet, review records, exchange files, and prepare for the coming year.


Standing Committees

Standing committees are appointed by the Chair to serve two (2) years.

Standing committee Chairpersons are considered as the Advisory Board Members and as such shall attend all Board Meetings in a non-voting capacity.

Responsibilities of Committee Chairpersons shall include:

1. Report committee problems to the Board of Directors.

2. Submit resignation forthwith to Chair if unable to perform in this capacity.

3. If the Chairperson is non-functioning for two (2) months, the Board of Directors may request a hearing with the Chair for advisement, direction, or replacement.

4. Prepare and present a written report to the Chair at each meeting.

5. Prepare a brief committee report for publication in each newsletter.

6. Select committee members appropriate to need/policy.

7. Conduct a minimum of two (2) meetings during the business year.

8. Give a short, verbal report of committee activities at each business meeting; selecting a committee person to present this report in their absence.



I. Bylaws and Policy

A. Definition

1. The Bylaws and Policy Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members.

4. This may be a subcommittee of the Board of Directors.

5. The Bylaws and Policy Committee reviews bylaws and policy and submits recommendations for amendment to the Board of Directors.

B. Responsibilities

1. Review Bylaws and Policy to insure consistency with actual Council functions.

2. Prepare amendments and changes in the policies to facilitate the work and best interest of the Council.

3. Submit amendments or changes to the Board of Directors for consideration and/or approval.

4. Formulate policies which will be a guide towards implementing and enlarging upon the Bylaws of the Council (ie: definition and responsibilities of standing committees, special committees, etc.).

5. The Chairperson shall present proposed amendments to the membership by publication in the Newsletter and verbally at a meeting.


II. Education

A. Definition

1. The Education Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members.

4. The Education Committee works closely with the Host Committee to assure the proper paper work is done and credits are issued to all attending members.

5. The Education Committee oversees and assist in the participation of the program and display for the annual Florida Nursing Student Association Meeting.

B. Responsibilities

1. To maintain contact hour records for the contact hours provided by the Council.

2. Compile the evaluating forms for educational meetings.

3. Has Contact Hour forms printed and available at offerings.

4. Maintains communication with Florida State Board of Nursing and national AORN Education Committee as needed.

5. Every five years, completes required paperwork to renew educational provider number for the Council.

6. Chairperson will attend regular meetings to give committee reports. Will also attend Board meetings when deemed necessary by the FCORN Chair. If unable to attend, a written report is given to Council Chair prior to meeting, or a committee person to present this report.

7. Chairperson to appoint a sub-committee to manage the FNSA meeting program.

C. Goals

1. To meet the educational needs of the membership.

2. To keep the Board of Directors informed of the Education Committee's activities.

3. To assist in education of student nurses relating to perioperative nursing.


III. Heritage

A. Definition

1. The Heritage Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members.

B. Objectives

1. To research, record, and preserve the history of the Council.

2. Assist in data gathering activities which will promote and preserve perioperative nursing and the Council.

C. Responsibility

1. Function under the direction of the Board of Directors.

2. Collect photographs, flyers, memorabilia, etc. from all functions involving the Council.

3. Formulate a system to organize this material.

4. Make these materials available to the Council members as needed.

5. Submit a yearly budget as per policy.


IV. Industry Advisory Committee (IAC)

A. Definition

1. The Industry Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, the Treasurer, and at least two (2) perioperative nursing members appointed by the Chair and two (2) persons from Industry appointed by the Chair upon recommendation of outgoing Industry appointees.

B. Responsibilities

1. Contact Industry representatives to participate and/or exhibit at educational seminars.

2. Provide guidelines for Industry to participate at FCORN functions.

3. Work with host chapter to provide exhibitor space and tables at seminars.

4. Secure a speaker for the fall education seminar to be funded by the IAC.

C. Goals

1. Enhance communication between companies and perioperative nurses in Florida.

2. Provide guidelines for companies in the surgical products industry to participate in FCORN functions.

3. To collaborate on issues that confront perioperative nurses and industry in Florida.


V. Legislative

A. Definition

1. The Legislative Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Legislative Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least one (1) member.

4. The Legislative Committee solicits information regarding current health trends in the legislative and regulatory arenas and follows the issue or trend, keeping the Council informed of pertinent local, state, and national legislative activity, and directs local involvement in the legislative process when necessary.

B. Responsibilities

1. Keep abreast of all current legislation affecting all nursing practice and disseminate information to the Council.

2. Keep a current address listing of state and national legislators to distribute to the membership as necessary.

3. Maintain communication with the Council membership and AORN Region III Legislative Representative.


VI. Membership

A. Definition

1. The Membership Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members.

B. Responsibilities

1. Promote membership and growth of the Council.

2. Maintain and increase awareness of Council activities.


VII. Newsletter

A. Definition

1. The Newsletter Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least four (4) reporters.

4. The Newsletter Committee prepares a Pre Congress, Summer, and Fall newsletter.

5. Information deadline is six (6) weeks prior to each meeting.

B. Responsibilities

1. Reporters collect all items of interest to members regarding perioperative nursing and membership activities from their designated districts.

2. The Chairperson acts as Editor and arranges collected data and written synopsis of the previous meeting into a newsletter.

3. The Chairperson edits, publishes, and distributes newsletter to chapter Presidents, chapter Legislative Committee Chairs, chapter Membership Committee Chairs, and active council members.

4. The Chairperson provides appropriate information to newspaper, radio, or TV networks for Council publicity of events or accomplishments.


VIII. Perioperative Nursing Research

A. Definition

1. The Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members.

4. The Perioperative Nursing Research Committee will assist and support chapters and/or persons interested in pursuing or currently involved with perioperative nursing research.

B. Responsibilities

1. Serve as liaison with the State Board of Nursing as necessary.

2. Serve as liaison with AORN, keeping membership informed.

3. Disseminate information from the national and state nursing research committees to membership.

4. Assist in data gathering activities which will enhance perioperative nursing practice.



A. Definition

The RNFA Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

6. The Chairperson is elected from within the committee members.

7. The Committee shall consist of as many members as interested in carrying out the purpose and task of the committee.

B. Purpose/Responsibilities

1. Establishing a state-wide network to effectively deal with and give assistance for such issues as:

a. Reimbursement

b. Job Description

c. RNFA Protocols

d. Peer Education

2. Address issues concerned with RNFA Practice.

3. Communicate with Council members involved in RNFA practice, RNFA education, etc.

4. Education the commercial insurance carriers and our State Legislative Representatives on the role of the RNFA.

5. Contact managed care (ie. PPO's, HMO's) companies regarding reimbursement contracts for RNFA's.

6. Keep the Florida Council informed on the Committee's activities and share the information gained by the committee with the Council.


X. Scholarship

A. Definition

7. The Scholarship Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

8. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

9. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least three (3) members.

B. Objectives

1. To aid a nursing student and/or perioperative nurse with financial assistance toward their studies.

2. To promote perioperative nursing as a specialty.

3. To encourage and support perioperative nurses to pursue advancement in their field.

C. Responsibilities

1. Function under the direction of the Board of Directors.

2. Have available information regarding educational programs within the area, specific to nursing.

3. Review applications for scholarship assistance.

a. Applications are due six (6) weeks prior to Council meeting.

4. Interview applicants when appropriate.

5. Select recipients, inform Board of Directors, present recipients to Council, and have announcement published.

a. An annual contribution of $250 will be contributed from general Council funds in the name of Geraldine Helwig, for her support and contributions to the Council.

b. 75% of the Clifford Jordan Scholarshi Funds are to be used for educational programs such as BSN, MSN, MS in related health science, etc.

c. 25% may be used for seminar reimbursement.

d. Full list of recipients will be announced at the Spring Congress meeting.

6. Write a letter of acceptance to recipients.

7. Forward information to the Treasurer for presentation to the educational institution.


XI. Ways and Means

A. Definition

1. The Ways and Means Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members.

4. The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for raising additional funds to meet Council needs.


B. Responsibilities

1. Make recommendations to the Board of Directors for fund raising projects.

2. Present projects to membership for approval.

3. Collect all monies from fund raising projects and submit to the Treasurer as soon as possible.

4. 10% of the profits from fund raising events will be donated to the Scholarship Fund; this includes funds raised from exhibits.


XII. Perioperative Nursing Informatics

A. Definition

1. The Committee is a standing committee of the Council.

2. The Chairperson is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the Board of Directors.

3. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least two (2) members.

B. Objectives

1. Establish and maintain a World Wide Web site for communication purposes.

2. Examine the needs of members regarding computer education and software.

3. Investigate the level of computer usage by FCORN members, and the potential need to standardize software by FCORN.

C. Responsibilities

1. Serve as a liaison with the AORN Perioperative Nursing Informatics Specialty Assembly.

2. Coordinate with the Education Committee regarding education programs on Nursing Informatics and computer-related topics for perioperative nurses.

3. Disseminate information to perioperative nurses regarding the standardization of nursing languages (e.g. NIC, NOC, NANDA), and about AORN's Perioperative Nursing Data Set as it relates to perioperative nursing practice.

4. Establish and maintain a FCORN World Wide Web site for communication with, and the education of perioperative nurses and our patients. Maintain links with other perioperative nursing and general nursing related World Wide Web sites.

5. Coordinate with the Industry Advisory Committee regarding products and services provided by FCORN and/or the Industry Advisory Committee for dissemination on the World Wide Web site.


Special Committees

Special committees are appointed by the Chair to serve a term of one (1) year or until the project is completed as specified by tasks to be undertaken.


I. Meeting Planning Committee

A. Definition

1. Shall consist of a voluntary Chairperson and as many members as necessary to carry out functions of the committee. Suggested sub-committees may include:

a. Registration

b. Program/Speaker

c. Facility

d. Advertisement

e. Events

f. Audiovisual

2. Shall plan and supervise all activities of the Summer and Fall meeting in collaboration with the FCORN Chair, FCORN Treasurer, FCORN Education Committee Chair, and the FCORN Representative of Industry Advisory Committee (IAC).

B. Utilizing the Meeting Planning Guide shall:

1. Determine date

2. Select and contract with hotel for all necessary meeting services

a. Meeting space

b. Accommodations

c. Menu

d. Audiovisual requirements

e. Other associated events as necessary

3. Develop program theme

a. Utilize the FCORN Program Format

b. Secure appropriate speakers to cover selected topics

c. Consult with the FCORN Chair and FCORN Representative of the IAC for agendas, IAC sponsored speaker, and technical exhibit needs.

d. Summer meeting, contact FCORN Vice Chair for needs of the Installation

e. There will be no video taping of the sessions.

4. To meet the needs of the Education Committee you must collect the following from each speaker

a. Objective(s) for their portion of the program

b. Information for their introduction

c. Their curriculum vitae or resume

d. Handout materials to be presented

e. Audiovisual requirements

5. Review the budget portion of the MPG and plan accordingly

a. Utilize the Expense and Receipt records

6. Design and distribute brochure

a. Review MPG and make sure all NECESSARY information is included on the brochure

b. Mailing labels may be obtained from AORN

c. Brochures should be mailed at THE VERY LEAST six weeks prior to the meeting date

d. Plan early and bring "Information Flyer" to prior meetings for distribution

7. Registration Policy

a. Early registration fee = $75.00 postmarked up to or at three weeks prior to the meeting

b. Late registration fee = $85.00 postmarked after three weeks prior to the meeting.

c. Cancellation/Refund dates

1. 100% refund with notification up to 5 weeks prior to the meeting date.

2. 50% refund with notification up to 3 weeks prior to the meeting date.

3. 0% refund after 3 weeks prior to the meeting date.

8. Contact Hours

a. Will be calculated by the Education Committee

b. Certificates will be provided by the FCORN Education Committee

9. Meeting Registration

a. Will be sent to selected individual address of a member of the planning committee

b. A roster of attendees will be maintained

c. This roster may be used as a sign-in record

10. The Meeting Planning Guide from the Summer meeting should be passed to the following Summer Meeting planning committee, and the Fall Meeting Planning Guide to the following Fall Meeting planning committee, and the Chair be notified who the planning committee chair is.

11. Information Packet

a. Refer to Meeting Planing Guide for inclusions.

Original: 06/92
Revised: 11/92

Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses