Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses


Bylaws Table of Contents

Article I: Name

Article II: Operational Definition

Article III: Purpose

Article IV: Membership

Article V: Funding

Article VI: Executive Committee

Article VII: Board of Directors

Article VIII: Nominating Committee

Article IX: Eligibility

Section 1: Eligibility

Section 2: Nominations

Section 3: Elections

Section 4: Term of Office

Section 5: Vacancies

Section 6: Removal

Article X: Meetings
Section 1: Meetings

Section 2: Quorum

Article XI: Parliamentary Authority

Article XII: Amendments

Article XIII: Dissolution

Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses


Article I

Name: The name of this professional organization is the Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses also known as FCORN.


Article II

Operational Definition: Perioperative nurses within a region, meeting for consultation, advice, education, or discussion.


Article III

Purpose: The purpose of this Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses is to:

A. Establish communication among Florida AORN Chapters (eg. Discussion via meetings, exchange of chapter nuewsletters or other correspondence, networking, etc.), and

B. Communicate with AORN regional representatives regarding pertinent state legislation, education, and chapter issues, and

C. Coordinate and share information on educational offerings to prevent duplication and overlapping of dates and topics, and

D. Monitor and disseminate information regarding state and local issues that impact on perioperative nursing, and

E. Encourage open communication between chapter officers and members throughout the state.


Article IV

Membership: Section 1: Membership in the Florida Council is unrestricted by consideration of nationality, race, creed, color, lifestyle, sex, or age.

Section 2: Membership in the state council is limited to AORN members.

Section 3: Membership is voluntary for state AORN chapters.

Section 4: Chapter representatives should be designated by each chapter and the authority or limits of authority to speak for that chapter spelled out by chapter policy.

Section 5: Chapters with current paid dues shall have two votes.

Section 6: Members at Large are welcome.

Section 7: Members at Large may nominate one representative for voting privileges.


Article V

Funding: Section 1: The fiscal year will be July 1 through June 30.

Section 2: Annual fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) will be billed to each Florida AORN chapter in August and will become due in October.

Section 3: Individual members who wish printed information or minutes should pay postage and copying cost on submission of request.

Section 4: Council sponsored educational offerings should be self-supporting.


Article VI

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of the Florida Council consists of: Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

A. Chair

1. Serves as official representative of the Council and presides at all of the meetings of the Council and Board of Directors.

2. Directs communication to the secretary for forwarding to the members.

3. Solicits members for ad hoc committees or task forces.

4. Assists with projects

5. Mentors Chair-Elect and Vice Chair

6. Term of office: one year.

B. Chair-Elect
1. Shall be prepared to serve specifically as Chair.

2. In the event the Chair is unable to fulfill responsibilities, does not assume Chair, but serves out term as Chair-Elect.

3. Observes and assists Chair in preparation for assuming those duties.

4. Term of office: one year.

C. Vice Chair
1. Performs the duties of the Chair in the absence or inability of the Chair to act.

2. Assists Chair as assigned.

3. Term of office: two years.

D. Secretary
1. Maintains minutes of all business meetings of the Council and Board of Directors.

2. Sends these minutes to the Chair for her approval within ten days of the meeting.

3. Sends the minutes to designated members according to Policy.

4. Assumes responsibility for maintaining current mailing lists.

5. Term of office: two years.

E. Treasurer
1. Monitors the fiscal affairs of the Council and provides reports and interpretation to the membership and Board of Directors.

2. Accepts and pays bills after the proper procedure is followed:

a. Purchase over one-hundred-fifty dollars must have approval of at least two members of the Board of Directors.

b. Check will be sent within three days of receiving request.

c. Individual may chose to pay bill and submit copy of the paid bill for reimbursement.

3. Term of office: two years.

Article VII

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors consists of the Executive Committee and five elected members. Recent past Chair will serve as ex-officio member for one year. The Board of Directors has power, authority, and responsibility to manage the affairs of the Council.

Meetings: A. The Board of Directors shall meet at the end of May -beginning of June as a combined incoming/outgoing meeting and at any other time and place determined by mutual aggreement of the Board of Directors.

B. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Chair or upon written request of five members of the Board of Directors.

C. Five members of the Board of Directors, three of whome are members of the Executive Committee, constitutes an quorum.


Article VIII

Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of four members elected by the membership for the purpose of formulating a slate of eligible candidates.

The Chair shall designate one member of the Nominating Committee as Committee Chair.

Term of office: two years.


Article IX

Eligibility-Nominations-Elections-Terms of Office-Vacancies-Removal:

Section 1: Eligibility

A. To be eligible for elective office as an officer, member of the Board of Directors, a nominee must be an active member of the Council and willing to fulfill responsibilities of the office (willingness-to-serve form).

B. To be eligible for the office of Chair-Elect and Vice Chair, a nominee should have served at least one year as a member of the Board of Directors.

Section 2: Nominations
A. Members willing to serve must submit their willingness-to-serve form to the Nominating Committee Chair before or at the Annual Meeting.

B. A slate will be compiled from those eligible to serve and presented to the membership in the Newsletter from the Nominating Committee Chair prior to the Congress Meeting.

C. Nominations for elected officers may be made from the floor at the time the slate is presented, provided that eligibility has been verified and written consent to serve if elected was obtained from the nominee.

Section 3: Elections
A. The Officers, Board of Directors, and Nominating Committee shall be elected by written ballot at the Congress Meeting and plurality elects. If tied, choice is by lot.

B. Any member holding an elected office may not be a candidate for another elected office unless their current term expires at the time of the impending Congress Meeting.

Section 4: Term of Office
A. The Chair-Elect shall be elected each year. The Treasurer, three members of the Board of Directors, and two members of the Nominating Committee shall be elected in the even numbered years for a term of two years. All shall serve until their successor has assumed office.

B. The Vice Chair, Secretary, two members of the Board of Directors, and two members of the Nominating Committee shall be elected in the odd numbered years for a term of two years and shall serve until their successor has assumed office.

C. The term of office begins at the installation of officers which is held at the Summer meeting.

D. No officer or member of the Board of Directors shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 5: Vacancies
A. Chair: The Vice Chair immediately assumes office.

B. Chair-Elect: The vacancy is filled by a vote of the Board of Directors from a slate submitted of eligible members.

C. Vice Chair: The vacancy is filled by a vote of the Board of Directors from a slate submitted of eligible members.

D. The Board of Directors fills all other vacancies.

E. Any member filling a vacancy for an unexpired term of one year or more is deemed to have served one term.

Section 6: Removal
A. Any elected official, regardless of the manner of election or appointment, may be removed by the Board and/or Membership upon two-thirds affirmative vote; whenever in its judgement the best interest of the Council would be served.

B. The elected official will be offered an opportunity to have an unprejudiced hearing.


Article X


Section 1: Meetings

A. Meetings to be at least three times annually:
1. Spring Congress Meeting - held at Congress.

2. Fall Meeting - located centrally in the state.

3. Summer Meeting - alternate between north and south Florida.

B. The numbers of meetings per year, the months in which they are held, and the time and place, is determined by the Board of Directors and the Planning Committee.

C. The Annual Meeting is designated as the Fall Meeting.

D. Notices of the meetings will be sent to AORN Chapter Presidents and disseminated to the membership.

E. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, Board of Directors quorum, or membership quorum.

F. Minutes of Council meetings shall be open to inspection of the membership at the meetings.

Section 2: Quorum
A. One-third of the chapters with currently paid Council dues and five members of the Board of Directors, three of whom are Officers, constitutes a quorum for a business meeting.

B. Roll call will be done at the beginning of the meeting to establish a quorum.


Article XI

Parliamentary Authority: Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised is the parliamentary authority of the Council in all cases not covered in these bylaws.

The Chair will appoint a Parliamentarian at each meeting.


Article XII

Amendments: Amendments to these bylaws may be made at any regular meeting provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted to each AORN Chapter President at least thirty days prior to voting.

Amendments to the bylaws require a two-thirds vote of the voting members.


Article XIII

Dissolution: If the Council should dissolve, all funds in the treasury will be given to an appropriate educational endeavor determined by the membership majority.


Original: 11-89
Revised: 06-91
0 4-2000

Florida Council of periOperative Registered Nurses