Summer 1996


Ahh, sweet summertime, time for some blockbuster movies! Now this wallet aint got the cashage to go out and see em all, but what I do see, I'll tell you about. Plus, I'm getting rid of the little Calvins rating system, and instead, I give you the one sentence plot summary. yay. Now get down and read, foo!

Mission Impossible

Plot: Tom Cruise is too smart for everyone else in the movie.
Comments: I understood it, but the parentals thought it was about drug dealers. Cool special effects. "You've never seen me very upset"
The Cable Guy

Plot: The cable guy has a liiitle too much time on his hands...
Comments:Jim Carrey funny. Even though they tried to insert a message to turn off the tv once in a while, Jim Carrey funny.
Independence Day

Plot:Aliens come and make big boom. boom!
Comments:One of the greatest of all time! Well, not really, but lotsa people die and there are big explosions.
The Nutty Professor
Plot:Fat guy likes to become skinny guy and they fight each other like true schizophrenics should.
Comments: Eddie funny! Family scenes the bestest. "Now look what you made me do!"
Plot:Eh? What plot? Jackie kick butt. That's your plot.
Comments: Jackie awesome. Michelle Khan AWESOME.

I finally saw Twister in the cheap theatres, but I'm too lazy to make link. Oh yeah, and I saw The Rock, which was pretty good. But again, I too lazy. How do you like that? Two of the biggest summer blockbusters and they dont even get to be on this page. Darn.

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