Lawrence E. Walsh, Independent Counsel // August 4, 1993, Washington, D.C. //
            Volume I: Investigations and Prosecutions ]

Part I

Iran/contra: The Underlying Facts


1 Defense Appropriations Act for FY 1983, § 793, Pub.L. 97-377 (1982).
2 A broader discussion of these events is found in the McFarlane chapter of this report.
3 For broader discussions of these topics, see McFarlane and Reagan chapters.
4 NSPG Minutes, 6/25/84, ALU 007863-76. The following day, Casey met with the attorney general and legal advisers from the CIA and Justice Department to press for an opinion. The attorney general expressed the view that discussions with third countries would be permissible as long as it was made clear that the countries would spend their own funds, and not later be reimbursed by the United States. (Memorandum from Sporkin to the Record, 6/26/84, ALV 035917.)
5 Fiers, George Trial Testimony, 10/28/92, pp. 1254-69; George, George Trial Testimony, 11/16/92, pp. 50-52.
6 North, North Trial Testimony, 4/6/89, pp. 6781-82, 6826; Cannistraro, North Trial Testimony, 4/3/89, pp. 6405, 6409-10.
7 North, North Trial Testimony, 4/6/89, pp. 6815-17. For further discussion of these events, see Flow of Funds chapter.
8 Memorandum from Fiers to DC/LA, C/LA, SA/ODDO, and ADDO/DDO, Re: Status Report on Honduran Discussions, 2/12/85, DO 94090-95. For full treatments of North's early 1985 activities, see Flow of Funds and Fiers chapters.
9 For further discussion of these events, see Flow of Funds and George chapters.
10 For a full discussion of the early 1985 overtures to Honduras and other Central American nations, see McFarlane chapter.
11 For a full discussion of these topics, see CIA Subject #1 and Flow of Funds chapters.
12 For a full discussion of this decision, see Abrams, Fiers, and Fernandez chapters.
13 For a full discussion of this meeting, see CIA Subject #1 and Flow of Funds chapters.
14 For a full discussion, see Flow of Funds chapter.
15 For a full discussion of these events, see Corr, Fernandez, Fiers, Abrams, and Classified CIA Investigation A chapters.
16 For a full discussion of this initiative, see Classified CIA Investigation B chapter.
17 Letter from Barnes to McFarlane, 8/16/85, AKW 001510-11.
18 Fiers, FBI 302, 7/19/91, p. 17; Fiers, FBI 302, 7/30/91, p. 20; Fiers, George Trial Testimony, 7/28/92, p. 1133. Others in the Government in the summer of 1985 -- and later -- avoided answering questions about North's involvement by deferring to McFarlane. See, for example, Letter from Casey to Hamilton, 8/28/85, E.R. 11618 (referring inquiries to McFarlane and telling HPSCI that Casey was not "in a position to answer in any authoritative way" questions about NSC support to the contras); Abrams chapter.
19 For a more extensive discussion of the merging of these operations, see the Fiers and Gregg chapters.
20 For a fuller discussion of Fiers and Adkins's activities in early 1986, see their respective chapters.
21 For a fuller discussion of these activities, see the Flow of Funds chapter.
22 For a full discussion of these topics, see Fiers, Corr, and CIA Subject #1 chapters.
23 For a full discussion of these topics, see Fiers chapter.
24 Memorandum from Burghardt to McDaniel Re: Minutes of the May 16, 1986 National Security Planning Group Meeting, 6/4/86, AKW 18802-13; Fiers, Grand Jury, 8/14/91, pp. 39-40. For more detail on the 1986 foreign solicitations, see Abrams chapter.
25 Aid opponents delayed final implementation of the President's package until the new fiscal year, which began in October 1986.
26 For a fuller discussion of North's efforts to sell the Enterprise assets to the CIA, see Fiers, Gates, and George chapters.
27 For further discussion of Rodriguez's activities, see Gregg chapter. For further description of the CIA, State Department, and NSC discussions about Rodriguez, see Fiers and Abrams chapters.
28 For further discussion, see Gregg chapter.
29 For a full discussion of the circumstances surrounding this meeting, see Gregg chapter.
30 For further description of this meeting, see Fiers and Gregg chapters.
31 For further details of the summer 1986 inquiries and lies, see the North and Poindexter chapters.
32 For a full discussion of the RIG's growing exposure to North's activities, see Abrams chapter.
33 For further discussion, see Fernandez chapter.
34 For further discussion, see Abrams chapter.
35 For a more detailed discussion of these events, see McFarlane chapter.
36 Memorandum from McFarlane to Shultz and Weinberger, 6/17/85, AKW 001713-20.
37 "The President's News Conference," Public Papers of the President, 6/18/85, p. 779.
38 OIC Review of Reagan Diary Excerpts, 1987.
39 For full treatments of the President's approval of Israeli arms sales, see McFarlane, State and Defense Department chapters.
40 For more complete discussions of the Israeli shipments in the summer of 1985, see McFarlane, State and Defense Department chapters.
41 The name of the country is classified.
42 For a more complete treatment of the events of November 1985, see McFarlane, Thompson, Shultz, Defense, and Clarridge chapters.
43 On December 5, North converted the computer message into a memorandum for Poindexter. He distributed copies to those involved in the transaction, including the Israelis.
44 Full discussions of these and other events in November 1986 are found in the North, Poindexter, Meese, Regan, State Department, Defense Department and CIA officials in November 1986 chapters.

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