The University of Florida has announced plans to move 80% of custodial staff to the graveyard shift, a move that will adversely affect hundreds of predominantly African-American women starting at under $12,800 per year.  It would disrupt their child care, transportation, and sleep patterns, as well as their second jobs; put a severe strain on marriages and families; and place female workers in empty buildings in the middle of the night. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend against permanent night shift due to its health effects (e.g., fatigue, isolation, gastrointestinal disorders, accidents).  Night shift was tried about 20 years ago and quickly abandoned due to energy costs, absenteeism, and theft.

Top 10 Management Lies About the Night Shift

Recommendations from Faculty Senate to Physical Plant
WUFT-FM Commentary by Ralph Lowenstein, Dean Emeritus of the UF College of Journalism and Communications
Plain Language About Shiftwork (CDC)
Biological Rhythms: Implications for Workers (OTA)