On May 18, 1997, I had been arrested in Gainesville, Florida, and transported about 250 miles to Fort Myers, Florida, where I was put in jail and coerced into SIGNING A PLEA BARGAIN. Since I had been on a hunger strike in jail, I had requested the Court, upon my release, to send me to the Fort Myers Salvation Army medical section to recuperate.

Thus I left jail and was transported to the Fort Myers Salvation Army on June 20, 1997. Here however, another shock was in store for me. The staff mental health person that processed me at the Salvation Army treated me with some circumspection; rather unusual. He had my file from the Ruth Cooper Mental Health Center where I had been sent on all three of the occasions I had been Baker Acted; although I don't know the circumstances of just how or why he had obtained it.

During the session with him, when I queried him as to what he was interested in knowing he volunteered that he had my Ruth Cooper Center record. I had long wanted to get a copy of my record there so when I queried him as to whether I might have a copy he said no, but he could tell me what was in it; and he said I had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

This was entirely unknown to me because they had told me I was mentally healthy. The mental health person then noted from the file that I had not been given any medications for it and he said he was going to close the file and I gather, in essence, forget it. For my part I know virtually nothing about this disorder, except that I gather it is supposed to be rather serious, having no background in psychology or mental health otherwise.

After I left the Salvation Army, I telephoned the Ruth Cooper Center and was informed I could get a copy of my record if I sent in a copy of a request form; which they duly sent me. However when I filled it out and returned it to them, I got a reply requesting me to pay $29 to get a copy; which they had said nothing about previously. Understand that I simply don't have $29, even if I were willing to part with it to get the file. I rather doubt the Salvation Army paid $29 to get it; unless they charged it to the Court.

This diagnosis was all new to me since you will note that elsewhere in this web page I have said the Ruth Cooper Center said I was mentally healthy.

It is also entirely different than what the report from another psychologist, Dr. Silver, had said; for his report says nothing at all about either paranoia or schizophrenia. As well, DR. SILVER'S REPORT has been included in this web site for many months and it may be that the Ruth Cooper Center is aware of it and is not interested in having their report discussed here also.

This record is also up in Gainesville because I applied to a Gainesville organization for something and they said they needed it to process my application and would give me a copy. They got the copy the very next day by fax but when I requested them to give me the copy they had promised, they refused to do so; nor did they advise me anything about the paranoid schizophrenia although I had asked them what the file said. There are a number of circumstances suggesting this record may be damaging me in Gainesville where I am living now; but of course I can't be sure since I don't know who has it; or to what degree the record itself has been passed around, or to what degree it has been passed around verbally.

Thus it appears one more item in government and the legal profession's arsenal consists, on the one hand, of passing around a diagnosis of serious mental illness obtained from a crooked psychologist behind my back in order to destroy my reputation and discredit me; while on the other hand, telling me I am mentally healthy so I won't know about it, be able to defend myself, or be able to expose it.

This is a page in the Web site entitled Legal Reform Through Transforming the Discipline of Law into a Science.