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Welcome to the EarthDrake Software LORD File Area! Here you will find all of the LORD products that we have made.

Here is a little something that we made for L.O.R.D.: JayMonsters.

It's not much, but hey! It's our first program... if you can call it that. :)

Here is our first L.O.R.D. II: New World IGM: The Faerie Glade.

You Can visit the Faeries and "Arrange the Flowers" to leave a message, similar to L.O.R.D. 3.55.

Here is our Second LORD 2 IGM: Sharks' Tooth Island v1.21. This IGM adds a new village to LORD 2, where you can talk to 3 people, shop, heal, bank, pawn and maybe even get warped to a few places (if you can figure out the secret).

Ralphie's Roses v1.0

This IGM adds a small hut west of Runion Keep where players can buy a rose for $5 and send it to another player.

I would like to dedicate this IGM to my father-in-law Fred Ledden, the real-life owner of Ralphie's Roses.

Jester's Casino Update v2.10

This IGM adds a new gambling feature to Jester's Casino in Bowntown. You can now play Knucklebones, 3 Shells, or Knucklebones for Turns.

Dark Cloak Ruins v2.00

Come and visit the Dark Cloak Tavern Ruins! You can gamble with the Old Man, change your name, and even defeat the evil Power haunting the Tavern to prove that you are a Ture Warrior!

Greentree Lotto Hutt v1.02

Come play the Lottery and try to win some nice prizes!

Northlands Coliseum v1.00b

This IGM adds a Coliseum in the Northlands. You get to bet on which monster will win a fight. The amount of you can bet is $100 - $1,000, and you are limited to 6 bets per day.

LORD 2 Stuff, Pack 6

This pack will add a colorized ITEMS.DAT, add Gambles Left, Quests Left, Lays & Player Kills (bug fixed) to the Stats Screen, add 8 random sayings to the Daily News when a character gets killed, add 3 new random events, allow a player to keep a Skystaff Gemstone as a regular Gem, add monsters to the screen while in battle, add a Hate Mail option, 15% Bank Intrest per day, Spying on other players, and much MUCH MORE!

MapSwap v1.01

This is a .REF than contains an example of how to swap MAP.DAT & WORLD.DAT files. This will let you use more than the 1600 map squares that LORD 2 is limited to. Now works with unregistered LORD 2

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Special thanks to NightAvenger, Galford & my loving wife Amy Kay.

Written & designed by Elric and hosted by Alachua Freenet.

Lastupdated on 1/10/2k

Legal Disclaimer

This site is in no way authorized, connected to, aproved of by, or in any way related to RTSoft or GamePort.

This site is in no way operating under the pretense of ownership of the L.O.R.D. trademark, nor the copyrighted material that is produced by GamePort under the L.O.R.D. name.

Legend of the Red Dragon, L.O.R.D., LORD 2, and L.O.R.D. ][ : New World are all registered trademarks of GamePort.

The EarthDrake Software Homepage © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Jason A. Weber. All Rights Reserved.