This web site is for entertainment purposes only. It is not meant to offend, plagiarize or infringe on any copyright laws. If we are at fault in any of these, please contact us and we will rectify the situation as best we can. The opinions contained herein are the opinions of the staff and posters. This web site is subject to change at any time and those changes will be at the discretion of the team.
© SimsAddiction 2001-2003




Jessica - Owner
Nelson - Co-Owner
Lauren - Head Designer
Ashaunda - Creator
Ruth - Creator
Sile - Skinner
Daniela - Creator
Dianne - Floors & Walls
Inner Sims - Creator
Krysti - House Creator
Heather - Skinner
Sandy - Creator
Holly - Secretary
Sarah - Host


Downloading/Installing Directions For Windows©
1. Click on the picture of the item you wish to download. A window will pop up asking if you would like to open file or save to disk.
2. Choose save to disk.
3. A screen should pop up asking you where you would like to save the item.
What we would suggest you do is make a special folder just for saving Sims downloads that way you always know where they are. (If you choose to do this, just right click on the desktop and select New: Folder, then name it.) Then using the pull down arrow, select desktop: "the name of your folder here". If you did not make a folder or do not have one already, then just save it to My Documents or something easy like that.
4. After you select where you want to out the item, click OK. It will continue downloading.
5. When it is finished, open up the folder you placed it in.
6. Double click the item to open it up using WinZip. Click "I agree." (If you don't have winzip you need to download it first.) Depending on what version/options you have, it will either automatically unzip the item, or you will have to follow the onscreen prompts to get it to unzip them. Either way, it is easy.
7. Right click the item(s) and select "Extract to" then select C:\Program Files/Maxis/The Sims/GameData/Objects (or /Floors, /Walls, /Skins, whatever it is you're downloading)
If it's easier, it is also possible to extract the downloads to C:ProgramFiles/Maxis/TheSims/Downloads
Also, if you have Hot Date or Sim Vacation, it is necessary to extract to /Downloads as above.
8. Start your game to make sure the item made it in there! If not, e-mail us with the problem that pops up and we'll help you further.
**NOTE: Original copies of The Sims are necessary. Bootlegged copies will not work properly and will cause further damage. The CD is necessary for gameplay, make sure it's in the CD-ROM before trying to play.

Where to put houses after downloading with WinZip:
1. After clicking on the house you want to download, the file of the House#.iff will download.
2. Extract the house#.iff using Winzip to: C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\User Data#\Houses folder. (The # is the number of the Neighborhood the folder corresponds to--User Data is Neighborhood 1, User Data 2 is Neighborhood 2 and so on....House01.iff is Lot 1 etc....) This goes for Downtown lots as well--place the DT Lot in the User Data folder that corresponds with the neighborhood you want it to be available to.
3. Start your game to make sure the item made it in there! If not, e-mail us with the problem that pops up and we'll help you further.
**NOTE: Original copies of The Sims are necessary. Bootlegged copies will not work properly and will cause further damage. The CD is necessary for gameplay, make sure it's in the CD-ROM before trying to play.