Tom Youderian

Dated: October 21, 1996

CCCP propaganda ascii

I thought I'd make up some Red Army stuff who's playing an Axis and Allie game
as Stalin, but why not share? :)

A review before the troops get to fighting just outside Moscow:

            |     @@
     |||    ) ~/~ @@               Greetings from Comrade Stalin
     |  '   [  ^  ]
     \__/\   `----
      \   \~~~     ~~~~\

Soviet Flag (kind of)

                 //;       ~~~~-~---____
                ///     .'\ \           ~~/
               ///      \,\_)\           /
              ///      ,\~. _/          /
             //'_     ','~ \\          /
            //    ~~~---____          /
           //               ~~~~~~~--/

Heroic Red Guard Yak Fighter:


The Offensive in the East:

               ----/*~\              O      ----/*~\
                (~~    ~~~)    __---=/\>     (~~    ~~~)

A Heroic machinegunner:

      ^  `--'--~~\`

More Heroes of the Homeland:

            |   ,
            | O /                 O
            |--\            __---=/\>
              / \                __/__
              \  \               \    '

An opening salvo:

       @##@        #
        @@@@       @##
          \         @@@     #          Bam!
           \          \      @             Bam!
            \\         \      \                Bam!
             \\\        \     ,\
            (    o      (\i  _= =_
             ] [V/     -=~=-

Another soviet guy

        '\ O
           / \/

The Kremlin?

        /\      /\
      <~  ~>  <~  ~>
       |/\|    |/\|
        /\      /\
       #  \    /`-\
      / ###\  /`--_\
    ,#     ##.`---__`.
   /  ####    \--__ ~ \
   #      #####__  ~~~~|
   \#####     /  ~~~~~/

Well, drat.  Oh well :)
Some of them look pretty bad, hope you enjoy tho :)

To Valerie Yoza

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