Patti Welsh

Dated: Jun 14, 1992 through February 28, 1994

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                        Some holiday symbols

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    *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *
   / \     / \     / \     / \     / \     / \     / \     / \
  /   \   /   \   /   \   /   \   /   \   /   \   /   \   /   \
 /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \
 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^

     /~~~\     /~~~\     /~~~\     /~~~\     /~~~\     /~~~\
    |/\/\/|   |+++++|   |*****|   |AVAVA|   |{}!{}|   |=+=+=|
     \___/     \___/     \___/     \___/     \___/     \___/

             O           O           O             O
           (>|<)       (>|<)       (>|<)         (>|<)
              \           \           \             \

         | * * * * * * * * * |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
         |  * * * * * * * *  |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
         |  * * * * * * * *  |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
         |  * * * * * * * *  |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
         |  * * * * * * * *  |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
         | * * * * * * * * * |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

 ::   :::::   ::::::   :::::   ::::::   :::::   ::::::   :::::   ::
 :     `:'     ::::     `:'     ::::     `:'     ::::     `:'    ::
 :             ::::             ::::             ::::            ::
 ::     F     ::::::     E     ::::::     B     ::::::     14   :::
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 :::::     ::::::::::::     ::::::::::::     ::::::::::::    ::::::
 ::::::   ::::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::  :::::::
 ::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::
 ::   :::::   ::::::   :::::   ::::::   :::::   ::::::   :::::  :::
 :     `:'     ::::     `:'     ::::     `:'     ::::     `:'    ::
 :             ::::             ::::             ::::            ::
 ::           ::::::           ::::::           ::::::          :::
 :::    I    ::::::::   WISH  ::::::::   YOU   ::::::::  WOULD ::::
 ::::       ::::::::::       ::::::::::       ::::::::::      :::::
 :::::     ::::::::::::     ::::::::::::     ::::::::::::    ::::::
 ::::::   ::::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::  :::::::
 ::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ::   :::::   ::::::   :::::   ::::::   :::::   ::::::   :::::  :::
 :     `:'     ::::     `:'     ::::     `:'     ::::     `:'    ::
 :             ::::             ::::             ::::            ::
 ::           ::::::   BE MY   :::::: VALENTINE ::::::          :::
 :::         ::::::::         ::::::::         ::::::::        ::::
 ::::       ::::::::::       ::::::::::       ::::::::::      :::::
 :::::     ::::::::::::     ::::::::::::     ::::::::::::    ::::::
 ::::::   ::::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::   ::::::::::::::  :::::::
 ::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::
 ::   :::::   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   :::::   ::
 :     `:'     :::::::          ::::          :::::::     `:'     :
 :             ::::::            ::            ::::::             :
 ::           ::::::                            ::::::           ::
 :::         ::::::::            TO:           ::::::::         :::
 ::::       ::::::::::                        ::::::::::       ::::
 :::::     ::::::::::::         YOU          ::::::::::::     :::::
 ::::::   ::::::::::::::                    ::::::::::::::   ::::::
 ::::::: ::::::::::::::::                  :::::::::::::::: :::::::
 :::::::::::::::::::::::::     IT'S       :::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::    YOUR     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::   DAY!    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::         ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::       :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


1 dozen roses 8 Christmas trees, 6 Easter eggs, 4 tiny Shamrocks, and
1 patriotic flag and 1 Valentine's Day card.

Well, I've had a shot at it again.  Here's a little hatchling.  hope she comes
out alright.  If not, please don't hurt me.  I'll do better next time.



       /---\       ____/   (*)   \>>   /-----\
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         (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/vvvv\::::::::::::) >wwwww>>
            \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<\vv\::::::::::/  /wwwww/>
                (::::::::::::::::::::::::::<\vv\::::)    /wwwww/>
                           (::::::::::::::)      <\VVVVVVV/>


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Whiskers are a b*tch.

 I just bought a new house (manufactured home).  Here's my ASCII
 drawing of the Floor plan.


   ///// = Windows

   \  = Vertical blinds over glass sliding doors

  | | |
  | | | = steps
  | | |

  ...... = door

           /                        \
      ====/                          \===///====///=
      ||--|                           :_||  Garden //
      ||c :       Master              |__|   Tub   |
      ||l :        Bedroom            :  \________///
      ||o :                           :__        |O|
      ||s :                           |  |       | |
      ||e :                           |__|_      |O|
      ||t :                           |Show|    ===|
      ||--|                           | er |   ( )||
      |======================.... ....|============|_____
      |                                  front _\ # | | |
      /                                   door  / # | | |
      /                                    =======# | | |
      /                                            \| | |
      /      Living room                             \|---- ________
      |                                               |
      |                                               |
      |                                     Dining    |     2 - Car
      /                                      Room     |     Garage
      /                                               |
      /                                               |
      /                                               |
      |=====================                          |
      | T  |---|_0_|___|            ==================|_____
      | u  |( )        :           ||wash & dry |__|0|| | |
      | b  |           :           ||____|(__)|       : | |
      |====|============|....|     :                  :_|_|___
      |                      |     ===================|___   laundry
      |                      |     |  | ref|          |    | < sink
      |                      |     |__|____|______  _ |____|________
      /       Guest          |                    || |\
      /        Room          |                    ||_|\
      /                      |      ---------     | _ \  <<== double
      |                      |      | |     |     || |\       sink
      | ....                /       | |     |     ||_|\     under
      |= C  ===============/        | | @ @ |     |   |     passthru
      |  l  ||                      | | === |     |---|      window
      |  o  ||                      | | === |     |   |<o
      |  s  ||                      |_|_____|     |___| v   Screened
      |  e  ||                                        / e   Room
      |  t  ||                          /\            \ n   8 x 16'
      |-----||                       Jenn-Aire        /
      |======|                         Grill          \
      |_()_| | <==Wet Bar                             / <=glassdoors
      /    | |                                        \
 ==>  /    |_|                                        |
 |    /                                               |
      /                                               |.......======
  W    \                                              /|______|
  i     \                                            / |______|
   n     \\\\\=\\\\=\\\\==============////=////=/////  |      |
    d                                                  |      |
     ows all around                                    |      |

                                           This way to 1st tee
    /=This way to Tennis Courts             on North course  \
   /         and swimming pool                                \
  \/                                                          \/

      Another kind of mouse.

                         /////////                    /|
                       /////////                     / |
                      /////////     Microsoft       /  |
                      --------        Mouse        / __|_
                    /////////                     / (____(==========
                   /////////                     /   /
                  /////////                     /   /
                  \\\\\\\\\|####################|  /
                 \\\\\\\\\\|####################| /

       Call it a mouse of a different color, if you like.

         Well,               |               |>>>>
                             |              /^\
         Here's a shot       |             /|||\
         of somebody's       |            /|||||\
         home (not mine!)... |           /|||||||\  |>>>>
         A castle in the     |          ||+++++++||/\
         clouds.            /           ||%%%%%%%|/**\
                          /    |>>>      %%%%%#%%/****\
  ______________________/      o         %%%%###/******\
                              ooo  XXXxxXXX%%###::::::::
                             ooooo XXXXXXXX%%###::\:::::
                            ooooooo MMm+MM%%%%%%:\\\WWWwwWWW
                            !!!!!!! MMmmMM%%%%%%:\\\:WW~~WW
                            !!===!! mmMM+m%%%%%%:::::WW  WW
                            !!===!! MMmm+M%%%%%%:::::WWWWWW
                     ||..||.!!===!! mmMMmm%%%%%%:::::WWWWWW
                     \||||||!!!!!!! MMMMMM%%%%%%:::::WWWWWW
                       ZZZZZ^^!!^^! ^^MM^^%%^^%%^^::^^WW^^W^^
                       ZZZ[]^^!!^^! ^^MM^^%%^^%%^^::^^WW^^W^
                 ooooo ZZZZZAAAAAA*********************************


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   *         *              ~           ~        "           "
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                          PARADISE ISLAND

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                    ##|000000000| \&&&&&/ |########/MMM|_###
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                    \\\\\\\\%%%%%%%/ |QQQQQQQQQQ|MMMMM//////
                    \\\\\\\\\%%%%%/   \QQQQQQQQ/\MMM////////
              A BASKET FULL OF LOVE                          9/92


     I was getting my (55 yr old) baby ready to have outpatient
     surgery today  (In case you're interested:  he came thru it
     wonderfully and will be fine in a day or so.  He's pouting
     because the doctor said he can't go to work until next Tuesday.
     Can you imagine that?)

      ||\||                       ||
      ||\||     |               ||\||
      ||\||$$+^ *)\^^\^^^^^^^^^^^^^\\||
      ||\||$$_@__)==\  \____________\||
  ====||\||_________|  |             ||=======================
         ||                          ||
     (This is Rich in bed with a thermometer in his mouth)

       /   /   \   \
     /    |  0  |    \               A tear will appear
      \    \___/    /                in my eye if Susie
        \ ________/  /\              should stay away.
                    /  \

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  \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/

          Life is             /  \
         Uncertain          (  ()  )
                           / ()   () \
            EAT          \\===========//
          DESSERT         \\=-=-=-=-//             __
           FIRST           <<<<<>>>>>            /    \
                              0000              |      |
                               !!                \    /
                               ##                  ||
                             /$$$$\                ||
                           /********\              ||
                         ===============           ++

As Marie Antoinette once said:  "Let them eat cake."

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         |      *        *       *         *       |

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To K. Wheeler

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