Juanita Simser

Dated: March 10, 1993 through April 7, 1993

 Here's the first one I've ever tried to do:

               ,=====#######***`       ___
              ,=====#######*****`    _/   \_
             ,mm===&&&####%%%****`\_/    *  |
        _   |mmm=m&&&%%##%%%***++++|      __|
              \   /----------\   /
              /__/            \__\

       Turtle ---> with a PatchWork shell!

Here's another small attempt  :)

               &&\  &&&&&;
              &&&&| &&&&/   &&&\
             &&&&&| &&&&|  &&&&&|
            &&&&&&; &&&/  &&&&&&|
            &&&&&/        &&&&&&;
            &&&&;  /&&\   &&&&&/
            `&&. /&&&&&|  `&&&|
              &&&&&&&&&;  /&&&&\
             &&&&&&&&&|  /&&&&&&|
            &&&&&&&&&&|  &&&&&&&|
            `&&&&&&&&&|  &&&&&&&;
              `&&&&&&&\  `&&&&&.

                Animal PawPrint  (Who figure out Who's)

Here's another small attempt, with a Southwestern Flavor:
                                 | |
                                _| |
                              _/ . |
                            _/     |
                    _      |_ _____|
                   | |      _|*****|
                   | |     |*' ****|
                  _| |    _|    `**|
                _|   |   |        `|
               |     |  _|         |
               |     | |           |
               |     |_|           |
                \                  |_

                    Howling Coyote

                     (with bandana around neck)

Speaking of eggs... here's another one for you:

               /~~~~'            `~~~~\__
            /~~                        ..\
           /   ..                     .##.\
          /#. ,##                     ####.\
         /###.##'                     ~`####\
        |######|                        ~~,##|
       / ~,######                        ,####\
      /   ######`.                      ,######\
     |    ~~;#####                   ..,########|
     |    ,##'`##'                   #########'~|
    /     ##'  ~~                    `######'~   \
   |      ~~                          ~~`####.    |
   |                                     `#####.  |
  /#                                      ~;#####  \
 |##.                                     ####'~~   |
 |###.                    .               ~~~~      |
 |####.                  .#.                        |
 |`#####...            .,###                        |
 | ~`######          .,####;              ..        |
 |   `#####        .,#######             ,##.       |
 |    `###'      .,######'~~            ,####       |
 |     ~~~       ##########.           ,####'       |
  `\             ~~;#########.        ,#####      /'
    |           .,#############.    .'#####'     |
    |         .,########'~~`#####..;#####'~      |
     \      .,########'~    ~`########'~~       /
      \   .,########'~        ~`####'~         /
       \  ###'~~~~~~            ~~~~          /
        ~~\~~                              /~~
           ~~~~~\                    /~~~~~

                  Holstein Cow Egg

To Bill Smithers

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