Rick Murray

Dated: February 2, 1992 through April 8, 1992

                      CASTLE  of Sir Richard the III
                                                   (aka Rick)

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                                                    / Give Me ALL  \
                                                   { Your ASCII ART }
                                    /\          O   \______________/
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                      __________/ ^    ^ \__________
                      \        /  .    .  \        /       A
                       \      /\          /\      /     ConeHead
                        \    /  \   /\   /  \    /        Gone
                         \  /    \ /__\ /    \  /         BAD!
                          \/      \____/      \/
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   See what happens when you get really bored during prime time..<G>
           |                                                     ]
           |                  ___________________________________]
           /#################/ /     \
          /#################/ (       )  If you outlaw guns,
         /#################/   \     /   Only outlaws will
        /#################/_________/    have them......
      /## #### #########/
     /### #### ########/
    /####  RM  #######/
   /##### #### ######/
  /###### #### #####/
 /_________________/         Maybe we outta outlaw primetime (GG)

To Nadine

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