Stephen Morgana

Dated: April 9, 1993 through April 22, 1993

 Ok, This is the Easter Beagle...

             XX    XX
            X Xo  oX X
           X  X    X  X
              / XX \
             /      \
            || |  | ||
            || |  | ||____
            || |  | ||/---\
             ()    () Believe me, he's right here watching me type this.

  Sure, but he's sleeping right now, so try not to wake him, ok?

               XXXX    _________
             XX    XX--  ***    --__
            X X-  -X X  *****      ----__
           X  X    X/ X  ***       |
               X()X  /-------__/  /
              =_XX__/       =____/

One last appearance of the Easter Beagle. On his way delivering Easter
presents.  Hope everyone has a Happy Easter

                      XXX        XXX
                   SXXX            XXXS
                 SSXX                XXSS
                SSXX  ____      ____  XXSS
               SSSXX / xx \    / xx \ XXSSS
              SSS XX  x@ x|    |x@ x  XX SSS
              SSS XX   xx |    | xx   XX SSS\
              SSS XX      |    |      XX SSS \___
              SSS  XX     |    |     XX  SSS     \
              SSS   XX   /      \   XX   SSS      \__
               S     XX /        \ XX     S          \_________
                       XX        XX                          * ---------_
                       X   XXXX   X                        ************
                        X XXXXXX X                       ***************
                  ____---\__XX__/---____               *****************
                 //////__-------__\\\\\\\               ****************
                //////              \\\\\\                *************
               ||||||                ||||||                  *********
              ||||||                  ||||||
              ||||||                  ||||||\ /       __/
              |----------------------------| |      _/
              |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>| |     /------_______________
              |----------------------------| |    /
              |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |   /
               ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  |  |
                ||||||||||||||||||||||||||   |  |
                  ||||||||||||||||||||||     |  |
                     ||||||||||||||||       /   \

Here is a self portrait of me, a bit stylized of course, in a pose that I have
found myself in for most of my free hours this week.

    -----------,-|           |C>   // )\\\\|
             ,','|          /    || ,'/////|
  ---------,','  |         (,    ||   /////
           ||    |          \\  ||||//''''|
           ||    |           |||||||     _|
           ||    |______      `````\____/ \
           ||    |     ,|         _/_____/ \
           ||  ,'    ,' |        /          |
           ||,'    ,'   |       |         \  |
  _________|/    ,'     |      /           | |
  _____________,'      ,',_____|      |    | |
               |     ,','      |      |    | |
               |   ,','    ____|_____/    /  |
               | ,','  __/ |             /   |
  _____________|','   ///_/-------------/   |

Rascal, my trusty beagle, always sits by my side while I compute. Mostly
though he sleeps (as he is doing right now), sometimes he barks at the strange
sounds that come out of my Amiga's speaker. Unfortunately due to the aspect
ratio imposed by an 80 col screen, I was forced to choose between him and my
Amiga... The rest is history.

                   XXXX          Woof!
                 XX    XX      ,'
                X Xo  oX X   .'
               X  X    X  X
                  / XX \
              () /      \ ()

 Go back to sleep Rascal!

  This cave painting was discovered recently, and has been dated back to the
year 1024 bc.  It depicts three Beagles chasing a rabbit.  Archeologists were
stunned by the discovery since before now it was thought that cave-people used
the EBCDIC character set in cave paintings to avoid ASCII art.  By the way as
near as anyone can tell, "\.^vv@" is cave-person for "woof"

                  %\__,           \.^vv@
                   /--\         .'
    V__,                     %\__,
     ^^                       /--\


  Yikes! a frog.

           ___      "ribbit.."
          /@^@\  ..'
         /     \
      /\/ // \\ \/\
      |\\_\\ //_//|
     ''   '' ``   ``

  Uh oh!, Rascal caught an octopus!

                                     XXXXXXXXX            XX
          OOO                    XXXX******   XXXXX     XX
        OO   OO               xXX    *******      XX  XX
       OO'. .`OO            XX      *********       XXX
       OO  V  OO      XXXxxX       X ******          XX
        OO   OO     XX   xxx     XX   XX             XX
         OOOOOOO   Xo o  xxxx  XX X  XXXXXXXXXXXX   XX
      OOOO O O OO  X     xxxxXX  X  X          X  XX
    OOO   OO  O   X   XXX xxx   X X           X  X
  OOO    OO   OO  X()X         X X           X  X
        OO     OOOOXOO        (__)          (__)

 Irving the cockatiel

              \\   \\
              \ (o) /
              (/    \
               /\    \
              ///     \
             ///|     |
            ////|     |
           //////    /
           |////    /
         //\//|   |

To Jojo Morris

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