Cygnus Mineah

Dated: May 8, 1993 through May 18, 1993

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ASCII art of the Emerald City 

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 the riverboat with a paddle
 wheel on its back....with the steam towers generating some steam, 
 This is actually a gambler's boat, with lots of open air spaces
 on the decks, even the top one.

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 I was able to create an ASCII art of the Hitchhiker's Guide
 Headquarters building on Ursa Minor Beta for your own enjoyment. 
 The day was bright, summer-like, with a brilliant blue sky with a
 golden sun in the sky, above the mountains, in the early evening.
 The mountains are nice bluish purple, the 'grass' on the either
 side of teh walkway to the building is bright green, just like
 true green grass that we have here on Terra.

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 .  |     Guide       |/               \    ||     ~-_
 .  |  HeadQuarters   |   O o o     _   \             ~-_
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 I got a special art for you to
 enjoy when you go on your vacation to Colorado Springs (my old
 childhood hometown).  This is the Garden of the Gods with Pike's
 Peak in it.  ENJOY!

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 Mrs. Candy Flagg's palm trees & mai-tai glasses.  The person is 
 sitting under the sun, reading a good novel.....facing the ocean.

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 Have a fun, yet wonderful MOTHER'S DAY!

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 the Seattle, Washington Space Needle
 It looks pretty realistic....with an elevator
 showing, with some people inside.  At the top, there's a
 perpectual patio and gift shop, as well as the revolving

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 It is the opening scene of the piano performance, with the 
 curtain opening up to reveal the piano player.                                                         

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 Hope you have a fun summer riding the horses!

 Santa Fe, New Mexico 
 the State Capitol building, looking west at the
 east entry to the central hall. 

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 the grand ol' BBQ grill with some smoke
 coming out of it, as it cooks some hamburger patties, 
 as well as the hot dogs. 

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 a campfire for you to enjoy...during your camping trips

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 Would it be nice to cook a hotdog in the campfire and enjoy the
 BBQ'd taste of it? 

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 .        /      (_/\/\/\_/\/\_/\/\)_)      \
 .        |     (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)     |
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 Also, I have been able to 'build' a tent KBA for you to enjoy go along with the campfire.

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 a plane used by the now-defunct Rocky Mountain Airlines 

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 .    \RMA\_____      \   \
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 .      \         Rocky Mountain Airlines     ___\ 
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 ENJOY the nice spring weather!

 .        |~~~~~~~~~~|      |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
 .        | The "R"  |      |    offices     |
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 .        |    _____             | `         |:|    .      `
 .        |___|__|__|____________|  .    '   ###              

To Modem Mom

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